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Posts posted by icare

  1. We are thinking about trying to sell our home ourselves. We know the market is bad, but we are not in a big hurry. We are just looking to get out of the area we are in. Any advice on selling a home yourself? What steps do you have to take to do so? I know we will need an attorney as some point, but other than that I'm clueless. Thanks in advance.

  2. I had a professor alot like this at KSU. He even refused to grade one of my papers because of my Chrisitan views. I went head to head with him and refused to re-write the paper. He finally graded it. I made a B in the class, but had to fight for every good grade I got. He loved to debate Chrisitanity in class. You should read the pages of comment he wrote after reading some of my papers. It was truly an eye opening experience. I just think of all the young students that this man is influencing. It makes me sad. :(

  3. the point being...


    We have no clue what the back story is..


    It could be long and drawn out like the above (no offense, really...) - we know exactly 500 words or less about this chick and this dog, and a ton of folk have already condemned her to hell because she wanted baby stuff instead of a dog.



    stay classy, pcom.


    Here's a point to ponder........if someone came on P.com and wanted to trade a dog for baby clothes what do you think would happen???? I think they would be crucified. JMHO


    There are many ways to find a home for a dog that there is no longer room for, then go buy some baby clothes.

  4. Tow, After our battle in the battles I can't believe I am responding to your post about your kitty. :p May I remind you this is the very same thing you gave Mek heck for. :rolleyes: I had an older kitty that had this problem and it was a flea allergy. It happened every summer. I took him to the vet and they gave him a shot and some oral meds and he would be back to normal in a few days. We also had to treat the fleas. These allergies will make the cat miserable. I do believe he/she needs to go to the vet. JMHO. Good luck!!! :)

  5. I just started her CaringBridge page today. She would LOVE some words of encouragement, even if she has never met you. She doesn't feel like doing very much these days while undergoing chemo and is still recovering from brain surgery. So, I know she and my dad will most likely read the wishes from this guestbook a thousand times.

    She has stage 4 melanoma so without a miracle, her prognosis is not good. She has faith like a rock and a fantastic sense of humor though, and that makes all the difference.

    Just go to CaringBridge.org and her site name is fayc.

    Thank you so much :wub:


    Laura's Mom...just type in fayc for the site name




    if you refer to me as AGG they wont have a clue who you're talking about ;) :rofl: .


    DONE!! :)

  6. I'm confused too. It appears that she updated that he was coming home, but then the doc discovered the bleeding so now he is having surgery. Do I have it right? Either way, best of luck!!

  7. Covered,


    Thanks! Could you give me a better idea of the location and maybe when he does this? I'm pregnant and LOVE produce..... and would love to buy from someone local.





    Sorry I didn't see this sooner. If you turn on Sweetwater Church Rd. from HWY. 92 he is about halfway down on the right. He is right on the main road. He has a little shelter built that he sells from. He usually has a vehicle for sale in the yard as well. You can't miss it. I have been buying from him for a long time. He's a great guy.

  8. My daughter wants to have a Tea Party. We need hats like women wore years ago. Where can I find some or does anybody have any I can buy cheep!

    Has anyone done this and have any ideas?


    I did this years ago for my daughter. I purchased all of the dresses, hats, beads, and boas from various thrift stores. We had a blast!!! Good luck!

  9. I'm looking for farmers markets.... anyone know where and when I can find one?





    There's a man on Sweetwater Church Rd. that sells produce. Some is from his own garden and some from the big farmers market in Atlanta. He goes down there once or twice a week in the wee hours of the morning. I buy stuff from him alot.

  10. Yes, my son has. I never go over to Villa Rica. I'd love to find her owners, but if I can't, she'll need a new home. I also contacted shelters, had her scanned--folks, I've looked--and it's only been 3 days--I don't know when you're supposed to quit looking. If she were my lost dog, I'd want her back. But we can't look forever.


    My concern is that she came from a home with someone like who I'm looking to place her with, and that person/those people don't know how to go about finding her. :(


    And bellaprincess--I've kept that in mind. I have someone who's contacted me who might be a good home with one other Chi--two individuals, actually--and they are at the top of the list if we can't find the kind of home we're looking for.


    Thanks for your input. :)


    I totally agree with you, I had the same dilemma. My daughter had decided to keep the JRT and the lady called after three weeks!! I could not understand why it took so long, but she swore she didn't see the signs(they were all around her house, ten of them!!). I was angry that it took her that long, but when I took the dog to her house it was obvious that she was loved and cared for. My daughter was heartbroken. I do understand. I hope she finds a great home.

  11. So sorry. When we are little we tend to think are parents are invincible and will live forever. My Mom died at 44, I was only 20 and that was a rude awakening. My Dad is 70 now and has numerous health problems. It is truly sad to see them in a weakened state. My SIL's Dad has a grim prognosis and is doing really well now. Don't give up hope. I pray that your Dad's surgery will be successful and he will recover.

  12. You may have posted this, but did you put out signs in the area where she was found? I found a Jack Russell in the spring and went door to door, animal shelter, and put out signs. The owner finally saw one of my signs and called. This was one happy reunion! Good luck!!

  13. I can't stand the Oxyclean guy who yells at the camera. As a matter of fact I hate any commercial that is trying to sell those ridiculous gadgets that you can buy ONLY from TV or anyone that yells at me trying to get me to buy something.

  14. Empty nest was/is extremely hard for me, but I am a very emotional person. Your daughter will probably find additional stuff she needs once she settles in. I ended up making my daughter a first aid/medicine kit. I know that most colleges have a clinic, but alot of time they need little things when the clinic is closed. I included anti-nausea med, Benadryl, antibiotic oinment, band aids, etc. and she took her beloved heating pad with her. My daughter was always running short on cash her freshman year and she had to really learn how to budget her money, but now she is doing great. The hardest part for me was/is when she would get sick and call me, I always wanted to run to her. Her freshman year she called numerous times crying....once it was a nightmare where she felt like people were holding her down and she couldn't scream or say anything, she thought it had really happened, she got a speeding ticket, she hit a deer, strep throat and a good friend was killed in a car accident. Those phone calls, especially the ones in the middle of the night, are the toughest, but it does get easier for both parents and child. I have a very independent daughter, but she still needs me when she is in crisis. Oh, and don't listen to country music. All of those songs about children growing up make me cry uncontrollably. I just listen to talk radio now. Best of luck and hang tough!!

  15. I have been following this case as well. I am so drawn to it because of that precious baby girl. I am with some of you. If that was my daughter I would BEAT her, torture her, whatever it took to get the info out of her. I think she knows and I don't think this baby is alive. It sickens me!!! :angry: :(

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