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Posts posted by icare

  1. I would say your over reacting, get over it, it is hair it will grow back, sounds to me like it is a control issue with you and your husband. If it is his style right now in his life I say dont crush it, tell him if he likes it then great!!he will grow out of it and get sk of it, this is just a phase.



    be glad he isnt doing drugs!


    A control issue? They are his parents and should be in control. :rolleyes: The hair isn't the issue, the sneaking around to do it is the issue.

  2. My all time favorite is "I love Lucy", but now days it's "Bones", NCIS, House, The Office, My Name is Earl, Wife Swap, OH, and The Shield


    Andy Griffith

    Little House on the Prarie

    Everybody loves Raymond

    That 70's Show (reminds me of MY high school days) :D


    I truly don't have time to watch TV anymore.

  3. Someone very close to me was accused of sexual assault and was guilty until proven innocent. It makes me sick!! This person was cleared of all charges and now lives a normal life, but this persons life could have been easily ruined by the words of a very needy female that likes drama and attention. :angry: I don't know the people of the facts of this case, but she is innocent until proven guilty.

  4. I hope she's not driving until they find out the cause. My son has seizures and was diagnosed with epilepsy about seven years ago. I hope they are testing her to find out the cause.

  5. I was just going to ask if you had posted signs. I live in that area and have been keeping my eye out for her. Signs do work. I tend to notice them when they are on street and stop signs. I know the county frowns on that, but I think they are more noticeable there. I will continue to look out for her. Does she have a collar on?

  6. Anyone see a 185% increase to back up the B.S. Whitey was spouting off about a few months ago?


    Surepip's quote:

    Because Whitey chose to stand up for his [our] rights by "spouting off" about a 178% increase in the county bonds [adding the Courthouse Palace to the Green SPace bond we already approved] which Shearin and company backed away from implementing because the DOR would not exempt them from having to advertize the increase and hold public meetings.


    But it will be implemented next year. Per the last BOC meeting, we are going to service the bond interest this year with money from our county reserves.


    If Whitey and Todd Pownall had not had the showdown with King Jerry, and if the DOR had approved the county's request to be exempted from the advertizing/hearings requirement, you would have had an additional mil on this years taxes without even knowing it was coming.





    Uh oh!! You pulled Surepip's string!!! :lol:

  7. Accusation shouldn't smear one forever, but it does. That is just reality that he needs to deal with. The newspaper should not have to go back and "erase" a legitimate article. They should have done a follow-up on his innocence though. I wouldn't have a problem with them being required to add a note to the end of the article so that every time someone googled this guy, they would see the article and then also see a note that the charges were dropped and nothing came of them...


    Why should he have to deal with it??? What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?? One more question....how is the article legitimate??? He was "suspected" of sexual assault. How does that give them the right to say they had sound reason to believe he was a threat??? Am I missing something???

  8. AGG and NYGal, you and your families are definitely in my prayers. I still remember the day I found out my Mom had breast cancer just like it was yesterday. I was thirteen and that was 34 years ago. Just like NY Gal said, I felt as though I had been punched in the stomach and couldn't breathe. That day changed my life forever, but I am so thankful for the relationship I had with my Mom. God Bless you all.

  9. I will not do the For Sale by Owner. I'm just talking about putting a sign in the yard and see what happens. I live in a lower end house and subdiv. and have heard they are selling much better than higher end. Not sure if that's true. Our subdiv is in great shape considering it is twenty one years old and our house is in good shape as well.

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