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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. The Governor signed a bill that would allow Clayton County students to still receive HOPE.


    The truly bright students, who had hopes of a great future and college, are going to have a much harder time. Without the Hope Scholarship available many will not go to college, and that is a burden on the tax payers in the log run.


  2. How many times are yall going to post this? Good Grief.


    blah blah blah don't open it if you don't want to read more blah blah blah


    Yet, I agree with you. ;)


  3. Well, in my case, I needed to be sure after weeks of gaslighting by my first spouse. Cheating is one thing but the lies and the coverups was too much for me. I wanted the truth and I wasn't getting it from him. :huh:


    so, what's the point? why would someone hire a PI to capture photos of the worst thing imaginable? Does anyone really wanna see that? seriously?

    If it's not gonna help in court, why put yourself through that?


  4. Actually, in the eyes of Georgia law, there is no difference. Infidelity is a legal ground for divorce but Georgia is an equitable distribution state when it comes to property distribution.


    Yes, the settlement can be significantly larger if there is proof of infidelity. It doesn't make the pain hurt any less or the abandonment be any easier. But, it can make life after divorce much easier!!!


    This includes the division of personal property (house, bank accounts, assets, etc, etc) as well as an increase in alimony. Child support usually is not affected as it is dictated by federal law as to the percentage of income.


  5. I wonder if it is PeachCare because I know WAP is not accepting new PeachCare patients.


    You may have to look at your peach state and see which doctors they approve.... can you pick your own doctor ? or do they have a list of doctors who accept thier insurance?


    I always used Dr, Roger Sisk... we loved him... we did not have peach state


    Good luck


  6. Mt. Tabor. I am not sure about Taylor Farm.


    Does anybody know where I can find a racquetball court close by D'Ville or Hiram area? I have been looking for one since they closed the one at Gold's Gym...


    Thanks for all your help...


  7. Actually, the course is in the best shape it has been in for a loooong time.


    Gosh, it's so sad I just want to cry every time I see that place. My parents owned and operated it until I was about 20. I grew up there. The people that bought it from us built all those houses and I can't even recognize the land anymore. I will always have great memories of swimming and fishing in those lakes, sledding in the snow(back when we had snow), and just riding around on the golfcourse. It's a shame Clancy isn't keeping it.


  8. My advice: stay away from gas credit cards and all credit cards if you can help it. Improving your credit score or not.


    What is the easiest gas card to get approved for? My credit sucks..bad..and we are in a bind right now and these gas prices are killing us! If i could get a card it would help with that and help my credit score..i assume the monthly payment on the card would be cheaper than what we pay in gas each month now! Anyhoo..anyone know of any that are easy approvals with bad credit?


  9. It is just not school supplies that will be tax free. Energy efficient products for the home will also be included.


    All in all, the tax holiday is a Red Herring of sorts. For the average consumer, it isn't really going to make too much of a dent. Spending 1000 bucks will save you 70, however, how many folks are going to actually spend that much this weekend?--compared to the total amount who go shop.


    Where the Red Herring comes into play is when the Governor will announce next week how much money was saved by Georgians. Sure, the grand total is going be large, but in what proportion does it stack up to the average consumer this weekend?


    It is feel good legislation for common folks. (Please don't get me wrong, I like the no sales-tax days, however, unless I am going to fork 10k on something, is it really doing anything for me?


    I would say the retailers are the benefactors this weekend, not tax-payers. If the Best Buy stuff is true, then prices are being adjusted to reflect what a purchase on a computer would normally be--tax and all. They know demand is going to go up this weekend, hence, prices will reflect accordingly.


  10. this is my problem with coupons.


    Where do you guys get coupons for the fresh stuff like veggies, fruits and meats. I buy very few things that are boxed or canned. The coupons I see are for alot of pre manufactured items


  11. I saw many vehicles with Paulding County on their license plate on my way down to Florida. There was somebody from Dallas at the same hotel in Mexico Beach. Made me wonder if any of those people I saw are P'commers. Next time I travel I will have to put my P'com decal on my rear window. I don't think I'll include my screen name because I don't want y'all calling me out if I cut you off or speed by you or do anything else that may make you mad. :)


    Were you at the El Governor?


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