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Posts posted by icare

  1. well I guess thats good and I guess I need to listen to my dh better when he tells me 'news' stories. lol


    Well the media likes to make it out like everybody is dying if they are involved in an accident. I did read that he had to have surgery for a broken arm and shoulder, but would make a full recovery. Who knows that could be false also.

  2. This morning my daughter calls me and says there is something very wrong with her new dog. She is a yorkie shih=tzu mix that was given to her. She is precious and the new love of our lives. This little 4 lb. dog acts like a cross between a cat, a rabbit, and a flying squirrel. :lol: She leaps off of furniture(although we try to get her not to), she paws at everything like a cat, and hops like a bunny. She is so playful. So, the vet says she had a dislocated shoulder and has to pop it back in to place. :( It made me so sad to see her in pain, but the good news is she is resting and will be much better soon. Check her out. :wub:







  3. My daddy had Knee replacement surgery on Monday.Yesterday morning he started having trouble breathing.By the late afternoon they had him in icu on some special kind of oxygen.He also has 2 blood clots in his lungs,so they are using some blood thinner to help get rid of them.We can not even go in with him,which is making me nuts.So please send some good prayers,thoughts,wishes,etc. for my Daddy. Thanks


    Prayers for your Dad and do you mind me asking how old he is? My Dad needs this surgery and has been putting it off. He is 70 and does have some health problems. Just curious.

  4. yep and I am one of them.....I have fallen for that [countingdogsonfingers] 5 times.

    After everything she has been through she probably needs to be an only child.


    Yep!! My last rescue (the aggressive one) was chained to a dead bush for a long time and was eat up with heartworms. We have been through alot with him and he is my main focus right now. We have nicknamed him "The Beast" but he has calmed down alot. He loves my husband and get along okay with my other two dog, but if I added another I'm afraid he would freak out.

  5. I am hijacking my own thread....where are you going to school....I have been thinking about going back to school and finishing mine, but I haven't figured out how to work it out.


    KSU and I love it!! It is amazing how much more focused you are when you get older. I actually enjoy going to school and can't wait to get my degree!!!


  6. you guys did a great thing...she will make someone a wonderful family addition.


    At least your cohorts didn't do you like Georgia linemans wife and Sheri714 did me...they picked up a stray, I offered a the use of a crate and I have have had Pete ever since :p J/K you couldn't pry Pete away from me....they would have to shoot me first, He is my bud.


    We have alot of suckers for a cute face on here.

    I wanted to keep Duchess more than you'll ever know, but the dog I rescued before her is aggressive and she doesn't need anything else to make her nervous. She deserves the best!!

  7. I would love to move around Carter Lake, but for reason hubby thinks it is too far to drive back to Villa Rica to work. He says maybe when our kids are off to college.....well let's see...they are 7 so I only have to wait another 12 years.


    Yeah, I didn't want to uproot my kids. They are now in college, but I have returned to college to get my teaching degree and will finish in about two more years. Then I want to think about moving, I just don't want to be too far from family.

  8. Listening to him recently you could tell something was wrong. After doing a search it appears he was having problems with diabetes and suffered congestive heart failure last September. He will definitely be missed. RIP Mr. Caray. :(

  9. Two years ago, Author Dave Gilmartin included douglasville in a book of "The Absolutely Worst Places to Live in America.". Here is a discussion pro and con:



    I've heard crime, gangs, etc. and run-down areas, but have gone through many a time with fine results.


    You might try South Paulding, which has a Douglasville address and none of their problems.


    To the OP: I truly don't think South Douglas is near as bad as the rest of Dville. We have family that lives off of Tyree Rd. and it is still rural and really nice out there.


    In response to this poster: We moved to the South Paulding area 19 years ago. We have loved most every minute of it, but this area is changing rapidly. I don't see us staying here too much longer. :(

  10. Wish me luck!!! Duchess goes to Petsmart in Kennesaw tomorrow. I am praying for a wonderful family for this very deserving dog. If she is not adopted she will go to a rescue through Mostly Mutts. These people have been great!!


    The people with the Mostly Mutts rescue are awesome. I took Duchess this morning crying like a baby. They let me hang out for a while. Alot of people seemed interested in her and her story. They assured me she would be placed in a wonderful home and are letting me keep track of her journey to being adopted. Thanks Mostly Mutts!! Thanks Volski!!! I love you Duchess!!!

  11. Yes. She said his protein in his blood wasn't holding. She said it was like he a bad cold or virus and the blood and protein wasn't performing together. (or something like that) Its hard to understand all this doctor talk. She said she could not 100% guarnatee this but if she didn't think it would help she would not do it. They put shaline water thur him first then she said it would take 4-6 hours to put the protein thru and he will need to lie flat on his back while they do it.


    We'll pray that this helps this precious little fellow.

  12. OH... :huh:



    But, I am dying to try your food. Just looking at your pics make my mouth water. I will be trying your food out in the near future. Thanks!!


    Oddly enough, Outback has pretty good wings.


    That's interesting, I never knew they had wings, but I love their Alice Springs Chicken. Maybe I'll give their wings a try.

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