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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. It sounds like he needs one of those bumperstickers that say how is my teen driving, and then the parent puts their cell # on there so that you can call Mom and report him! He shouldn't be allowed to drive without one.


    I live in the area where this event occurred. If this kid is who I think he is, contacting the parents would be a waste of time and energy.


  2. My son was going to Nebo until a few weeks ago, and had an outstanding teacher. She really challenged him, and went above and beyond with him. When we told her we were moving, she was very upset. She gathered ALL of his journals and a lot of work of his, and told me to make sure I gave those things to his new teacher. She also told me to make sure I told them to put him in a class with a teacher who would challenge him, and appreciate his skills. She said she had not slept all weekend because she was so upset he was leaving.


    So, my son comes home the other day, carrying a bag with his name on it, from this teacher at Nebo. It was his Valentines. All the kids from his old class still brought him Valentines, so the teacher made sure they were delivered to him at his new school. He was so excited. He just loved his teacher, and all of the kids in his class. I hated to move him. Now, at the new school, I guess he is being made fun of a little, and kids started calling him "teacher's pet" on the 3rd day he was there. He is having a hard time adjusting, so this just brightened up his day tremendously.


    I just think this teacher went above and beyond, and wanted to tell her thanks. Mrs. Leitz, as Jimmy says, you rock!! :wub: I think most teachers would've tossed them, and you have no idea how much it meant to him that you did that.


    Kudos to Mrs. Leitz!!!!

  3. For those who wonder, the difference between a democrat and a republican is not a matter of intelligence; there are smart democrats and smart republicans and dumb democrats and dumb republicans.


    Rather the difference in the two parties is measured more on prinicpals vs. practicality; compassion vs. personal profit; and coertion vs. cooperation.


    Slim Pickens role in Dr. Strangelove depicted the penultimate principaled Republican when he declared, as he was flying his 'crippled' B-52, that he was going to drop his bomb "even if it hairlipped every kid on Raccoon Creek." Of course in that tragicomedy, his determination was what doomed the world as it set off the ill-conceived doomsday device.


    In all honesty, a Democrat might have failed in that mission depending on the 'society' ... i.e. others to finish the task ... but of course they had all received the return code or had been shot down.


    Democrats also tend to less selfish than Republicans. The bankers whom, if they find you have a hangnail, establish that is good enough reason to charge you 33% interest on a credit card, is indicative of the GOP mindset.


    As far as coercion v. cooperation, both parties are suspect but the GOP, when it sought to eliminate cloture in the Senate ... the so-called nuclear option in 2005 ... showed their willingness to overturn 230 years of tradition in the Senate for partisan advantage. That they failed is likely to benefit them over the course of the next few years. I will be highly suprised and disappointed if the Democrats make a move like that of the GOP.


    All that aside, intelligence was never the difference between the parties and indeed, there are many other real differences including geography, elements of dfferences in race and sex but probably the most notable difference will be in occupation. For instance, I doubt more than 1 in 50 air traffic controllers are Republican.




    I think I'll direct the parents of the "special needs" kids that I work with to this forum and have them read the comments of the compassionate Democrats as compared to those of this and other selfish Republicans.


  4. As one who does volunteer work with the mentally handicapped, I am offended by the insults being hurled regarding IQ in this thread. Proclaiming someone else "mentally retarded" as a form of mud slinging is childish. Most of the mentally challenged people I have worked with would put people who make comments like this to shame by the sheer size of their hearts.


  5. I know the price of hay is ridiculous now. We went to Alabama to get ours. We can't feed fescue cause we have 3 mares that are due to foal in the next couple of months and fescue is toxic to the foal. We have to be very careful what we buy because of this and have to pay more than we would for fescue. Hopefully if we continue to get some rain everyone will get a few extra cuttings this year.


    My hubby said "no more babies" so I don't have to worry about the fescue hay but I do have to worry about Bermuda hay. My horses tend to colic on it. Before my last foal was born I was driving to Cherokee county to buy Timothy hay. My mare had colic surgery when she was 4 months pregnant but she delivered a full term, healthy foal.


  6. Yeah I thought about that but also thought about a draft horse of some sort also....either one will work......I would never tax a horse just to look pretty :D They are too special of an animal to do that to.


    He is actually dropping weight like flies with no water. He has lost about 45-50 pounds in 2-3 months. He is putting on muscle mass though so I really am not sure what the end weight will be by the time another year and 4 months pass :unsure:


    He and I both love horses and the country so we really wanted to incorporate it into our union :)


    I can't tell you how excited I am!!!


    Thanks for the suggestion jelly...that place looks AWESOME!!! I will give them a call tomorrow or Monday......








    Thanks for the suggestion and THANKS :D :D


    I wish I knew someone with a draft horse that could help you. I'll send you a pm with the contact info for a couple of people who may be able to point you in the right direction. Congratulations!


  7. Horses!


    The least I have paid recently for square bales of fescue is $8 per bale. I just bought the last 50 bales they had. Tractor Supply in Hiram/Dallas has Timothy/Alfalfa bales for just under $12 per bale. I buy most of my hay from Lawson's when they have fescue, timothy, orchard grass or western alfalfa available.

  8. Anybody?? Any suggestions??


    TIA :D


    You may have to opt for two horses; one for you and one for your new husband. Most horses can comfortably carry 20% of their body weight. An average horse weighs 1000 - 1200 lbs.

  9. You are Green Lantern


    Green Lantern 95%

    Hulk 75%

    Batman 60%

    The Flash 60%

    Iron Man 55%

    Robin 52%

    Spider-Man 50%

    Catwoman 50%

    Superman 45%

    Supergirl 35%

    Wonder Woman 25%



    Hot-headed. You have strong

    will power and a good imagination.


    I am also Green Lantern


  10. Okay, I am quitting smoking today! Yay me.....Poor Tow.

    I need to know what any former smokers did to keep from being so moody.

    Oh, and I'll need lots and lots of prayers!

    Thanks! :)


    Cinnamon is a great deterent. Cinnamon sticks, cinnamon gum and, my favorite, cinnamon fire Jolly Ranchers. Good luck!


  11. I attended a Dylan concert in Mobile, AL many years ago when he was touring with Joan Baez. I wish I could have attended one of the concerts from the early years. My he live to be 100+.

  12. A young couple that I know lost their baby girl this morning to SIDS. This couple has an older child (2) that has down syndrom and woke up this morning having lost their new baby.

    These kids aren't but 21 and 20 and need all the prayers they can get.


    This is so heartbreaking. Prayers going up.



  13. My niece is having brain surgery, as I type this, at Emory. She has a benign tumor growing and putting pressure on her pituitary gland and it's bleeding. She's had great headaches for over a year now. They just found this a month ago. The military couldn't find it. She received and honorable medical discharge because of it and a few other conditions that she had prior to being shipped to Iraq. Her husband currently is in Iraq...we asked the Red Cross to put in a request for him to come home for the surgery, they denied it because she wasn't sick enough. :blink: Needless to say we're all a little peaved with them :angry: Just pray that the Lord will guide the doctors steady hands during this delicate surgery. Thank you all.


    Prayers going up.


  14. I adopted a kitten from PCAC last summer. He has had no health issues and is a wonderful pet. I've been to the shelter many times and have never encountered the conditions described in the first post in this thread. The employees and volunteers have always gone above and beyond when I have dealth with them. They come to inspect my stable every year and are very thorough.

  15. Any news? Have they fond them or been seen?


    They might have been spotted at Peach Crossing night before last but nothing since then. They're out putting up more signs today.


    Hope they are found soon :(


    Thank you. I know they must be frightened. They are brother and sister and still puppies.


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