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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. No. Why? It's a school assignment for my daughter...is it bad?


    I read part of it many years ago and I wish that I hadn't. It is very violent including rape, disembowelment and cannibalism. I bought a copy when I was in my twenties because I had seen it compared to Gulliver's Travels. The book earned a spot in my trash can. Not a book that I would want my daughter to read and she is in her 30's.

  2. No bat house but I do have a small cave on the back of my property where bats live. They come out at dusk to feed. I enjoy watching them. They are very small and have never bothered anything but the bugs.

  3. No kidding! Who is this guy? A single dad is not exactly what I would call an "ideal catch"...they usually come with crazy exs! But what else is he? Doctor? Lawyer?


    He was on a talk show when I went to bed last night and again when I got up this morning so he must be a stand up comic.


  4. I'm thinking about calling the Sherrif's Dept.


    These kids aren't licking the 4 wheelers that could end up in lead poisoning, (earlier subject) they're flying our hill which could end up in death for them and anyone driving this particular road. They're not wearing helmets and they're driving like idiots without helmets.


    So, anyone in the Dragstrip area with teenagers flying around on a 4-wheeler, please let them know I'm only doing it to save lives, your kids' and my family's.


    They've quit for now on our road, so I'll refrain from making that call. Honestly, this kind of stuff can be deadly.


    I live close to the drag strip. When I came home from lunch there were 4 wheeler tracks (doughnuts) in my gravel driveway. I called the police on these kids once and one of them almost t-boned the police car when they came to take the report. I don't think their parents ever know where they are or what they are doing.


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