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Everything posted by cardie

  1. I knew Gary in school and I'm so sorry to hear about this. Prayers for his wife and the family.
  2. I went there the other day when this site went down and there wasn't anyone around....it was so spooky.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear about this. I had Trey when I worked at the daycare. Prayers for all families involved.
  4. Great tribute to your dad, leogirl. My prayers are with you. My dad died on my birthday, August 17, 1999, and it still hurts when I think about him, which is often.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers to the family.
  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I will continue to keep you and the family in my prayers.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear about Brenda's death. I rode the bus with Brenda and the twins when i was in school. They were always such sweet girls. I will keep the family in my prayers.
  8. I'm so sorry to hear about this. I knew Lyle when I worked at the Daycare. He was a sweet boy, loved by all. His family is in my prayers.
  9. I'm so sorry to hear about this. I will keep the family in my thoughts and prayers. I may possibly know her too if she had a daughter that graduated from Hiram in 1968. Of course, the one I know had more than one daughter.
  10. I get an error message when I click on Live Chat. Of course, I usually don't go in there anyway.
  11. The new Pcom has done made publisher have a spilt personality Hey I see the add attachemnts now: Mine's there too, now. Thanks Pubby.
  12. I don't have the option to add an attachment. Or is it hidden somewhere?
  13. You don't really wanna know, do you? It's pretty boring.
  14. What? Could you repeat that, please? Oh, and thanks pubby. We know you must get tired of babysitting us, but you know we love ya.
  15. Weren't they? You do what you need to do, Ellery. It won't bother me anyway. I'm going to bed in a few minutes.
  16. If they did, I'm sure pubby will take care of them. Thanks pubby.
  17. Me too. I never find the time to study like I should.
  18. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. If you need anything, just let us know.
  19. You don't think getting a bullet would be considered a warning? Two bullets would be like a second warning.
  20. Dorsey was a great friend that I have known for many years. So sorry to hear that he has died. I do know that he was in a lot of pain waiting on his heart transplant. Every time I see him, he would have to get a hug, and I will miss that. I will keep his children, his mother, and his brother and all his sisters in my prayers during this time.
  21. I remember that well. I worked with some girls whose mother worked with Dr. Wallace and it was very rough on them. It was very hard for them to believe that he would do that to his wife.
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