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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Here's the rub.: Just because you, TBAR, surepip or whomever else believes it is unconstitutional, does not mean it is. Reading briefing after briefing assures me to a reasonable doubt that the city would win if this was ever brought before the courts.



    I believe it is unconstitutional.

    I beliieve it is, thats what it's about right, who's the better christian.

    A good christian would never object to the nativity being purchased with tax money.

    The folks that object are obviously antichristian.

    They are against the rights of all christians.

    I feel the constitution upholds my religious rights, Rights I do not want infringed upon by anybodie's ideals of what christianity truly is or what one thinks makes a better christian.


    My tax dollars are not to be spent to prove that an elected official is a better christian.

    Or for him to be elected based on that.


    Let them spend their hard earned money proving they are the better christian.



    Having a city sponsored nativity scene is not endorsing one religion over another. Has been proved with those judicial interpretations you speak of.....


    I feel Churches are more than welcome to endorse a political candidate as long as they are willing to surrender their tax exempt status and pay all of the taxes any other private entity does.


    But in virtually every judicial interpretation of the consititution I am aware of, it is unlawful for a governmental entity to do anything to endorse one religion over another. If the mayor wants a city nativity scene, he should seek private funding for doing so....NOT the use of any taxpayer funds.


    If they want to go to court over it, then so be it. But my bet is they will lose. And spend more tax dollars in the process. They have a Dallas Merchant's Organization willing to buy the display and privatize it....why won't the city government take the easy way out and do so ?


    Political Grandstanding. And Paulding is famous for our politicians doing exactly this. Richardson is one of the best at spending needless time and money to pass bills in the state house for only political grandstanding. Too bad he won't spend the same time and money to do some positive things for his constituents in Paulding County.


  2. No one, to this date, has proved it is unconstitutional.


    I have no problem with the nativity or other religous symbols.

    The constitution protects my rights to practice my religion as I see fit.

    The whole concept that an elected official does not care that this is unconstitutional is appalling to me personally.


    The idea that in a small town that an elected official can decide that the majority of it's citizens want something unconstitutional therefore he will ignore the law of this land and give it to them no matter who's rights get trampled is just a horrid thing to try and get one's mind around.


    It's not just a nativity, it is our consitutional rights. No elected official should ever take it upon himself to break the law, because he believes his citizens want him too.


    Whats the next step? showing favortism towards certain denominations, building a baptismal pool on the town square, based on the belief the majority of citizens want it.


    Where does it end, when an elected official goes unchallenged?


    I believe it gets challenged the first time.


  3. Tigermoma: Before you go poking the Austin players in the eye, maybe you should look at your own head coach. Instead of paying respect to an injured Austin player, he was arguing a call with a referee. :rolleyes:


    Congratulations guys and good luck .. don't forget who you are and remember to be good sportsmen .. If a player gets hurt one of yours or the other team take a knee it could be you... your playing great! Enjoy the game!


    Alot of people were making comments about you guys not showing respect to the players that got hurt when we played .. not even your own. I dont wanna see you guys labled <like so many people like to do to kids on here> trust me.

    You have worked hard and deserve this moment enjoy it .. you will take it with you for the rest of your life.


    GOOD LUCK!!!!


  4. LostBoy, please take Coach Napier down off that cross you have him on. He is not a martyr for coaching anyboby else's kid. He is no different from all the other middle and high school coaches in this county or this state. They ALL take time away from their families for their jobs whether they are good coaches or bad coaches. I don't feel one way or the other about him. He has had a run of excellent athletes and that has come to an end. Let's see what he can do with subpar kids.

  5. It is not in the banking sector where Wachovia had problems - it was their mortgage business that brought them down. I wouldn't worry.


    Not sure if I could post the bank name in the title?


    Anyone bank with United Community Bank? I have a family member that works for them and says the bank is great. Part of me misses banking with a smaller bank. I currently bank with Wachovia and have never had a problem, but this mess with them getting bought out has got me nervous, even though the reports are saying depositors should not be nervous and should feel confident. Sorry, it's just hard for me to do that when the reason a bank was bought out was b/c they were in financial trouble.


  6. I was wondering when the excuses would start about Jones losing three straight. No equipment? Please. Every middle school in the county is having equipment issues. The principle will not allow pep rallies? Please - those are more for the cheerleaders anyway. Just state the facts that Jones is down. That is it plain and simple.

  7. Have you spoken with the parents in the class? No sense in you having to hunt all this down....


    I am making two silent auction baskets for my kids fall festival. The themes are movie night and games. Does anyone know where I could get donations for these, or does anyone have some ideas of what we could put in them?? I have never made one of these before!!


  8. I am assuming it is a state regulation that Pre-K only receive white milk. You might check with the school though. The chocolate, strawberry or orange juice might not even be served at the private center - that is just in elementary school that the kids get that option.


    My 4 year old just recently started pre-k and I always ask what he had to eat, and drink, and how his day was, etc..

    At his pre-k they have breakfast, lunch, and a snack, but the only thing they have to drink is plain milk. I know that milk is really good for him, but I think it would get old to have all day long. Juice isn't bad.... I remember all through school, we got the choice of reg milk, chocolate, or strawberry milk, or orange juice. So anyway I am wondering if I should say something at the school, or am I making too big of a deal out of it?


  9. My neighbor sends her daughter their for Pre-K. They love it.


    Do you know anything about that Discovery Point? I had a really bad experience when my ds was a baby at the DP at New Hope. I know they are independently owned, just wondering if you have any insite on that one.


  10. Do it! The 3 year old with just love it!


    This morning when I dropped my daughter off at school, she asked me if I'd go have lunch with her today. I said I wasn't sure since I wasn't sure if her 3-year-old brother should/is allowed to accompany me. She says other parents that come to have lunch with their children bring siblings along sometimes. I just want to know if this is true and do I just have to go sign in as a visitor and tell them why I'm there or what?


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