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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. Someone didn't follow the '1 -- 2 -- 3 -- ME!' Rule. At least that is what I call it. Whenever I get to a stop sign, I count the cars that get to go first. 4 cars at a stop sign when I pull up, then I go after the third car. As I taught my kids, I always said, "1--2--3--ME!" to remind them. I hear them do it sometimes. That cracks me up, but it works.


    Usually people think if they tapped their brakes, they get to go no matter who is legally allowed to go. Stop signs are not a suggestion, and the one who hits the gas first (without the right of way) is not the winner. They tend to be the crasher, and sometimes the killer.


    A guy in a blue Toyota did a 2fer and pulled out in front of me at that same intersection yesterday at around 4:30 pm. Some people just will not wait their turn.


  2. Have your friends contacted Paulding Animal Control? Have they posted flyers around the area?


    GOOD LUCK and I hope they are home soon! :)


    Yes, I received one of the flyers this morning via email and I know she was waiting for the animal control office to open this morning so that she could call and talk with someone.



  3. Great Pyrenees the male is neutered, solid white, 100+ lbs (answers to BayBay) and the female is also solid white, approx. 80 lbs (answers to Ditters). A visitor left the gate open and the dogs got out at around 9:00 pm last night. The owner is a close friend who is very worried about her "babies". Both dogs are young and very friendly but are probably frightened. If you have any info please PM me.

    Thanks everyone!


  4. My dog just spent 4 days at the vet's with the same symptoms. I brought her home Monday evening and she finally ate something last night. I mixed a little boiled chicken with some white rice. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with her other than a mild case of pancreatitis (sp), which was gone by the time I brought her home. He gave her medication for the nausea and stomach inflamation but I have only been able to get small amounts into her. He also told me to feed her small amounts several times each day.


  5. By chance... do you remember seeing a White Pony? We have been looking for one of those for 2 years!


    I bought a white one for one of my students before Christmas. They had several then.


  6. What was the outcome of the police investigation?


    The kid received a year's probation but I don't know what the actual charge was. He plead guilty and I wasn't even notified of the hearing date. My granddaughter still has nightmares.


  7. I have posted this before but will do so again because the laws in Paulding Co. need to be changed. A couple of years ago my granddaughter was hit by a 22 bullet while she was standing in my front yard. My next door neighbor's son was shooting at squirrels from his front porch. His mother was standing on the porch with him. From where they were standing to where my granddaughter was standing was probably close to 800'. The bullet missed her jugular vein by 1/2" according to the paramedics. I grew up with firearms in our home. My father was a cop. I was taught how to handle rifles, shotguns and handguns from an early age. However, when I hear someone shooting near my home, I will not assume that they too know how to handle a firearm.

  8. I moved here from Cobb Co. to get away from all the activitiy. I am close enough to Atlanta for any activities that I chose to attend and still have my porch swing at home where I can sit and watch my horses. I feel that I have the best of both worlds.

  9. Our Hearts ache today.


    Steve lost his beloved and treasured best friend of 17 yrs this morning. Blue, border collie mix had been with Steve for almost 17 yrs. Blue was Steve's best buddy, his best friend, travelled to the USA from England with Steve, and even sat beside Steve at the alter at our wedding.


    Blue was a very loving and faithfull best friend, who always took to and loved everyone.


    Rest in Peace Blue, we love you.





    Please tell Steve how sorry I am for his loss. I have 2 Border Collies and 1 Border Collie cross. They are such special dogs.



  10. I have a 100 pound black lab mix who is nearly 11 and a 5 year old 115 pound golden retriever. Now it is 23 degrees outside and they are sitting in the back yard just looking around like they are guarding the fence. I fed them inside the basement where their beds are. (mattresses with many blankets on them) My black lab picks up her bowl and takes it outside and eats it. Then instead of going inside they just sit around outside. Aren't they cold? Tonight when I start to go to bed I'll go in the basement and close the doggie door so they can't go outside till morning. I do that so my house and basement won't get so cold.


    Now if it was 45 degrees I'd think what the hey. Do you think they really like this 20 degree weather or what? My golden would walk thru fire with my lab so I'm thinking maybe she is just getting a little senile and he is just staying out with her. Maybe it is just normal for dogs to do that but I don't remember them staying out like this last year when it got this cold.


    Any ideas???



    I have to bribe one of my Border Collies to come in at night with treats.

  11. Yes, it is almost midnight on New's Years Eve and I am asking about garbage services! :lol:


    However, I need some feedback...


    What garbage/disposal service do you use?

    What is the cost? (Pay monthly, quarterly, etc.)

    Reliability of services and customer service?



    We are wanting to find a cheaper service than the one we currently have. We are near South Paulding/New Georgia/Douglasville portion of Dallas. So, any help will be greatly appreciated! :D



    Oh, and btw,



    We use Veteran's and they are very reliable. Since I have 3 large containers my cost is higher than most, but I believe that they are in line with other companies.


  12. So last night I finally got a yes on being able to look for and adopt a new cat or kitten. And........the shelter is closed today....dang it. I'll look into other options too....I really want to take the time to find the one that clicks so its ok that I have to wait..I'm just impatient.


    Last summer I adopted the most wonderful kitten from the shelter. I named him Puss N Boots (my husband loves that name so he didn't kill me for bringing home another mouth to feed). He lies on my desk while I work (home office), sits in my lap when I watch TV and curls up next to my feet at night. He wakes me in the morning when it's time to get up with gentle "head rubs" against my chin.

    I believe that the shelter reopens Thursday. Finding a kitten like Boots would be well worth the wait.


  13. My sons first vehicle was my old 93 full size Ford F-150. He drove it for almost two years. I loved the fact that it was big enough to be safe if he was ever in an accident, but could only hold three people. Nothing worries me more than an entire SUV crammed full of teenagers. IMO the less room for passengers, the better......at least until the child has a few years of driving experience, and their friends have grown up enough to know how to behave in a moving vehicle.

    My youngest son will probably also get a full size truck when he turns 16.



    My granddaughter wants a pick-up as her first vehicle. She's still three years away from getting her license so I hope she still feels that way when she's 16. I totally agree about passenger room. A standard F-150 with 2 captains seats would be perfect. ;)

  14. This Saturday our first grand daughter was born. Her name is Claire and she is two months early. She is 1 lb, 1 oz. and 12 inches long. The doctors in the NIC say she is doing really great for being so small. All the good thoughts that can go her way we will be grateful for. She is so small and fighting so hard to stay in this world. I have never seen a baby so small and was surprise how many like her were in the hospital. She has alot of people who love her and can not wait for her to be able to go home.


    Prayers going up for Claire and the family.

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