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Posts posted by thewebsterfamily

  1. My husband was watching with me last night and he sits in a rocking recliner -- He would stop at the crucial parts -- How sweet of him :wub: He laughed at me cause I cried all the way thru the show -- Esp when Mer talked to her mom (I lost my mom in 1999) and when Denney and Izzie touched --

  2. It's always clean -- I like it cause I have a 9 yo and a 2 yo and I can see both of them at the same time on different playgrounds -- they do have infant swings!


    Have FUN -- I wish we were able to go -- too busy at home!!

  3. I like Playground of Dreams because it has a tot lot playground --


    Samuel U. Braly

    "Playground of Dreams"

    Sports Complex

    775 Industrial Blvd, N.

    Dallas, GA 30132



    * 3 Baseball/Softball Fields

    * 3 Soccer Fields

    * 1 Picnic Pavilion

    * 1 Tot Lot

    * Parks & Recreation

    * Department Offices

  4. Yes, that would be over anxious but I thought with a deal that good at least someone would have contacted me. At the time of my 2nd post in this thread, no one had even inquired. Also, this is PCom right? Stranger things have happened here... :)



    I know someone who is interested -- I need your contact info!!!!!!

  5. I think that the sewage is normally double the water. What comes out, must go down :blush:

    Did you just start using the sewage portion of it? It doesn't seem like your bill would over double in a months time...unless they estimated the meter last month (in which case your bill would be lower). Also, they could have misread the numbers. check last months usage compared to this months on your bill.



    it's been 0 until Nov. when they "fixed" the meter --


    It was 1,000 gallons from Nov. to Dec.

    2,900 gallons from Dec. to Jan.

    6,300 gallons from Jan to Feb.


    We will see what it is from Feb. to March --

  6. I just started cleaning out my daughter clothes and am getting rid of 3 bags for size 18 months winter cltohes and realized she is running low on clothes -- She is now wearing 24 month/2T stuff -- if you have ANYTHING you want to get rid of or sell PLEASE PM me!


    THanks!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

  7. found this online --



    Grey's Anatomy

    by Dave Anderson

    Read February 15, 2007: Drowning on Dry Land

    I don't know about you, but it seems like all I've thought about all week is Meredith floating in the water. Oh sure, Anna Nicole entered my thoughts. Idol mania is starting up again. Oscar fever is abounding. But I just could not get that little girl's face — her blank stare — out of my mind. Are you with me here? Oh. My. God. I fricking love this show. Let’s first talk about that ending! After Michael Ausiello and others let the cat out of the bag that Denny (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) would soon be back in some way, shape or form, I was hoping it would be something logical — a dream sequence or a flashback. As long as it wasn't via a TV cliché like a long-lost twin arriving or that he wasn't actually dead. But Meredith temporarily dying and seeing him that way and also seeing the Kyle Chandler character Dylan Young from last season? Absolutely brilliant. Meredith: "Am I...dead?" Denny: "Damn right you are." Meredith: "Holy sh--." OK — we didn't hear her say the second word, but still...brilliant. Since I've basically admitted to being "the town crier," let me just stress to you that I bawled my eyes out non-stop the last 15 minutes. My roommate Jason to me: "Wow — you're a real mess." Then Jason joined me in the final 10 of those minutes. Shonda, I am just so fond-ah...your writing! Unbelievable.


    It was such a collective effort in those final minutes when everyone was so emotional about Meredith being on her deathbed. One by one, as each person found out, via pager or by looking through the window, it just touched my heart. How about Mark Sloan sitting down next to Derek and putting his hand on Derek’s arm? Come on. How about Cristina, after repeatedly asking "Where's Meredith?" because she wanted so terribly to tell her about her being engaged to Burke because "She's my person"? Her face after she found out made me lose it. Then there was George, after being so overjoyed when Callie confirmed that the 7 year-old John Doe was his patient's missing son Chris, then immediately getting the page and walking out of the room. Next shot of George? Him crying. Projectile tears from me. Even Addison was distraught — even Addison! She looked over to the floor to see Mark sitting next to Derek. Right before that, I died when Burke asked Derek (after Derek told him the Chief threw him out): "What do you need?" Derek: "I need you to go in there."


    But it wasn't just the last 15 minutes that were defining just why this show kicks ass so much — it was the whole hour. My cry fest began with Alex coming to that husband-of-a-missing-pregnant-woman with two photos and I like that Alex first showed the guy the Jane Doe photo in hopes that she was his wife. Unfortunately, no. It was so horribly sad when the man recognized the dead woman in the second photo as his wife. George had better luck with his photo — great laughter-through-tears moment when he proclaimed to the entire room: "Callie O'Malley, I can't kiss you right now because you're scrubbed in, but tonight, when you get home, I am going..." Callie: "OK, people, let's focus. I'm working, George. I'm working."


    Other highlights:


    — The little girl (Madison Leisle) pointing to the water after Derek asked her: "Where is Meredith?"

    — Sydney (Kali Rocha) offering to hug Alex.

    — George telling Alex that Bailey might change her baby's middle name from George to Elvis or Tupperware. Alex: "Dramatic much?"

    — Alex telling Addison: "I'd notice...if you went missing."

    — Izzie's triumphant head-drilling and the fact that the Chief officially took her off probation.

    — Cristina telling Izzie the "rock star": "You are a hero. I'm jealous. But where is Meredith?"

    — The first time we got to really see the little girl smile after she finally saw her mother towards the end and the mother hugging her, saying: “Mommy's sorry she got lost!"


    The only thing I didn't care for was Izzie, after being gallant and saying supportive things like "I believe in the good" and "Denny is always with me," telling George it was a mistake marrying Callie. Inappropriate much? Can we say "poor timing"? But that's a small complaint. I simply cannot wait until part 3 next Thursday! Until then, please chime in... :)

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