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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Sadly, I would have to disagree. I think the opposite. Gumbeaux's is dressed Cajun while Henry's is the real thing.


    Henry's isnt real Cajun, its dressed up to make the people here in Georgia believe that its real Cajun. Gumbeaux in D'ville is most definatally the best cajun in all of Georiga, being from Lousiana, and having graduated from LSU I know cajun and Henry's in Acworth isnt it, real cajun is Gumbeaux in D'ville give them a try and you wont be going anywhere else for home cooking. trust me on this one.


  2. You know what, feelip, I think everyone knows where you stand on this issue. You have made no attempts to hide your disdain for Glenn. In that same vain, I read everything you say with a grain of salt because I don't think you can see anything but what you want to see. Glenn=evil and that is all that matters to you. That is okay. We are all entitled to our opinions but your attacks will change no ones mind. You and the rest of the anti-Glenn clan, when you constantly attack! attack! attack! at the most minute detail, you really lose your credibility fast. ^_^



    Party hacking?


    Smitty, I actually thought you might have a point. I thought you might have some grounds on which to base your argument. Turns out the only thing you are concerned with is the political party to which someone belongs?


    Have fun Smitty, you are going on ignore. Your posts are way too long for me to spend my time trying to decipher what it is that you are attempting to say.


    Good day!


  3. No joke. Let's just be passive-agressive, don't we. :rolleyes:


    GeeTee, You know I like you, but I think its a little mean pickin on this person if you havent just come out and asked HER why she was visiting your profile. Maybe she thought you were pretty, liked your posts, thought she knew you? You never know. Ill admit Im invisible cause Im nosy and look at people profiles all the time and dont always want them to know I do :pardon: I think a lot of people do. I just hope this person isnt just an innocent browser of this site and now is mortified :(


  4. :raises hand:


    My lawyer preferred one judge over another. We were able to get the judge we wanted. Divorce sealed. Records under wrap. Speaker Richardson did not receive preferential treatment. Lawyers do this all the time. Judge shopping is nothing new.


    Satisfied now?



    All I want to hear from BeachBum and Madea is that they honestly believe that there was no preferential treatment afforded the Richardsons by Judge Osborne. They were treated EXACTLY like any other citizen that walked into that courthouse for a divorce.


  5. This is nothing new. I don't think any of the elementary schools come with a playground. The PTA and the surrounding community usually will raise the money.


    Maybe not the MOST important thing in life, but it should be pretty darn high on the list! I can't believe that this county would even consider building a school without a playground. These kids NEED outdoor play time. They need the exercise AND the sunshine. Unbelievable! :rolleyes: :angry2:


  6. This is all speculation, feelip. You don't know if he had an affair or not. Your whole basis is based on hearsy and rumors.


    Wait a minute. Glenn "allegedly" has an affair with an AGL lobbyist and then tries to use his influence to get AGL a huge state grant and you think PsychMom is the one that's out of line?


    I think everyone makes mistakes. What separates the good from the bad is how we handle our mistakes. I think Glenn made a mistake and has tried his best to either cover it up or deny it without actually denying it.


    Honestly, I couldn't care less about his divorce settlement. I hate to see his family put through the embarrassment, but that is Glenn's fault and no one else's.


    I think his days of having any influence at the capital that might benefit us are gone. If the only reason he is elected is because we don't have anyone else that wants the position we have reached an all time low in our political system.


  7. RuSans is the McDonald's of sushi.


    I would have to recommend Fuji, also. Very fresh.


    The best place I have gone is Rusan's. There are two locations. One is across from Towne Place Mall behind Olive Garden, and the other one is near little five points.


    It is worth the drive.


  8. Is this through the State Health Benefit Plan? If so, you will have to choose another carrier the next open enrollment. BCBS did not bid on state employee benefits.....


    I have an oncologist that I wouldn't mind getting rid of... <_< . The only doctor I really want to keep is Hellraiser's.


    Does anybody know what insurance EP Pediatrics takes? They didn't answer the phone.



    :huh: :( .


    Thanks for the warning.


    Want me to come kick 'em for ya, B? :ph34r:


  9. ktan: I like Kathy also but she put herself in the cross hairs by sending out such an awfully constructed and poorly edited letter. I would expect better, to be honest.


    I'm sorry, but I just have to say this. :angry2:


    Kathy Shearin is one of the most kind-hearted, genuine, honest women that I know. It is her husband that is running in this county, not her, and not her daughter.


    How they reconcile everything going on in this campaign into their marriage, and all the controversy is between them. But, I am damn tired of people dragging her through the mud for this letter.


    Yes, I noticed it, and my heart sank when I saw it, because I knew what it would be construed as. I just hate that as much heartache as this campaign has caused--a simple proofreading mistake is going to cause so much more.


    I am not speaking for her, and I apologize if it seems that I'm speaking out of turn. But, I am sickened to see comments from people about this woman who has been a rock for me, and my daughter, whenever we've needed her.


    I absolutely will not respond to any more comments or posts about this, and you can take from that what you will. I probably shouldn't have said this much, but it pains me to see how nasty and hate-filled the people from this supposedly 'caring' county have become. :angry2:


    *Edited for clarity


  10. That is not the truth. After Speaker Murphy lost his election, the reservoir was pulled to get back at Bill Heath and the people of Haralson County for voting him out.


    Back in the 90's there was a west Ga. regional reservoir in the plans,on the tallapoosa.Out there with a former democrats family.But when Paulding went republican,this powerful democrat junked that.


    Mind nothing I can prove,but more political BS ;)


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