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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I don't know the name but it is on 92 going into Hiram. It is about a 1/2 mile up from Hiram Sudie - almost to the old Mike's liquor store and they do emissions also. It is fairly new.

  2. How can we as citizen's make sure they do what they say they will do?? Or can we do anything, besides not voting for them??

    Well, you can hold their feet to the fire. But, honestly, you can't do much but vote them out if they don't do what they say. That is about the only recourse you have.

  3. "Why would the majourity not support jurisprudence that would benefit the majourity of society?"


    Because, you would have to get a majority to decide. Heck, we can't get a majority here to say that affairs are evil. ;-) That is why we have two branches of legislative government. To limit the tyranny of the majority. Sometimes, the majority isn't right.

  4. " I just wish that politician's would really do what they say they are going to do when they run for office."


    I think the lot of them make promises that they can't keep. It is one thing to say you are going to do it this and that when elected and then actually do it. In order to pass laws, you have to get a majority to support it. That might be hard if the other commissioners, representatives don't agree.

  5. i totally agree with jmd, it is a choice and it is the owners choice. It is easy to look out of your glass house and cast judgement.

    What if the dog IS being abused? Isn't it better to have Animal Control come out and check. I don't think anyone on this thread is being judgemental - they are just worried about the animal. Better safe than sorry in my opinion.

  6. Are we so busy with other things that we have no time at all to descuss anything legeslative, executive, or judicial about our laws in this Country?

    Oh, Eddie. This is a little much for me to wrap by little brain around this early! I need more coffee.

  7. My favorite part is when Moore and the guy from the military go to capitol hill to recruit the congressmen and women to sign their kids up for the military and people just start avoiding him.

    Yes, but what was not seen, was when he actually confronted members of Congress that do have children in the military. Typical Michael Moore. Edits out things that contradict his point of view.

  8. The thing I wonder is did he have proof of insurance.

    Wouldn't the police officer have to ticket him (or arrest him) for lack of insurance though? I received some fairly threatening letters when my insurance information was not correct in the state database.

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