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Posts posted by icare

  1. Due to health problems I have not been eating very well, but tonight I am craving wings. There are a few local places that I don't care for. I had the best wings ever a couple of months ago, but that was in Destin. These wings were huge and had a thick bourbon barbeque sauce. They were the best. Give me your best wings recommendations. Thanks!!

  2. Mostly Mutts is a rescue that will make sure she gets the home she deserves. They take into consideration what the dog has been through and what environment is best suitable. She will get a home with lots of love to give!! Thanks!!


    Wish me luck!!! Duchess goes to Petsmart in Kennesaw tomorrow. I am praying for a wonderful family for this very deserving dog. If she is not adopted she will go to a rescue through Mostly Mutts. These people have been great!!

  3. Powerful Women's Motto:


    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says..

    'Oh sh@*....she's awake!!'



    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I love it!! I used to let people walk all over me, but that has changed recently. It's called menopause!! My poor family.... :p

  4. I was in Cobb for surgery several weeks ago. Two days after surgery I started running a fever and vomiting. They also had to remove my epidural. They started me on morphine for pain, gave me med for vomiting and fever, I reacted to morphine so they gave me something for rash. I was so drugged I was seeing quadruple!!! My oxygen and blood pressure dropped really low, they looked scared. I was so out of it I don't remember much. Once all of that stuff got out of my system I started improving. I received great care there, but I don't tolerate meds well and I think they gave me way too much. I have been following your story and am so sorry this has happened to you. Good luck and take care of yourself!!!

  5. There are different degrees of severity of heartworms. Many times dogs don't act sick until they are so severe there's no turning back. I rescued a dog that was very severe and was bloating but otherwise showed no signs of being sick. One vet refused to treat another one took a chance on my dog and he is a healthy happy doggy. Dogs can be treated with much success, but the treatment is not cheap.

  6. My kids hate these shoes, as do I, there are many dangers to these shoes, a nail could easily go through them without much effort, they can easily slip in them, etc........ these are perfect for say a water park or the beach, but anywhere else no. And on top of that they are so darn expensive for not much of a shoe.


    A nail can go through just about any type of shoe.

  7. They are a soft rubber compound and the side of the escalator is stationary while the stairs are in motion. Do the math parents.



    and to answer the OP's ?


    Ignorence or stoopidity, depends on the individual.


    But, there are many other shoes out there that have the rubber soles and such, right? Instead of banning the shoes keep your kids away from the side of the escalator, just like you keep them out of the street.

  8. I just miss the days when I went to Pat Mell Pharmacy in Marietta.....the people knew me, and were always courteous. Those days are long gone.


    Yep, same for Physician Pharmacy on Austell Rd. My Mom had cancer and they always were so good to our family. Customer service is a thing of the past no matter where you go. Don't get me started on Verizon Wireless Store in D'ville. :angry:

  9. I always watched my small children on the escalator and made them hold on. I always said something and had them next to me when we got to the end. I think they can be dangerous for children no matter what shoes they wear, and children should be watched extra carefully on them.



    ****PSA**** Teach your children to never run into an elevator when the door opens. The elevator might not be there, but the elevator shaft will be there.


    I agree, I think this could happen with any type of sandal or soft shoe. Now Crocs are the devil. In some of the stories I read these kids got caught in the side of the escalator, not at the end where you get off. Parents just need to closely monitor their children and keep them in the middle of the step and away from the sides.

  10. I was always very thin growing up and even after having children. I heard all of the jokes and everything that went along with it. It does have an impact on you, I have never had alot of self confidence when it comes to my looks. Just don't take it to heart and love yourself just the way you are.

  11. That's great, and would be just as funny if you substituted McCain for Obama, or Dubya for that matter, or Congress, etc., etc., etc...............................


    Honestly, I LOL'd.



    Nope, wouldn't be as funny. :p

  12. WTF? No he hasn't passed or do they know something more than I do.. last I was in ICU he was somewhat stable. Change the freaking title to something more appropriate.


    Wow, I'm glad he is still with us. That is not what the title was to begin with. Who changed it?

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