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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Great post and advice.


    You want the thread closed now because you don't like what people are saying?


    I'm sorry you're feeling depressed, and it IS hard to get a job--and especially without reliable transportation--but the ONLY one who can change your situation is YOU! Perhaps your parents should have been more diligent in making you do your school work (but ultimately, getting your work done is YOUR responsibility, and not theirs) and maybe they should have insisted you get a job (but the incentive to work had to come from YOU, not from them), but really--that was two years ago...the only person STILL who can make something from this is YOU, not your parents or anyone else.


    I'm not trying to be hard on you. I have two sons--one 19 and the other 21--and they have struggled with some of the same things you are struggling with. And I tell them the same things I'm telling you. It's OK to feel down, but the only way to turn that around is the shake it off and change it! Look for the opportunity instead of focusing on the lack of opportunity or missed chances. That was then, and this is now. Take responsibility, and you take control.


    Wishing you good luck with your job hunt.

  2. Wait, was that when you were pregnant or always? I don't think pregnancy could explain that combination.


    ~I LOVE peanut butter and tuna sandwiches on wheat bread with sour cream and onion chips between the tuna and bread


    There's my 5 BORING facts :)

  3. Nothing like causing MORE hysteria. Let the deputies do their jobs. The Sheriff doesn't have to or need to show up at every thing that happens in this county.


    For an event like that? 50% of the students were absent. The Sheriff should have been there, period! As for the accidents, someone in administration should be there, if not the Sheriff.
  4. Doesn't EPHS have a deputy on staff there everyday?


    Was there an accident on that day? PsychoDaughter goes to EPHS, and I think those are different incidents. I read it as when any of these major events happened, no one in administration at the Sheriff's office could be found. That would make it more than one time that he could not be rounded up when needed. Him or any one else in his administration.


    Is that correct? I would like someone to clear that up. Did we have various tragedies with our teens and a crisis at the school at different times with no one from the adminstrative side of the Sheriff's office available? To me, THAT is a problem if it has happened more than once. Even once is too much, but repeatedly is disgusting.

  5. One thing you have to understand about Bruce is that he is not a PR guy. You can tell it from that news piece and you can tell it by his campaigns. He doesn't do cameras and he doesn't do interviews. He is not like most sheriffs in that regard that would kill for their face to be on TV or in the paper. He has always been a quiet and reserved guy.


    Oh, maybe when a couple of kids get killed in the middle of the afternoon just a couple of miles from the SO, maybe he could have found time in his busy schedule, pried himself out of his chair, and made some appearance at the scene. Actually act like he gave a crap?


    Or when there's rumors flying all over one of the high schools, actually show up there. Just a thought, but don't they have a PA/intercom system? Maybe a few words from the head LE guy would have alleviated a bunch of fears in some kids who were scared spitless. You know, act like he's in charge, anyway. And gave a crap?

  6. Stop being reasonable. This thread is suppose to be whipping up hysteria!!


    The one glaring discrepancy I see with all these reports is the stigma that the only way the Sheriff could work is if he came to the office. The Sheriff has contact by cell phone, radio, pager and email. I am sure he has a laptop where any official business could be worked on...any time any place.


    The other thing is the fact most people do not understand what his job is. He is responsible for making the many divisions and units run as one. Being the top cop is much like the president of a business. He must deal with equipment needs, financial and budget issues, personnel issues along with his law enforcement duties. His main job is to put in place a chain of command just like the military because the Sheriff does not make every decision....he appoints people to make those decisions. A basic road Deputy or Detective does not directly call the Sheriff for advice or if they have a question.....he calls his supervisor. If it needs to go higher it does. These supervisors are put in those positions to answer questions, handle problems and make decisions based on their own training and experience. If the Sheriff's input is needed the question is posed by the person under him. Just as if the Sheriff wants something changed he tells the person below him. It then funnels down to the appropriate people.

  7. Like I said, he is an honest man and will give an honest answer.


    Yes, we all know by now how you feel. You have posted about 3 pages about mismanagement of county resources. You have made your point loud and clear.


    It was a JOKE! There is no acceptable answer he can give other than "She never drove my county issued vehicle." And that isn't going to happen because we have seen it already. It is unethical for her to drive it EVER. Even if he were in the passenger seat, she should not drive it because of liability. Now, if he had a heart attack and she drove him to the hospital for treatment, that would be understandable. But not to cover up him NOT being at work.


    I really have no problem with the man personally. But, poor management of county resources (money, time, gas, vehicles, etc.) is a different issue.

  8. You know, why don't you call and ask him instead of you being hell bent on castrating him on a message board. He is a honest man and will give you an honest answer.


    Oh, that would be too easy, wouldn't it?


    What about MRS. Harris? Who paid for the vehicle and bought the gas in the one she was driving?


    I think the point about the daughter was the fact that she parked in her mom's parking space because her mom was parking in the Sheriff's space. It was to appear as if all the right people were at work when they weren't ALL there.

  9. This is silly. His daughter has her own SUV. It is not county issued.


    You people are like a dog with a bone.


    The news did state that it was the sheriff's county SUV parked in the parking space and then it was the sheriff's wife driving the county SUV. Government plates don't always give it away......lots of law enforcement agencies utilize civilian tags to help protect identity.
  10. Or over "there" where Bruce is being slaughtered.


    I added my 2CW to Se's thread, so I won't bore you again. But did anyone catch Randy's statement at the end where he was talking about how the people of Paulding Co. have been talking about this all day? Sounds to me like he has made himself a regular little visitor here......
  11. AMEN.


    Mr Rogers, based on your comments on this site you would be the last person that I would ever vote for. My only hope for you is should you ever wind up sherrif (anywhere but here) that you are fortunate enough to have a candidate of your caliber and ethic run against you one day!
  12. Wait, I thought you were a strict Constitutionalist. What about separation of church and state? :rolleyes:


    GA Baptists had a Day of Prayer for rain last weekend. The Governor is praying. I'm thankful we have some folks who recognize they aren't the Most Powerful Thing in the state, though I can think of some more that need to realize that fact as well.
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