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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. If your meanie should make any wise cracks....like mine did...regarding him saying sompin like...."C'mere, I got a hot dog for you!"....don't fall for it....nope...instead, slap on some armor....strut over to your fridge...open it up....and rebut back.....


    No thanks there Suger Booger!.....I got plenty of .....


    Yup ;) ...yoooooooooooooo got it....




    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. .....running back onto the "playground"...slightly winded and outa breath....she hollers....


    Sorry, footballbeerchic....I had to run some refreshments on over to Die Hard's thread! :lol:


    Boy was it getting heated over there! :D


    Now where were we...oh, yes....hot dogs...every night for dinner! ;)


    I'm giving it a try...you should too! ;)

  3. Awwwwwww...you poor girl! :(


    Wait a minute.....here.....




    and in case you need 'em.....here.....




    You know that I completely understand your plight! :(


    They are a couple of meanies! :angry:


    Just because we want a couple of puppies....is that so wrong? <_<


    Do what I'm doing....feed your meanie....hot dogs! :lol:


    Every night....is hot dog night! :D

  4. Mrs. OsFan:


    I'm glad to see you have popcorn, you may be needed over in aisle 5...


    errr, that would be DieHards thread.


    Soapy ain't here, Lady Raider is MIA and I'm going to take a nap, somebody has to provide refreshments.



    LOL....alrighty then, lowrider. :lol:


    Done! ;)


    Course I know Soapy would appreciate someone taking up the slack! :)

  5. Thank you for the kind message. I honestly didn't mean to offend anyone or come off as a "freak" or a weirdo by any means. I apologize to anyone who took this post as such.


    You're welcome Sir Darkzynwod! :D


    I posted earlier, asking about your height, because I thought you might be someone I know. However, being that you are 33 years old, you couldn't possibly be that person. ;)


    Don't let these Frecks around here bother you....we've all just been through a lot of stuff lately (with hackers,trolls). So, many p.commers automatically suspect any newbie that comes along.


    I, personally, like to treat everything/everyone "normal" until proven otherwise! :)


    Once again, welcome to our "playground"! ;)

  6. Rehoboth-Beach-Delaware..jpg

    To Mrs. Osfan: :wub:




    Oh, to be lying,

    On a beach,


    With sand in my toes,

    And the wind,

    In my hair.


    And only the sound,

    Of the seagulls,

    On high,

    On a beach,


    Under sunny blue sky.


    The gentle caress,

    Of the waves,

    On the shore,

    And you close,

    Beside me, :wub:

    Could I ask for more?


    A soft sandy beach,

    That goes on,


    You, me,

    And a beach,

    So happy together. :wub: :wub:



    Yes it is time to recharge the longing we both have had for the sand, wind and waves.


    Time to sit back on a comfy beach chair, with a good 60's station on the radio, and soak up the sun, smell the salt air and RELAX with my sweetheart. This couldn't be coming at a better time, as my workload just doubled today, for the next couple of months.





    Awwwwwwww...now you've gone and done it, Ossy! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

  7. Os sounds like a horrible person not to let his sweet ever loving wife have a precious pet to call her own. She DESERVES a doggy, a nice big hairy friend to be at her side.


    No, PauldingMom....a nice small furry faced friend to be at her side! ;) :lol:


    Could you lay it on Os a bit more....you know the "Os sounds like a horrible person not to let his sweet ever loving wife have a precious pet" thing! Thanks....she hollers as she runs away! :lol: :lol: ;)



    Good morning Lady Raider!

  8. Mornin Frecks...have a wonderful day! :D


    MrsOsfan thank you for that loverly picture this mornin and enjoy your week at the beach! (I am jealous!!!!)


    You're welcome, Ronismom. I know all about that jealousy thing! -_-


    "Cause I'm feeling a wee bit of it for footballbeerchic! :o




    Sorry footballbeerchic; it'll pass. LOL :lol:

  9. we have tried Salsarita's...it was pretty good...same concept as the other cantina across the street from them but IMO they had a better flavo to their food!!! worth a try for you 2...maybe you can talk him into a puppy then! :ninja: :lol:


    Thank you Ronismom for the Salsarita's info. :)


    No, I'm afraid Osfan is just being stuborn about a puppy for me! :angry:


    Gee....if only he loved margaritas....I could ply him with several...git 'im drunk....and then record 'im saying sompin like...."Silly, 'course you can have a cute, furry-faced, 'lil ole puppy wuppy Tibetan spaniel!" Hah!....who am I kidding....when Hell freezes over! :lol:


    Great suggestion though! ;)

  10. Heyyyyy, Hooooooooo....I'm going to get a dog today!!! Heyyyyyy Hoooooooooo! I love the animal shelter!! And today is Friday for me bc I only work Mon-Thur...heyyyyyy hoooooooo!!! :D


    I'm so happy for you footballbeerchic! :D


    You must have a really super nice hubby! :rolleyes:


    He must just adore you so much and wants only your happiness! :wub:


    Not a meanie....like someone I know! :angry:

  11. Good to know. We go out to eat several times a week. It is fun to try new restaurants. We were wondering if anyone has tried the new restaurant, Salsarita's ( I believe that's the name) on 278? Just curious. :)

  12. I love putt-putt golf! :)


    I would really like it, if Paulding had putt-putt golf. Osfan and I would be regular customers! I think that Paulding County would benefit from having more variety of places catering to family oriented activities. :D


    I voted, yes! :lol:

  13. I am sorry for your broken heart, dear. :(


    You have made a positve impact on your niece, like casting a pebble into a calm, still pool; the ripples expand ever outward! You have and will continue to show her true love (actions not just words). You are a truly unselfish soul, Lady Raider! You hold your head up, now! Your heart will, in time, mend. The tears will, in time,stop. Look then into your full length mirror and know that you are a woman of excellent character!


    Until that time, I will keep you in my daily thoughts and prayers! ;) :wub:

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