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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. But, when is already going over the posted speed limit blocking traffic? I just don't get it. I can see this on the interstate but not on the four lane or any other street in Paulding.


    Well if the evidence isn't there then I would follow the person and then....well..you can imagine the rest.


    Just pull over and let people pass. People speed and there is nothing that anyone can do about it. Blocking traffic in the left lane is a stale attempt that will do nothing but piss people off and could put people in danger for more reasons than one. No reason to be pigheaded and think that you own the road anymore than anyone else does.

  2. FYI: The BCBS HMO is a 90-10 split now.


    onez11 - Blue Cross has two different options ppo and hmo - the ppo usually has a high deductable and they pay 80% of hospital coverage. You get to choose your own doctors on this option. The hmo usually pays 100% of hospital, you get to choose your doctors from a group. Call Blue Cross and get them to expain to you the benefits of your policy. Usually the doctors and the hospital file the insurance for you and you a get a bill for what is left. The doctors office can probably give you an estimate of what you will owe. Check your bills carefully - hospital too - they like to bill you for eveything - just make sure it applies to you.
  3. I wish my ER co-pay with BCBS was still $50.00. Ours is now $100.00. :angry:



    I opted for my $50 co-pay to the ER. I'm curious as to when they started taking BCBS HMO. If I can go there, I would much rather do so than the ER...
  4. I love the bottles and Jennifer (one of the pharmacist) is top notch. I can't complain at all.


    I just got my husband's medicine filled and I went to Target because I had a $10 store coupon if you fill it there. So I did it. I think I may start getting them all filled there.


    One thing is the red bottles. I love the color especially since I am tired of the color that everyone else uses. The red bottles are just different so I like them.


    But what I love is that they do color rings on the bottles. Each family member chooses a color. So all you have to do is look at the colored ring and know who's medicine it is without having to read each bottle.


    Anyone like this? I think it could really help when you have several people who take daily medicine. Of course you would still read the bottle to make sure that you are getting the right medicine but you aren't looking thru 15 different bottles just to find yours.


    I think I am gonna love it.

    (((I know, I must be bored to be so excited about medicine bottles. :D ))))

  5. Because we have the longest commutes of anyone in the industrialized nations. Americans tend to live further out from the business centers.


    Why is it that the rest of the world has learned to get by with higher gas prices than we do? We're spoiled. Why can the rest of the world get by using smaller cars, motorcycles & scooters, mass transportation, bicycles & --- God forbid --- walking?
  6. NHG, you might want to check out support groups for suicide survivors. I think it could be helpful to you and maybe help you find the answers in which you are searching for right now.


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


    Thank you all for everything.. It all just has not hit me yet and it seems stuck inside does that make any sense at all.. I want to know he is finally at peace.. I want to know why, I am angry because who in the hell does he think he is to make the decision to make me an only child.. I wanted lots of brothers and sisters....why did he do it at my parents house.... is he at peace because he must have been hurting so badly inside to do this....

    did he know how much I love him and need him......the questions are endless the thoughts are endless.. I slept last night without being waken I woke up at 10am..

    I have so much to do...Gosh I miss my baby brother, I just cannot accept that he is really truly gone I am waiting for him to show up still.... I have this thought in my mind that he is still alive and this is not real....

    We did not have a body due to the condition they would not let me hold his hand, this is just tooo hard... Not sure how to sort this all out....and start dealing I am sure in time but it is hard to accpet and understand.. and deal.. and be strong for everyone around me..not let the kids see me break down is my main concern.. just like when I was home I did not want my parents see me lose it.. I sort of feel guilty because I have not....

    I want to scream but I want to lay down and cry...

  7. Target sells the Little Tykes footless pajamas. Saw them last night.


    I found ONE pair of these pajamas at a consignment shop and I love them. I finally found ONE more pair on ebay and of course, bought them. They do not have feet and that's what I love about them. If you have any of this type of girl's Little Tykes pajamas, size 9-12 or 12-18 months and you want to sell them, I want to buy them. Thanks!! :)
  8. Alright. I tried to litter yesterday. I honestly did. I chunked my empty Dansani bottle out of the window of my moving car. But, I just couldn't do it. I turned my car around and picked it up.


    I maybe be lily white but I am not a slob!!!

  9. yes, it is on the books. Move-Over-Law: Georgia Code, Title 40-6-16.




    There have been several PSA's on the news and in the newspapers about it.


    My Sister-in-law received a ticket a month ago for this violation and she claims to have never heard of it before. I have, in fact didn't come out over a year ago? Seems like it's been around for a while. Well the fine is $550 :blink: Wow! Anyway she plans to fight this in court, she went on the court date and was told that she'd have to have a complete trial. She plans to fight 'til the end. Personally, I think she should pay the fine and go on because ignorance of the law is not an excuse. She says she has spoke to numerous people who have never heard of it at all - including a Police officer. And in her limited research, she claims it isn't officially on the books. :blink:


    So I'm just curious how many know of the law (My husband and I have heard of it and have seen it in action! - No we weren't the ones caught we move over regardless of who is on the side of the road, even empty cars)

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