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Posts posted by icare

  1. Freedom writer - My sincere guess is despite the number of posts you have - quickly without an on-line dictionary or clever rehash quote can you tell me the definition of freedom? Goodness, does your W-2 indicate "writer" as a profession?

    Careful, there are actually a few professional journalists who look in here from time to time and find a clunk of metal in a bunch of diamonds. You are today's clunk.


    This avatar is from the actual group called "Freedom Writers." There is a movie, based on a true story, about this group of students and their teacher. I do not profess to be a writer of any sort, but the "Freedom Writer" story inspired me to return to school in hopes of teaching high school English someday. This teacher taught in inner city schools in LA and taught these students about racism through the Holocaust and allowing them to write "FREELY" in a daily journal about the difficulties they faced. You should watch it, you might learn something. I have NO DESIRE to be a journalist and could care less if you or anyone else think I'm a clunk, whatever that is. What is your profession sharkboy? Do you swim with the sharks?


    As for the video, I would be disturbed if they were singing about McCain as well. I just think it's sick to have children singing praises to a presidential candidate. It so reminds me of communism. That is my opinion and you are all welcome to yours.

  2. Actually, someone chided us for not having the story first and that they had to get it from Channel 2 or 11.


    My first 'official' comment on the story was:




    I almost posted my reservations that it would be wise to wait until the GBI determined what it was but decided against it because folks seemed so certain and had I done so and it turned out it was a fetus, I'd have been criticized for being insensitive.


    As it turned out, folks did choose to make the assumption of the worst. That may be due to a variety of factors including the state of the economy, the general tension due to the election, the fact that it is fall and school just started and everyone is still adjusting to the changes or all of those together.

    First, I'm just glad it turned out the way it did. Second, I would, as a general rule, caution folks against jumping to conclusions and making assumptions because you'll end up being embarrassed.




    Are you kidding me? I hope the bolded statement was an attempt at humor because many on P.com will assume the worst no matter what the h#$% is going on in the world. It's all Bush's fault that the economy has gone south and P.com is assuming the worst! :lol: :wacko:


    PLEASE let this story die.


  3. I wondered the same thing! How in the world was this just not flushed down the toilet? Something that small to a young girl would look like nothing but a clot of blood, she had to have know something and may have been screaming for help silently! :pardon: I wonder where in the bathroom it was found?



    What difference does it make? I wish everyone would just pray for this young lady and quit speculating. :wacko:

  4. You draw your own conclusion!



    The ten cities with the highest poverty rates have one thing in common; do you know that one thing is?




    Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961;




    Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn't elected a Republican since 1954;




    Cincinnati, OH (3rd) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1984;




    Cleveland, OH (4th) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1989;




    Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican mayor;




    St. Louis, MO (6th) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1949;




    El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican mayor;




    Milwaukee, WI (8th) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1908;




    Philadelphia, PA (9th) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1952;




    Newark, NJ (10th) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1907.




    Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'




    It is the disadvantaged who habitually elect Democrats --- yet are still disadvantaged.



    Pure and simple, Democrats are enablers.

  5. If you don't have a forum turned on, you can not see post that anyone has made in the forum.


    If you ck my post and I just made one in the political forum or even PP you would not be able to see it unless you had the forum turned on.


    Oh okay. I just thought they always showed up in My assistant. I usually try not to get involved in Politics on this board, but last night I just could not help myself. :)


    If you will look at the bottom right hand of your screen, it has the forums listed there.. just click on the upside arrow and it will get you there faster then using your assistant..


    Thanks LR. :)

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