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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. No joke.


    You don't have to make your private life public. I imagine if you kept your impending seperation under wraps, worked out all the details before hand, and nobody found out about it until the day you went to court, and it was totally uncontested, you just might pull off the one day divorce. But that's not how it is in most failed marrages, both sides are bitter and want to hurt the other as much as possible. Most celeb divorces make the news because because one of the parties delibertly leaked the it to the news to get some kind of advantage on the other party. Other times somebody in the county leaked the news when they saw the divorce papers go across their desk.


    I've never seen such a mean spirited thread...


  2. What are you talking about? The legislator that was pushing that project was not Glenn. It was the Speaker Pro Tem and Rep. Jeff Lewis from Cartersville.


    What is he, your son? brother?


    You don't see a problem with him using his political influence to push for giving his "partner" $300 million for her project? I think he should go to prison for doing that! :angry:


    This wasn't Susan's $300 million! This was the taxpayers of Georgia! I couldn't care less about his marriage or his affairs! But if this S.O.B. is going to be making decisions on how $300 million is going to be spent I DAMN WELL WANT HIM MAKING THEM WITH HIS BIG HEAD!


  3. The money will come.


    If the allegations are true, that is an issue between Glenn and Susan.


    Money might well be another issue with his campaign after last week.


    Let's say the accusations about his affair with the lobbyist are true (hypothetically for now at least). Are you saying that you wouldn't see a problem with him swapping his political influence for sex?


  4. I guess we will see about that. My money is that Glenn will be re-elected.


    That "crock" taught the "business as usual Paulding politicians" a much needed lesson in September 2006 when the school bond was voted down.


    I know for sure that a lot of the people that thought they were doing the right thing then have now seen what a bunch of scumbags we have in public office in this county. The school bond would not pass again and Mr. Richardson or Mr. Shearin haven't a snowball's chance in hell of being re-elected either. We have had enough.


  5. Just because he is a politican does not mean that his entire life is open to the public. His marriage is the perview of Susan and Glenn Richardson. Not with Glenn Richardson and surepip. To say otherwise is just ridiculous.


    So, are you running against him? Are you leading the charge? Surepip and the P.com Revolutionaries? What a crock.


    And Mr Richardson no only represents the people of Paulding County, he is also the leader of the Georgia Legislature, elected Speaker by his fellow State Representatives.


    He is the standard bearer for all of the Republicans in the State of Georgia.


    I disagree that all divorces are private and no ones business. Anyone who CHOOSES to be the Speaker of the House and especially one who espouses family values places himself in a glass house. He has shamed himself, as well as those who elected him.


    Keep that in mind come July. You will have the opportunity to send him a message and let him go back to sitting in as County Attorney at the BOC meetings instead of being Speaker of the House of Representatives for the State of Georgia.


  6. None of the below.


    Let me guess. You know the allegations are false because:


    A. You worked with him at "The Firm".


    B. You went to church with him.


    C. You believe everything a politician tells you.


    D. You are the lobbyist and whatever it was you wouldn't call it sex.


    E. You are convinced that the only thing a politician screws is the constituents.


  7. How do you know that the allegations are true? Did you witness with your own eye?


    I know for a fact that these are true too and that it has been going on for a while. There is ALOT about Mr. Richardson that ALOT of people do not know and is kept in the closet....someone needs to OPEN that closet.


    The fact that he is a public elected official that children hear about in the news on a daily basis, he should be ashamed at himself. What about his children? I feel so bad for his wife and kids. They are so sweet. He should be setting examples.


    All the allegations towards him are true, believe me.


  8. He lost his wife as far as I can tell.


    surepip: VRTC gets the payments so, of course, he does receive payment from the county but I know of no annual payment that he receives directly from the county. But, Lani still handles all the county legal business.


    Well evidently he has lost his power, his wife and his financial supporters all in one week. I guess Glenn is finding out that he was where he was because of someone else. And if the citizens of Paulding have any brains they will send him back to being a po-dunk lawyer for a po-dunk law firm.


  9. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.


    Please if you would take the time to say a little prayer for our family, especially my sister in law, I would greatly appreciate it.


    My 20 year old nephew Corey was killed in Iraq today. He was stationed north of Baghdad and was hit by a roadside bomb. He was such a sweet guy and a great soldier. My heart is breaking for my sister in law right now and I don't even know what to do except wait for the rest of the details to come in. Corey was on his 2nd tour in Iraq.


