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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. It just isn't a piece of plastic! It is a piece of plastic specially molded to your son's mouth!


    I would call Dr. Justice. $250.00 doesn't seem that off to me, really.


    #1 . It is a sin to charge $250.00 for a piece of plastic .

    #2 I don't care about his years of college . It does not give him a license to rip people off . I'm not impressed . He is taking advantage . He has made his money back many times over .

    #3 my son is 13 . I guess I could cash in a few of his savings bonds . He has $1500 in savings bonds . that is his life savings . I'll have to cash those for a piece of plastic that it cost $10 to make . sad

  2. If he stops crying when you pick him up, that isn't colic. What exactly is your routine?


    Is the baby nursing or on formula?



    I had my first baby 7 weeks ago all he does is scream! He is my parents first grandchild and of course they have him ROTTEN.I told his dr. he screams all day & i mean all day he says it is colic,but if i pick him up he stops crying and goes to sleep if i put him down he screams all over again.WHAT DO I DO? i am going crazy!!!!!!

  3. I need someone to tailor clothes for me!


    When you say "seamstress", do you mean for clothes or for stuff like cushions, pillows and table cloths? My mom is a seamstress, has been for over thirty years, but she doesn't make clothes. If you're interested, I can give you her phone number. Just let me know. She's great - and I'm not biased - and does a terrific job. She just made me some awesome down throw pillows for my leather sofa.
  4. 1. $100.00 a week

    2. $25.00 a week

    3. $6.00 a day for ASP; $125.00 for daycare for toddler

    4. $100.00 a month

    5. ??

    6. I usually take lunch; if I eat at the cafeteria: $6.00 a day

    7. Nails: 20.00 every month Hair: $75.00 every eight weeks

    8. :lol: :lol:


    1. Gas used to drive to and from work

    2. Cleaning bill if you dress nicely

    3. Before or after school care pricing and or daycare

    4. Additional clothes you wouldn't buy if you stay at home

    5. Wear and tear on vehicle due to extra mileage

    6. Possibly eating out more due to needing lunch and or working late or is the grocery bill less?

    7. Having nails and hair "done" more often

    8. Possible housecleaner (do you have one or does your house stay cleaner with you gone?)

    Now , be serious, please. :)

  5. Most will start their lists in January before the August start of school. The child has to be four before school starts.


    jakem962: What part of the county are you in?


    Probably a silly question but.. at about what age does it make sense to put your child's name on the lists for Pre-K programs?
  6. Because I don't agree with a special tax just for the fire department. My personal opinion is that I would rather the county raise my taxes to provide for an adequate fire department than using a special dedicated tax that will be asked to keep over and over again. The same reason I don't like SPLOST.


    Why? How much is a life saved worth? Myself I will vote for it and I encourage everyone else to vote for it. The Fire Department will never be able to provide adequate Fire Protection and ALS care until it has the manpower and equipment.
  7. Well, I agree with you on that point. Plus, I don't know many family law lawyers that would give consults over the phone.


    NO ATTORNEY - not even a bad one - would counsel her to get the goods on a cheating spouse to help her gain custody of her children.


    It just doesn't matter.

  8. He doesn't have to agree!


    Maybe she thinks the husband won't agree to the divorce unless there are grounds, such as abuse or adultery? Either way, it won't matter, the judge can dissolve the marriage whether its fault or no-fault.
  9. You can't use infidelity to your favor in a divorce or a custody case. It will not make one lick of difference.


    FYI... I believe I said that I had spoke to a lawyer. Not seen one. The lawyer did not tell me to get proof that he was cheating. They told me to get proof that he was being abusive. Since I have no proof that he is abusive then I'm going for what I can get. And they said that as long as I could not get proof that he is abusive THAT is why they CAN NOT help me.


    And another thing, this story has NOT changed. It is not my fault that you don't see everything that is there.

  10. Good! I still don't understand, though, why she needs proof and why an attorney would tell her that. I am a little confused. It seems like a lot of wasted energy if she doesn't care. Maybe I am missing something.


    She can't hire a PI. Wheres the money coming from? She has found another way though. She will go that route and get what she needs. I have NO doubts she will get our ASAP, but right now, it's just not possiable.
  11. Hire a PI. That is about all you can do if you don't want a no-fault divorce.


    Plus, if it is a good attorney, they would file a divorce just because of infidelity.


    Honestly lowrider, I could care less if he is cheating or not. But, when you have lawyers telling you that they CAN NOT help you because of lack of evidence that anything is wrong, You will do what you have to do. This is what I have to do. I don't say I am going to do something then don't do it. I don't need anyone's opinion. I wanted suggestions on how to catch him and to make sure I wasn't seeing something that isn't there. I didn't say that you were judging me or bashing anyone. The people who were doing the bashing knows who I am refering to. Thanks for your support.
  12. I have always been pleased with the shrimp at Publix. I don't eat crab legs so can't help you there.


    Truth be told, I will get my seafood at Whole Foods during the week and carry a cooler in the car.


    I haven't checked out any of the Paulding grocery stores other than Ingles, Walmart & Target but are there any grocery stores or markets of any kind that has good seafood? I'm looking for crab legs and shrimp. I hate driving to east Cobb and driving to Pensacola is not feasible right now. ^_^


    Boy, do I miss Winn Dixie now! They had a great seafood department when they were on Brownsville Road at James Parkway.

  13. Both are in downtown Dallas!


    FUMC is on East Memorial and First Baptist is on Hardee Street.


    I know where Grace Baptist is...where is Dallas First Baptist and Dallas FUMU???


    Sorry, I have been here less than a year and still don't know my way around :D

  14. There is a lawnmower shop in downtown Powder Springs also.


    We have an old push style lawnmower that the motor "froze" on earlier this spring. We purchased a new one and now need a place to take the old one - we don't want anything for it......It HAS to leave my garage asap.....I'm trying to reclaim some space in there!!!
  15. Grace Baptist

    Dallas First Baptist

    Dallas FUMU to name three right off the top of my head.....


    a pre-school for my almost 4 yr old son? I am looking for something 2-3 days per week in the Dallas/Hiram area (I live off 278) and I prefer a Christian school (not a Daycare), but won't discount anything without checking it out first! He misses the cutoff for Hope Pre-K by 19 days, and I need to get him into a school before he drives us nuts for the next year!


    If anyone can help, I know the PCom world can.....


    Thanks :D

  16. I wish Pubby would have left it up. Nothing like a little class warfare to start the week off right!


    You can say that again it was only up what 5 mins. Pubby might change his name to Quick Draw McGraw :lol:


    Edited because for some reason I can't spell it right the first time !

  17. Wait, so only politicians need to express their politicial views?


    They are musicians NOT politicians and most people don't want to be subjected to their political views!
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