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Everything posted by koshcr

  1. Try Academy or maybe Hibbett Sporting Goods.
  2. What school is she marching for? :drinks: :drinks: :clapping: :clapping: :yahoo:
  3. This has always been my favorite ever since I was a small child
  4. I think Prestige Jewelers has them too.
  5. I loved my 1st car! It was a 1988 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24.
  6. I have PCOS and was diagnosed 9 years ago. I still struggle with diet but there are so many great resources out there to help with it. I plan on visiting this dietitian, http://www.rachelrd.com/ after the first of the year. She was recommended by the reproductive endocrinologist I was diagnosed by. She does not take credit cards or insurance, but she seems reasonably priced. There are also a lot of great groups on Facebook that can help you out. Please feel free to private message me about any questions you may have Living with PCOS is hard but I have learned to accept it after many years.
  7. I went to a job fair last Thursday and spoke with a company about an open office position. He asked for my resume and he also asked me to come in sometime this week to fill out an application to answer some question that a resume does not provide. I emailed him last Thursday thanking him for his time at the job fair and I spoke with him this morning about the position still being available. Do you think it would be ok to give my Letter of Recommendation when I turn in my application since he is expecting me to come in today? He also stated that they would be making a decision next week. Thank
  8. koshcr

    Job Fair

    I am attending my 1st job fair tomorrow and I know that I need to bring my resume but should I also include my recommendation letter and references? Also should I put the materials in individual folders to give to the recruiters or just staple them together and give to them that way? Thanks!
  9. Cube steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, pinto beans & biscuits YUMMY!!!!
  10. My brother lives in Boston and I sure do hope he leaves to go stay with our Dad in Florida!
  11. We had our family portraits done at Berry College last year in October and they turned out beautiful!!!! Here is a picture and my hubby & I. Look at the colors in the background!
  12. I did too and when i tried to use it on the carpet with the carpet attachment it messed up my machine! It leaks now ever since I tried to use it on the carpet
  13. I was a red M&M when I worked in an office setting. I wore a white turtleneck with white pants under the actual costume. I won 2nd place in the costume contest!
  14. I've always looked at the word this way: GRAY- the color and GREY- as used in names
  15. Gotta go with Gotcha Lookin Good!!!!!
  16. Your welcome! I finally got it from someone on Fox 5 High 5 Sports.
  17. South Paulding 24-13 New Manchester GO SPARTANS!!!!!
  18. Sounds like the game last week!
  19. Hubby just checked his I-phone app and so far only the East game is posted. I will update when it is updated
  20. I found out the whole story from my son yesterday when he got home from school. First off he is not friends with the other student (the other student told the admin that they were buddies, but my son told the admin that they were not). This other student has been in trouble several times already this school year, including a really bad fight where he was placed in Out Of School Suspension. He is in trouble at least every 2 weeks. I have had my son's friends tell me stories about things he has done to them too. Basically what happened is he took my son's key chain and refused to give it bac
  21. He took my son's key chain that had our house key on it.
  22. I need some recommendations for some Temporary Employment Agencies please. I am trying to get some work experience in the Accounting field and thought this may be the best way to go/start. Thanks!
  23. We love this show. My hubby and son are both big duck hunters and they got me to watch it one time last season and I was hooked!
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