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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. I get where you are coming from now. You are in a business that likes to welcome illegals to the workforce. Do you guys really need them that much? I hope they all leave the state and I want to see every business pushed to use e-verify. Obey the law regarding immigration if you are an immigrant or get out of America! Enforce our laws or get out of any position that is given the authority to enforce it!
  2. How about we take the able bodied folks who are on welfare and who are collecting unemployment and send them down there to work. Or maybe we could tell the farmers to get temporary visas for some of the folks who want to come here and work. Yes, they can do that! I really do hope they will leave and stop using the hospitals and schools and leaving the GA taxpayer to foot the bill. I don't mind paying a little more for my peaches and vegetables.
  3. What a great Birthday present! Happy Birthday Lucky!!!
  4. Great speech by a smart young man. It will be interesting to see how he does in the future. I am going to play this for my Grandson. I want him to hear it and wish he could have heard something like it at his graduation.
  5. Just heard this too. I would love to read a copy of this young person's speech! Sounds like a very bright responsible person! Sure does not expect any hand outs without hard work to earn them!
  6. Rountree Recreation used to. I think that is the name. Grandkids took from them for awhile.
  7. I agree! My body was aching all over before the ceremony was finished but I was determined to sit there and see every bit of it! My Grand kid only graduates High School once and we have been right there beside them with encouragement, money, tutoring, or whatever was needed. When I was in school they would have held the kid's diploma for disrupting the event in any way. I guess too many parents would sue over that today. Seems a lot of them support starting the party before the end of the ceremony. Yep, it made it longer!
  8. Yeah, great way to show how adult they can be at an occasion like that! I thought I saw a student get up and tell them to behave but I could be wrong. What could the administration do about it? They couldn't suspend them but I bet they sure were glad to see some of them graduate. The speaker should not have had to wait for them to settle down!
  9. So sweet! I am happy for all of you!
  10. I have already said most of what you have said. I did forget to mention the great job PCSO did with the huge crowd and staying on top of the issue of folks who would not sit down. They did an outstanding job of directing traffic and I really think it may have prevented accidents. They were everywhere. Right after we got there someone had what we heard was a medical issue. The SO handled it quickly and efficiently.
  11. AMEN!!! That's the way I feel about it too.
  12. I found this in the AJC and thought it was funny. Just thought I would share. http://blogs.ajc.com/get-schooled-blog/2011/05/27/a-delightful-voicemail-parody-if-you-want-us-to-raise-your-child-press-6/?cxntfid=blogs_get_schooled_blog
  13. There was not a problem with folks clapping as far as I could tell. It was the folks who made all of the noise all through the ceremony and stood in front of others that where the biggest problems. I could hear a couple of air horns on the other side of the bleachers from where we were. They were not prolonged but I guess If I were in front of one my ears would have been ringing. I had no problem with the clapping that was reasonable in duration.
  14. He was amazing! It was 102 point something wasn't it? Keep in mind we could not hear a lot of the announcements and speeches! I was so pleased that he got a great scholarship.
  15. I was close to the corner of the bleachers on the right side of the field. It was hard to hear anything because there was a group of folks who thought the party had already started and the laughing and screaming could begin! never would have thought there were so many folks with such poor manners and lack of consideration for those who cared about the ceremony and wanted to see all of the graduates honored as they should have been. Have to say I was disappointed in some of the students with the beach balls and the bubbles. They were ruining it for some of their fellow graduates. I did not
  16. I was there and you are correct it was a wonderful ceremony. You are also correct about the rude folks who would not shut up during the great speeches and those who insisted on standing in front of the fence! My dirty looks did not make them suddenly gain any manners or consideration. The same rude folks who were so loud through the whole ceremony also got up and left as soon as their student got their diploma! Then again, maybe they were part of those who were tuned away for lack of parking and had to walk from Nebo and Austin to get there. Hope they were able to get the shuttle back.
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