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Posts posted by icare

  1. I watch CNN and I have never seen Americans soldiers being killed! Now with that being said...I went on the one website where I can see anything! They are only showing Saddam having the rope around his neck and then dead...No actual hanging! So I don't think the footage is out there @@ Not that I really care to see it anyway.


    They did have a reporter embedded with enemy snipers and showed an American soldier being "picked off,"

    That, my friend, repulses me.

  2. What Kind of crack are you on?? Yes, I think our politicians should be much more responsible for their actions, but there is no way you are comparing anything going on here with the horrendous actions of Saddam???


    You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

  3. I saw the movie review for Night at the Museum and thought I would give you all the review for The Good Shepherd. It is long but very good, it is best if you brush up on your history/knowledge of the 1960's and the dealings with Cuba and Russia. Very will written and produced by the one and only "Bobby" Deniro. Matt Damon was awesome. An excellent spy thriller.

  4. a full or queen size frame, springs and mattress in decent shape, or tell me where I can find one. I am not asking for a handout, willing to pay for it. We finally got my daughter an apartment at college and we are moving her away from those evil roommates. We are all very excited. I pray her second semester at college will be better than the first. Thanks!

  5. True it might be only part of the story. But reading the comments on here gives the impression that the tax rate has been going up every year. That is not the case.


    Thank you!!! for pointing this out. Some people on here just don't get it.

  6. Hiram played Marist in the first round of playoffs in 2002 and we lost, but Marist is a private school that recruits players at a very young age and "grows" and teaches them all the way. Public school football teams are definitely at a disadvantage against this "stacked" team. You guys did great!!! What an awesome way for the seniors to end their year. Congrats!!!!

  7. There are many songs that make me cry, some have already been mentioned.

    The Dance makes me think of my Mom that passed away 25 years ago. I still miss her everyday.

    Remember When and Love Remains(Collin Raye) makes me think of my dear Hubby.

    This is a newer song that makes me think of my kids, it is awesome


    Find Your Wings - Mark Harris



    Genre/Lang. : Christian


    It's only for a moment you are mine to hold

    The plans that heaven has for you

    Will all too soon unfold

    So many different prayers I'll pray

    For all that you might do

    But most of all I'll want to know

    You're walking in the truth

    And If I never told you

    I want you to know

    As I watch you grow



    I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams

    And that faith gives you the courage

    To dare to do great things

    I'm here for you whatever this life brings

    So let my love give you roots

    And help you find your wings


    May passion be the wind

    That leads you through your days

    And may conviction keep you strong

    Guide you on your way

    May there be many moments

    That make your life so sweet

    Oh, but more than memories




    It's not living if you don't reach for the sky

    I'll have tears as you take off

    But I'll cheer as you fly




    I knew there was one more, How Can I Help you to say Goodbye by Patty Loveless makes me cry, especially the part at the end when her Mom is dying, real tearjerker.

  8. not wrong per se....but when you do that with gif files you tend to lose animation


    go back to where you found it, right click on the image, go to properties and copy the URL


    then paste that link into the "link to offsite avatar" box


    Thanks Lesley, Santa's doing his "thing" now :)

  9. I am looking for a cozy "facility" to rent for a Christmas family reunion. There is a place in Alabama at one of the state parks, that we have been to with an indoor room with fireplace, but we really don't want to go that far. Does anyone know of a place in the Atlanta metro area that we can rent? It will be approximately 25 people.

  10. The state had absolutely NOTHING to do with the grading system. The county made that decision 2 weeks before school started with out any input from teachers.


    I could be wrong and I will do some more research, but I do believe this all has something to do with the state's new Georiga Performance Standards. I attended a school board meeting where this was discussed.

  11. For all of you who spent countless hours griping about the school situation - quit your griping and run for office. Otherwise just hush. The candidates on today's ballot all ran UNOPPOSED.


    I would like to point out that one of the school board candidates on the ballot is new to the school board, but did run unopposed.



    This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!!!!!!! You people will believe anything you hear!!

  13. yes we are a very happy bunch.... we have signs up or had but they have been taken down and destroyed.. funny how that happened...


    How do you know who destroyed your signs? It sure wasn't me, I don't know you or where you live. How do you know it wasn't kids. I am very active in the community and have had many signs destroyed in my yard, but without proof you don't know who did it, right?


    Yeah, but I doubt they would change a NO sign to say "YES NEW TAXES...VOTE YES"




    How childish! You know what I meant!

  14. It is perfectly legal to put these signs in front of a polling place within so many feet. No restrictions on how many. Have you seen the entrances during a regular election? THese signs are very reasonable as I have purchased them before for football. Anyone could go and purchase them including the NO voters. So why are you whining about the signs?? Are you people ever happy?

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