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Posts posted by thewebsterfamily

  1. So what about the kids in the trailers at schools? Will they usher them inside the school (therefor putting the building at over fire capacity?) :huh: :unsure:


    really I'm curious. not sarcastic here. tornados scare the bajizney out of me.



    Yes they will go inside -- If I remember right from when I subbed --Even a watch has them inside --

  2. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says they have identified Georgia as one of only four states in the country with widespread flu activity so far this season.


    Georgia is ground zero for the flu this season. According to the CDC, only Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida have widespread flu activity.


    “Flu starts someplace,” said Dr. Janice Carson of the Georgia Department of Public Health. “So it started here in Georgia and the other southeast states. And it is spreading across the country.”


    Nothing so far says that this is an unusual flu season compared to others. As a matter of fact, for some doctors, it hasn’t been much of a season at all.


    “Thus far, it’s actually been a very sparse season,” said Dr. Richard Kauffman. “I can count on my two hands the actual cases of test-positive influenza that I have had.”


    Flu season can peak as early as November and as late as late February or early March.


    It's weather like this -- the warm weather we've been having recently -- that really reduces the spread of the flu. People are more likely to be outside than inside, and it's inside where we're more likely to spread and catch the flu virus.


    Despite concerns early in the season, there is still vaccine available, which could turn out to be a very good thing.


    “I'm a little concerned that we may still see it come,” Kauffman said. “I don't think it's over yet. The fat lady hasn't sung.”


    Kauffman says he is seeing a lot of upper respiratory illnesses, sinus infections, and bronchitis. Both he and Dr. Carson say that if you haven't gotten a flu shot yet, you can still protect yourself from the flu by getting one.

  3. I live off Cedarcrest Road in Oak Glen -- I am looking for a walking partner -- want to start with a mile a day and then get up to 3 or 4 miles -- Started Weight Watchers yesterday and want to loose 60 lbs by 7/4


    Who wants to join me?!?!

  4. I know, and I apologize for asking so many crazy questions! I'm just trying to figure out how to help.


    I have Sonic Digital Media Plus on my laptop. When I start it I see something like this:




    See if you can start Sonic and get to the point where you see the same thing (or something similar). If you can get here click Add Data button at the top middle. A new window should open. Find and select the files you want to burn to DVD or CD, click Add. Once you are back to the original screen with the files you want to burn listed, press the big red button at the bottom right.


    Again, sorry if I'm going down the wrong road here. I had to figure out what you had before I could offer anything useful. We can keep trying or, if you want to try the hands on help approach you might PM FedUp. I hear he's pretty good with these things.



    I have done that -- it won't recognize my disk --

  5. Hi, WebsterMOM! Let's try this. If you put a non-blank (one that you purchased with something already on it) DVD or CD in the drive does it recognize them?


    If it doesn't there is a bigger problem. If it does, then I'm going back to what I said in my last post on the other Nicholas Cole's thread. That is that we (by that I mean you) have got to find the application that burns CD's. Go to Start, Programs, and look for something called Roxio or Nero.


    If anyone else knows of CD/DVD writing software that might be preinstalled in WebsterMOM's computer, please fill in the name. I think the issue is that she's trying to copy directly to an unwritten CD/DVD, and she doesn't have her computer set up to do that.



    It recognizes a DVD but not any CD-R etc.


    I have Sonic software --

  6. Ahhhhhhhh back to reality!!!!


    Just me and my 2 yr old -- she is soooo easy -- I am starting a weight loss plan today -- It's easy when I don't have to cook lunch for my 9 yr old -- My 2 yo doesn't eat much for lunch -- so it's should be easy for me -- My goal is 60 lbs GONE by 7/4

  7. When my hubby worked for Hardy over 10 years ago he had a workman's comp injury and had to see Dr. WeHunt -- (he puts a C where the H is!!) And HATED him -- Said he was RUDE!



    I too love Dr. Denton -- she is GREAT -- going to see her in Feb for my physical --


    They are ALWAYS on time!!!!!

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