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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. I have had problems with this same group of kids for 6 years. Early on I did try to befriend them. They started stealing small things and then more expensive items. These kids are in high school now and should know that removing the safety chains and emergency brake on a trailer could cause the passengers in the truck and in the trailer serious injury or worse. My husband and I have talked with their parents and it hasn't helped. Now it's time to get the police involved.

  2. In the past two weeks neighborhood kids have come onto my property, stolen some of decorations from the fall festival, egged my horse trailer, let the air out of the tires on the trailer and pulled the emergency brake and chains on the trailer hitch. I discovered the damage to the horse trailer while we were loading to take 3 athletes to compete in the equestrian events for Georgia's Special Olympics. I hate to think what could have happened if these things had gone undetected and we had started down 75 with two nearly flat tires and no safety backup sytems in place on the trailer hitch. We put in cameras that record 24 hours a day so now I get to sit down and watch 2 weeks worth of video to try to prove who did these things. Where are these kid's parents???

  3. Thanks for posting this, you where on my to do list, to pm. you and let you know I would love for you and the kids to do that,

    We can sell them at the skating party and the parade.

    Thank you so much for all you have done!


    My pleasure, Ms. P!

    I have a couple of family recipes for the cookbook but I need to fax them in.

  4. Millcreek and Scarlett indulgence are on board to set up at the skate party!

    Anybody else?

    This is a great opportunity to show what you have to offer in products and services.

    Thamk you Millcreek and Scarlett Indulgence.



    My lesson kids can offer the "horsey" Christmas decorations that they have made. 100% will go to help Thomas.

  5. My store is going to donate clothes and some linens?


    Does anyone have a twin mattress for the son. The blow up bed is fine for a few days but I think he could use a mattress.

    I have a large mattress for the two girls, but no other mattress at my store right now.


    I have a twin bed with frame that is in excellent condition that I will gladly donate. I will need help getting it down the stairs at my house and into the back of my truck.

  6. Since each of my horses drinks between 10 and 20 gallons of water each day, I have started only partially filling their outside tank and refilling as soon as it's almost empty instead of keeping it full. I also only give them a half bucket of water in their stalls at night to keep them from getting the water dirty by soaking hay in it. One of my horses has started lifting her empty water bucket from the hook, banging it on the wall and then placing it by the door to let me know it's time for a refill. :)

  7. Ours just heards his two lab brothers into the corners of the fence and the living room, it is the funniest thing to watch this little 40 lb dog back his 100 lb brothers into a corner to the point that they won't move until we "release" them... :lol:


    :lol: I can just hear the other two dogs saying "what's up with this guy?"

  8. I have a Border Collie/Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) cross. He is one of the smartest dogs I've ever encountered. He knows several voice commands and hand signals and watching him put each of my horses into their stalls is amazing. Gizmo has never had any professional training. He stays on our property when he is out of his run, comes everytime he is called and is always ready to play ball (hates frisbees) lol.

    If I didn't already have 4 dogs (all rescues), I would love to have Lucky.

  9. nanananana I know where you live!!! LOL!!! Wish I could be there I could bring my ghost horse he would be Spoooooooky! Have fun and send me some pictures for later while I'm home recovering.


    One horse adict to another


    I'll send you some pictures. Want me to save you a caramel apple and some fudge?

  10. Just a heads up - if you are having trouble with that "new math" your child is working on this year, there is a horse at the farm that maybe able to help you. LLF, will you be having math tutoring during the festival?


    Sky says that she will be glad to offer her assistance to anyone who needs her help. Just remember that payment is required in the form of at least 2 Mrs. Pastures Cookies per problem. ;)

  11. I saw this on TV and I thought it was worthy of sharing :wub:


    I am starting this today...

    (I can't remember the last time I complained so this should be interesting!) :lol:

    Below is the link and watch the video with Matt Lauer :p



    Are You Up "4" The Challenge??????


    Well, are Ya??? :wub:



    I just received 50 of the little purple bracelets that I ordered. Although it took 6 months to get them, I believe it's well worth the wait. I will be happy to share (until they run out) with anyone who would like to start this journey.

  12. WOWZA YOU GUYS ROCK!! :wub: :wub:

    Last year something was made and delivered to them each day. If anyone of you wold be interested in making a sweet/snack for Mon/Tues/Thur let me know.


    Also I know a few did a breakfast Wed. morning and that went well, if anyone would like to do that it would be a good idea. I can make muffins to send. I just got take it there with little man.


    Friday I may need help with lunch if my MIL cant do it, will call her this afternoon and get the answer to that.


    I'll take a basket of goodies on Monday. Hubby and I can bake Sunday night so everything will be fresh.

  13. I have well water and I still am conserving the water useage. Its horrible that they dont care. There is Lake JAckson that is full why cant they go and get water from there to refill all this stuff? I was just down in Jasper/ Jackson counties and they wa watering their lawns and all that stuff



    Perhaps if enough of us contact our county commissioners regarding the water shortage, they will at least try to help those of us trying to conserve water with ideas on how to go about it. I would love to allow my horses to drink from the stream that runs through my property, if people weren't dumping stuff into it upstream that makes it unsafe.

  14. This sounds like so much fun!!!!! Hay rides, a Hoe down, Awesome! Can someone teach me how to barn dance?How about a dessert auction while we are there in the barn too??


    The dessert aution is a wonderful idea! I wonder if we could get a local dance instructor to teach us to do some of the dances like the Texas Two Step, Cotton Eyed Joe, etc...? There's nothing like taking a dancing lesson in front of several dozen friends and neighbors to break the ice. lol

  15. thanks to all for the help. I love the idea of holding a fundraiser on the farm - how much fun! That would be a great theme!


    Anyone up to meeting this weekend? I'd love to get started and something in the works. Even if we start with a few quick fundraisers that will bring in some immediate money for Thomas. Then we put time into planning the "Big hoe down at the farm" one.


    Reach out to others you know and see if they are interested in joining us. Family, Friends, Co-workers, Neighbors, Churches ...


    Thanks to everyone! We are going to have a great time and make new friends all while we're raising money for Thomas! Yipee.


    I teach riding lessons all day Saturday until about 8:00 pm. We only have 3 weeks before the Special Olympic equestrian competition in Perry. Would it be possible to meet Sunday?

    This is going to be a blast and being able to help a neighbor makes it all the more enjoyable! Thanks Miss D!!!

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