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Status Updates posted by NumberCruncher

  1. I gave you 5 stars!!!!

  2. Fine then! Don't post a picture!

    (just tell me how big yer bewbies are!!!!)

  3. ( )()()()0

    ( )

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    ( __)

  4. CRAP! that was supposed to be a footprint!

  5. and a star for you!

    0 o o o o


    see my toes???

  6. You have been deemed worthy of one melted flashlight.

  7. Ha! Made you look!!!!


  8. I have a present for you!!!

  9. Glad you took the time to visit me!

    Here's some stars!!!!

  10. Thanks for visiting my profile! Here's some stars for you!!!!

  11. Thanks for visiting my profile.

    I gave you five stars for asking such thought provoking questions.

  12. you still got one of them school uniforms?

  13. Hey there! Welcome to P.com!!!!!!

  14. whenever you get ready...just holler.

  15. Missing you! I hope we can get together soon!

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