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Posts posted by icare

  1. Wow! That's a powerful video!! It brought tears and remembrance of all of the events of seven years ago. I was teaching a class of high school students. The whole school was in shock. All events were cancelled and I sat home with my family, very close to me, and we all watched the news coverage in disbelief. I will never forget. :(

  2. :lol: No offense to you, but this comment is too funny! I am finding alot of humor in how many people are acting like they have sat in Palin's living room and know her so well! :lol:


    I plainly said you and the rest of the world (including me) HAVE NO IDEA how much she cares for her children. So does that mean it's fair to ASSume she is a lousy Mom?

  3. Here is an email I received today. Now I know this is a scam of some sort and would NEVER respond to it. How do these people get our email addresses and how do they come up with these crazy scams?





    Hello Dear

    From Lady Jenny Brooks (Mrs.)

    My name is Mrs. Jenny Brooks; I am a dying woman who has decided to

    donate what

    I have to you/church. I am 59 years old and I was diagnosed for cancer for

    about 2 years ago, immediately after the death of my husband,who has left me

    everything he worked for and because the doctors told me I will not

    live longer

    than some weeks because of my health, I decided to WILL/donate the sum of

    $2,500,000 (two million five hundred thousand dollars) to you for the

    good work

    of the lord, and also to help the motherless and less privilege and also for

    the assistance of the widows.I wish you all the best and may the good Lord

    bless you abundantly, and please use the funds well and always extend the good

    work to others. Contact my lawyer (Barrister Jaapa Yo ) with this specified

    email: barrjaapa@gmail.com and tell him that I have WILLED ($2,500,000.00) to

    you and I have also notified him.I know I don?t know you but I have been

    directed to do this. Thanks and God bless.


    WARNING: This e-mail is a suspected phishing scam.



  4. Remember everyone to the right of the eye gets the worse of it. Just like Katrina the MS coast is going to get nailed. Before it was always NO everything. We need to remember everyone effected. My family is on the MS coast and I went down 2 days afterwards and it was horrendous. Prayers to them all.


    Yeah, I did alot of mission work in Gulfport after Katrina. Even now all you hear about is New Orleans. However, Mississippi handled their situation alot differently than Louisiana. Prayers for them all.

  5. I am a Raider's fan myself. I would like to say to some other Raider's fans out there to please have some CLASS before posting. (You know who you are.) This is getting extremely embarrasing.


    You're my kinda fan!!! Thanks!!!


    I just don't understand why you're so hung up on the PCHS coach. My son played under a horrible coach, but just like in life you have to suck it up and deal with it!! Two Patriot fans out of many does not make it so. There is nothing anyone can do about it at this point so they should just go out there and support their team. Also, I don't know why you are so hung up on PCHS not playing you guys, but it's time to LET IT GO. If you truly did not know how the game went last night then I apologize.


    After looking at this post again and you making sure you put the divisions with the team names I'm not totally convinced you didn't already know the score. ;)

  6. Since when was asking how one of our teams did, become a problem? Good greif you bunch of winers. Its not my fault or your players fault that the coaching staff is CRAP!

    He's the one that droped the EAST game to play Pepperell, I wish those boys the best of luck the rest of the way ,but I talked to two Patriot fans a few minutes ago that told me the Coaching was pathetic! The TRUTH HURTS SOMETIMES! So face it and demand some changes as parents and fans and get off this humility kick because someone wants to know how yall did! :wacko:


    I just don't understand why you're so hung up on the PCHS coach. My son played under a horrible coach, but just like in life you have to suck it up and deal with it!! Two Patriot fans out of many does not make it so. There is nothing anyone can do about it at this point so they should just go out there and support their team. Also, I don't know why you are so hung up on PCHS not playing you guys, but it's time to LET IT GO. If you truly did not know how the game went last night then I apologize.

  7. Any Patriot fans out there. How did yall do ? :D


    I am very happy for the EPHS Raiders and that they are having alot of success. I don't have a child that plays anymore. I actually cheer for ALL the Paulding County teams, but you could use a little humility. I can't believe you would even post a topic like this. :glare: High school football is for the players that get out there and practice hard and play their hearts out. EVERY team is a winner!!




  8. Yep, I didn't want to go anywhere and it has been wonderful. I just had to take a peek at P.com and see what everyone thought about the Palin choice. I thinks it was brilliant. Have a wonderful evening all!!!

  9. It was so very nice to meet you and your daughter today. I am so pleased with my new haircut!! You are very talented and I look forward to seeing you in the future. Sorry, I don't do pics.....I am the least photogenic person on the face of the earth. Thanks!!

  10. I've been keeping up with this by watching Nancy Grace (the first 15 minutes are very informative)


    Tonight they said "limited" immunity. Not sure what is limited, but Florida is a capital punishment state.


    She should probably talk to Scott Peterson to see how a narcissistic psychopath does in prison.


    My heart is breaking for that poor baby... I knew it more than likely would not end well, but was really hoping for a happy ending.


    Edit --


    Nancy Grace's show said that limited immunity is (in most cases) that they will not use what she tells them in the murder case itself --- but they will still proceed with the case. Please let me know if that doesn't make sense, it is late!!



    The article above says conditional immunity depending on her helping them find Caylee. I'm not sure what conditional means in this case, but I feel certain they will not let this little tramp off the hook. I will reserve the word murderer until we get further info., but my gut feeling is the little tramp is a murderer.

  11. So Bill Clinton said tonight at the obamapalooza that "Obama is ready to lead"... Bill, I have to use your most famous line that everyone remembers from you... That depends on what your meaning of "is" is...


    I like it...... :lol: :lol:

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