  10. Obviously, you still don't know what you are talking about. The 14th amendment nor the Civil Rights Act does not cover moral conscience on the job. You can be fired, by law and by due process.


    You are just downright stupid, TBAR. There are no two ways around it. You constantly post half-truths under the guise of being intelligent. Well, you're not. If anyone on this board is a hack, it is you.


    Obviously, you don't know your history very well. GA may very well be a Right to Work state but the 64 Civil Rights Act is expressly clear that one may not be fired for violations of religious conscience. If you would like I can pull the list of posts I've given just over the last 6 months that show the court cases. If my boss orders me to do something that is a vioaltion of my conscience & fires me for not doing it, the state can have a gazillion laws that says he can but the 14th Amendment & the Due Process provisions are paramount over state law. May want to brush up on your constitutional law there, Sweetie Pie.


    Now, Richardson has the right to do what he did. No one denies he didn't. But it was just dirty politics, plain & simple. And anyone that can make the claim that what he did was a =moral= act is nuts. It was a Political Hack Job to secure his power & keep the troops in line: do as I say or else.


    Get this through your head: it is that kind of dirty politics for which the GOP decried the DEMs for in GA. Just like we booted out the DEMs, look out GOP Hypocrites who blasted the DEMs for doing the same thing you're doing.


    Not very ethical, now is it?


    Smoochie. Smoochie. Love you long time. :wub:


  11. Here you go with half-truths again. The sex offender law did not change the status of the so called Romeo and Juliet crimes by which Generalow Wilson or the kid from Rome was charged. That was about five years ago by another Republican representative. I do understand the law. Much better than you, it seems.


    Personally, I don't care if sex offenders are having a hard time trying to find a place to live. They committed unspeakable crimes against children.


    Again, it does not matter to me if you think I am hilarious or a goofball. I think he was well within his rights to punish a member that went against him. If you don't like it, tough. If Thad doesn't like it, tough.


    Does not make it right, even if the Speaker or anyone else has the right. It is just dirty politics. It is vindictive. Removing someone because they can't do the job is one thing: replacing them as punishment is just being partisan.


    And, no, I don't support the Sexual Offender Law that was written & I can't possibly believe you would -- unless -- you don't understand it. The law put child rapists in the same category as an 18 year old making out with his girlfriend of only a few years younger than him. Then there was the problem of double jeopardy. Oh! And don't forget that there was nowhere in GA anyone on the sex offender list could live. But let's not worry about those things: let's pander to the voters who are naive & don't understand the law well enough.


    Smoochie. Smoochie. :wub:




    Are you serious?!?! That is about the most goofball thing you've ever said.


    You actually want us to believe that he acted =MORALLY=. You can't even bring yourself to admit that what he did was =POLITICAL.=


    OMG! That is hillarious!


    I've got to save this one. It is the funniest post on pcom I've seen in ages! :lol: :lol: :lol:


  12. Do I think he was morally correct? Yes. I wouldn't be posting so passionately in this thread if I didn't believe he did what was right.


    That didn't answer my question - do YOU think what he did was morally correct? It's an important distinction, and one that TBAR was trying to emphasize.


    And BTW ... just because it's been done before doesn't make it the right thing to do - it just proves that many politicians haven't evolved a lick.


  13. Terry Coleman stripped one of his committee chairman because he would not advance a bill he wanted. Sound familiar?


    The builders licensing law will become totally codified in July. It was TERRY COLEMAN that pushed that back.


    I, for one, supported the sexual offender law. If someone is indecent enough to mess with a CHILD, they don't need to be anyway close to a child. I can't believe anyone would not support that.


    As for Carruth, he is appointed to the board of DNR and will become the chair next year. I think that speaks well of someone from Paulding.


    What else you got?


    Off hand, Terry Coleman, the last Democratic Speaker of the house seemed to be fair, just, and not prone to the policital grandstanding Mr Richardson seems to enjoy so much. Tom Murphy's Boss Hogg ways seemed to get more arrogant with his age. But, old Boss Hogg Murphy got alot accomplished in a typical session of the Legislatature, something Mr Richardson has been unable to state to date.


    He got us mandated Bible Study in the schools, which virtually the entire State's local BOEs, including his very own in Paulding, have ignored.


    He got the sexual offender act passed, uprooting the various convicted sexual predators from their existing residence if it was too close to a bus stop, school, or other potential gather spot for children; and God knows where many of them have moved to. At least we knew where they were before.


