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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. The Georgia Police Academy does coroner training every year. They are not POST certified but they have training.


    How can someone with no more than a high school education determine if medical and physical evidence point to murder, better yet, cause of death? And in order to take over the duties of sheriff when the situation warrants it, shouldn't they have some type of police training?


  2. Well, everyone and their mother has campaigned door to door through the neighborhood and, generally, my neighbors really know what is going on around here.


    Why would they be considered some of the most informed?


    Maybe it's time to start emailing the other news channels with links to PCOM postings and asking them to do a story


  3. If you believe the scuttlebutt, Paulette never interviewed David Austin herself. That is her description of what he does for a living.


    Whitey - what is it? Will my tax go up 280% or 5%?


    I hear there may be some math classes starting up soon.


    David Austin now states he is a tree farmer and sign monkey.


    Yet, in "The Pulse of Paulding" magazine that arrived at my home today, the article, that I'm guessing was provided by his campaign, it states that he is a "Keller Williams agent locally, and a developer in the county." Later, the article states that he is a home builder.


    Why can't the truth be out there?


  4. Just how many registered and likely voters in Paulding do you think have seen the documents, videos and meeting minutes that you speak of? Not many. I polled neighbors last night at the pool in my neighborhood. Not a one. This is Bentwater - suppose to be one of the most informed neighborhoods in Paulding. Not one knew anything.


    I actually voted for a number of incumbents. Not ALL incumbents deserve to be voted out of office.


    I think the BOC video gives a little insight on just what kind of a person Mr. Shearin is. I used to wonder if his heart rate even increased when he told a lie.


    When there are documents, videos and meeting minutes to back up the accusations made against Jerry I would doubt very seriously if it woud have an adverse effect on Mr. Austin's chances of being elected.


  5. Well, I wonder if surepip and his gang of anti-incumbents are doing more harm than good to David Austin. Everyone that reads this board knows that surepip has a vested interest in voting out Shearin (right or wrong, I am not the one to decide). But, his vigorous attacks on Shearin and all the other incumbents just leave me feeling dirty and a need for a bath. Just my humble opinion.


    I really do hope so.


    Next time they come at us for a school bond, though.... I'm just saying. I don't think people really THINK, they just react.


  6. Good lord, surepip. Can you not post in every thread about this? We ALL know what you are about. Give it a rest in non-politcal threads.


    Mark my words, you are going to get another back door tax increase the BOC is not going to announce until after the elections.


    Want to place a scratch off wager on that ?


    And if you are so smug, how about giving some odds with it ?


  7. I would really have to agree with that. Jerry and Paulette can take care of themselves. Quitetype is doing them no favors at all by trying to defend them.


    Can I just add......

    I am not the type of person who jumps in on the political threads, in my opinion you really never get a straight answer. But I will say Quiettype you are making Paulette look really bad. As well the interview with Pubby, Paulette made herself look bad. From her I got the impression that she thinks she is always right and she feels like people were talking bad about her. I really saw her as a school girl, instead of a school board member. JMHO!


  8. The BOC is not telling the whole truth, then. Discussions with West Georgia, through the WEst Georgia Foundation, have been going on for at least one year. WGU plans on renovating the courthouse with Foundation funds and using for evening classes.


    Easy folks, there was an "official" statement at the last BOC meeting. There has been no discussion or agreement made on the use of the old Courthouse yet. They also stated that it is very unlikely that the Courthouse could even be used for such due to the age and all the needed repairs. The video of the meeting should be posted to Comcast Chl 16 soon.


  9. Animal: politics on the local level is much different than national. Just because Hillary and Obama laid down with pigs does not give Jerry the right also.


    Look politics has become very dirty,look at what Hillary & Obama did. Now we don't realy know what goes on between David and Jerry. I bet you they take some mean blows to each other. If you think for one moment that David isn't a fighter think again. I feel politics has changed and look if David would have done the tubes you would say great job. So le's sit back and enjoy the blood sport :lol:


  10. No, it hasn't been done before but that tube is an all-time low in Paulding politics. It was one of the most mean-spirited attempts at defaming I have seen and really lets you peak into the character of Jerry Shearin.


    Look even now,those tubes have gotten so much attention nobody has ever done that before.. Look if you like David more that's ok everyone has there choice isn't America great. :D


  11. See, you have this all wrong. I am far from a "playa hater" but I just find him to pale in comparison to David.


    Ok I feel that most people on here are player haters,there simply jealous of Jerry. It's ok I understand perfectly. After all he is quite the dude he has a background that makes Whitey cry.He has great schooling from Auburn,has been in office 2 terms which no one else has. He was in major magazines for his accomplishments with the 7000 acres Georgia outdoor news had him in a major article.


    Now I feel Whitey wants to be a Jerry supporter he shows this by all the attention he displays for Jerry. Now Surepip is the class example of a jealous person. He even calls Jerry King :p now give in and be part of the campagn.


    Ya'll are just haitin on the man but I know your real emotions,now tell me you will feel better if you just stop the haitin :D


  12. Acutally, Hal Echols and his son, Matt, deserve the credit for bringing West Georgia to Dallas - not Jerry. Hal sat on the foundation board for years and it was his vision that is making this happen.


    Its actually West Georgia wanting to move in, Georgia Highlands college and one other university that want to move to Paulding. I don't think KSU was ever an option, but the three that are interested in coming to Paulding are good schools and this would be a good thing for Paulding economically.


    Jerry should get the credit for this, but of course he doesn't on this website.


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