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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Let's be clear here, surepip. The money is for a building and not for the airport. There will be NO make up for any shortfall.


    Take 3 wild guesses who is going to end up paying the $4million Sonny cut from the Paulding Airport yesterday, and the first 2 won't even count.


    Quote from WGST website:

    The Paulding County Airport _ in House Speaker Glenn Richardson's backyard _ also lost $4 million to Perdue's veto pen. Perdue and Richardson, both Republicans, have feuded.

    Here is the link for the story on WGST radio …





    We were assured by our current BOC chairdude the state would be kicking in this money, in addition to what the feds were paying, and private sources would make up the difference. I seem to recall hearing and reading over and over again how the taxpayers of Paulding County would not be paying one penny towards the airport’s construction.


    Who is going to cover the $4million Sonny cut out of the budget yesterday ?


    Too bad Richardson did not spend more time trying to mend fences with Sonny and Cagle.


    Guess he was too busy partying with his rat-pack and getting his quickly divorce taken care of and sealed up.



    Creative Loafing summed it up well by awarding Richardson a LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT Golden Sleeze award as the legislative session wrapped up:





    And he is running for re-election unopposed in the primary and the general election.


    Just what did you do for Paulding this past session Glenn?


    An independant could still run for this seat if they could obtain enough registered voter signatures on a petition. We need some leadership downtown who will go to bat for what is good for Paulding County and what is good for Georgia, not what is good for their own fiefdom and ROBBER BARON MEGA DEVELOPER puppeteers.


    And the same goes for our hometown boys at the Board of Commissioners. Time for some postive changes and for politicians who will look out for what is best for the citizens of Paulding, instead of their political donors.


  2. It wasn't funding for the airport but for a building at the airport.


    When Governor Sonny Perdue signed the state's budget for FY 2009, he used his line-item veto to nix pet projects of his nemisis at the state house, Paulding's Speaker Glenn Richardson. His veto pen cut $4 million in state funding for an airport building at the new Paulding airport that was to be named after recently deceased Paulding leaders including Hal Echols, Steve Simpson and Wesley Rakestraw.


    We've not gotten any comments from local leaders in regard to the setback but the scuttlebutt is that the Governor's veto is due to the myriad conflicts over budget priorities and appointments between the Governor and Richardson.


    What is particularly interesting is that the governor signed into the law the guns okay in restaurants law and that has been a big hit here but there have been no posts on this setback.


    I find that amazing.




  3. I love my Target. I realize that their return policy stinks but I don't blame them a bit.


    Again, I don't know who y'all are dealing with in that store, but I've never run into anyone that has been unhelpful, rude or even mildly unpleasant. On the contrary, they are usually very nice and helpful. I'm a serious Target fan.


    But, I guess that's why there is Target, Walmart and Kmart -- if you don't like one store, you have the choice to shop at other places. Y'all feel free to shop at Walmart -- it will leave me an empty parking spot closer to the door at Target. :D


  4. PM Laurel Bay.


    I am trying to reach Tina Howell from Somewhere In Time and the Dallas Merchants Association. Her store is not open today and if anyone knows how to get in touch with her, please PM me. Wade is performing at the Music and a Movie on Friday night and I need to get in touch with her about this asap. THANKS!


  5. An indictment for what? Nothing that has been posted in this thread is illegal under Georgia law.


    After reading this a couple of times I have to admit that there is a huge cloud of doubt hanging over the BOC offices. And, frankly, I'm not surprised about this, at all.


    What I don't honestly know is if there is any prima facie evidence, or is this speculation and innuendoe? Circumstancial evidence? Tell me.


    And then, comes the next question. If there is actually some provable evidence of illegal activity, whose venue is it? The PCSO? (Ha!), the GBI, GSP, The GA Atty General, the Feds? Which agency? There have to be facts to support the suspicions, or.....


    Which of us is going to stand up and blow the whistle? We can all sit here on P.com and cluck our tongues (pun intended, Surepip), or we can get the ball rolling. Or we can vote the rascals back in and keep on getting what we've been getting. If we get the ball rolling, maybe we could have an indictment instead of a primary in July.


  6. Oh, for Christ's sake. Come down off that high horse. It is much better down here. :rolleyes:


    It's a general statement. Really, this is just a symptom of the general overindulgence of American youth. Parents overcompensate, that's just how it is. I do it, I'm not faultling anyone...but I can tell you this free of charge, there is no way on God's green earth that I would shell out a thousand dollars for my kid to "arrive in style". If he wants to get a job and go in with friend, he can go for it.


    Proms are like weddings in my opinion, the memory gets lost in the desire to out-do your BFF - optional AE.


  7. I don't know anything about the townhouses but I really wouldn't consider Creekside an affluent area by any means.


    I would be livid about all the cutting for the Ingles more than anything. You don't have a buffer between the homes, the course and the Ingles. It looks horrid and it can't do anything for the resales.


    That's too bad Hiram Girl. It can't help all the homeowners either, speaking of which: I heard the land across from the new Ingles is going to be Gov't subsidized townhouses. Why would they do that in such an affluent area? I'm glad I live 5 miles away. I would be livid if I owned a home in there and the golf course is tanking as well as subsidized housing being built across the street. I looked at houses out there and my realtor advised us against buying in there due to the number of foreclosures driving home values into the ground. Everyone's equity is non-existent.


  8. Well, all I hear in golf circles is that Creekside is in trouble financially. The word is that they are laid-off employees (rangers and grounds crews) and that they have a huge balloon payment due that will not be paid unless the Clancy's put in more money in the golf course.


    I don't want to reveal my personal experience there as it could hurt their business and I don't want anyone to suffer right now, especially with the possibility of what our economy may be facing. I know David Elliott personally and the guy is a great person and wants to please people. Also, the American dream is to make money and prosper. I just feel the standards which you will find at other golf courses don't apply to this course. The rangers are non-existent, there is no starter getting things going, and I have a close personal friend who was a member that they kicked out for virtually no reason. They didn't even give him a reason. He still has no idea what the underlying reasons are. I just don't think that's right. I happened to be there when they had a middle school-aged party in their banquet room and several kids got into a major brawl. You just don't see this at other places. The layout of the course is great and the super. really knows what he is doing as far as the condition.


  9. In my opinion, it is not well run at all. They bunch players up on the course and their prices change as the wind blows. I have been playing golf around here for years and prefer Bentwater when I play.


    I'd like to hear anyone's thoughts on this place before I tell my unpleasant story.


  10. What could the ACCG have advised that Paulding do different in handling growth?


    They had a crystall ball and were advised many times. It's called ACCG.org - Association County Commissioners of Georgia . Did they utilise this tool and follow this groups advice. No, they chose to do things their own way. They sit there up on their thrown and say the law says no when in fact it does not say that at all. They duct taped the citizens of this county with their rules of decorum that prevents any meaningfull conversation about issues that surface and even moved the citizens wishing to speak at county meeting till after the close of the meeting. That is not a government for the people. That is a government that does not want to hear it.


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