    He got several of his local ROBBER BARON MEGA DEVELOPERS appointed to various State Boards [ie: Bill Carruth on the DNR] as well as getting Mr Shearin a 50% raise, and giving the county a new technical authority with the right to issue tax free bonds without voter approval.


    He rescinded the new Builder's licensing laws, staving off for several years the requirments that a builder be propertly quailified to build homes. Imagine that, a law had already been passed requiring builders to have to take a test and PROVE they knew what they were doing. Last I heard this one had been postponed coming into effect indefinitely.


    And the list goes on.


    Now what were you saying ?


  14. You are wrong, wrong, wrong. Glenn Richardson is the CEO, CIO, CFO of the Georgia House of Representatives. By code, he is the officer in charge of the House.


    That is the issue. It is not about the Lt. Governor or the Governor. He has the constitution to strip members of their committee assignments.


    The speaker is not a representatives boss; a representatives boss are his constituents; the folks who elected him/her to office.


    The issue here is Richardson is at odds with the GOP leader of the Senate (Cagle) and the GOP Governor (Perdue).


    What I would like to know is why Richardson was so against Mike Evans and the Govenors' appointment as DOT commissioner Dr. Gena Abraham?



    DOT Commissioner Dr. Abraham


    I mean I'd supporter and I haven't even seen her resume ;)




  15. You have got to be kidding me. The Civil Rights Act? Why is it when you are caught in a bind, you trot out the Civil Rights Act like it is a security blanket? The Civil Rights Act does not cover any sort of thing by any stretch of the imagination and it is downright laughable that you would even post that sort of dribble.


    BTW, Georgia is a right to work state. Your boss can fire you for something that does violates your conscience. In fact, they could come in and fire you for no reason at all.



    Ahhh. But the law says my boss may not instruct someone to do something that violates their conscience. May want to read up on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I've got a copy I'll give you next time you come over --bring the extra whip cream 'cause I know how much you like that. :D Richardson instructed them to vote against their conscience & not do what the people who elected them told them to do.


    Oh, tell you what, Sweetie, re-read my last post. I expressly said Richardson had the authority to do so. Never said he didn't. What I did say it that he shouldn't have. He is being vindictive. He is playing the part of the Boss Hogg Kingpin who didn't get his way so he is going to move in some more cronies that will take orders from him.


    Didn't history say Tammany Hall was corrupt because of that sort of stuff? Doesn't any =reasonable= person (non-political hacks) say that politics like that is just dirty? You do know Daly's Machine worked like that. So did Bill Campbell's. Are you saying you support that sort of political wrangling?


    BTW, I'll save this thread on my clipboard. And the first time you say anything about the DEMs doing this sort of thing on any level, I'll pull it out & remind you of it. In fact, I'll keep it with the file that has your love notes to me. :wub:


    See, I condemn both sides when they do crap like this. I have a consistent ethic. What about you?


  16. Yes, Richardson is their boss. He giveth power and he taketh away. Read up on your Rules of the House of the Georgia House of Representatives. He is their manager - he is the adminstrative manager of the House and that does for members and for the staff. Glenn may not have elected them but he was the absolute right to strip power away.


    Answer my question: if your boss asked you to do something and you didn't, wouldn't you be demoted?



    And your post shows you're nothing more than a partisan hack who doesn't care if someone's conscience is violated. You may need to check the facts here, but Richardson is not "their boss." These 6 people were elected by the people in their district, not hired by Mr Richardson. You did know that these 6 men were not hired by Richardson, don't you? You do know that those 6 men are allowed to vote their conscience, don't you? You do know that they were removed because they didn't vote the way Richardson wanted them to vote, don't you?


    I'm sorry, but if you don't vote the way your boss wants you to vote, are you reassigned?


    Maybe your Fascism doesn't mind the Political King Pin demoting those who vote their conscience, but in America we are still allowed to call out wrongs when we see 'em.


    Sure, Ricahardson can do it. Doesn't make it right.


    Or is it that you don't stand for justice & doing the right thing or the Golden Rule? Oh, I'm sorry. Fascism doesn't acknowledge those as necessary in the political scheme since the Big Political Ruler makes the rules. Silly me. Then again, you don't care if you're consistent in your ethic, now do you?


  17. We had that in Main Street yet it went under.


    We need a local run BayBreeze like Mableton or SeaBreeze like D'ville rather than a large corporate, "food tastes the same" "cookie cutter" (Red Lobster) seafood place. They are killer on the taste, portions and price!!


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