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Posts posted by thewebsterfamily

  1. well the bag said chicken! :lol: and it was one of those "all in one crock pot chicken soup" things you get in the freezer section. It looked really good on the outside of the package but holy moly was I wrong.



    Those crockpot bag things are soooooooo bag for you -- usually have lots of sodium and fat --


    Take a Whole Chicken and rub lemon pepper on it and put it in the crockpot -- TaDa it's done in about 6 hrs. Serve with CHicken Rice or regular Rice -- and your favorite Veggie!!!


    I use my crockpot ALL the time -- Purchase this book -- I use it all the time -- Fix It and Forget It Cookbook

  2. eww stinky toots at your house thank goodness you can keep the windows open..

    Hubby loves that.. I make it once a year for St. Patricks day...



    we have stinky toots here no matter what I make -- I have a 9 yo and a 36 yo male in my house LOL --

  3. Leftovers.. whatever is in my fridge I have to much work to do..

    LOL.. Tilapia is it a fishy tasting fish or is it mild like Flounder



    It's mild -- I don't like fishy fish and I LOVE Tilapia -- We had it last night I grilled it, had boiled shrimp, rice pilaf, and green beans -- YUM YUM!!!


    Tonight is Cornbeef, Cabbage, Mashed Taters, and Biscuits

  4. toddler day has meal deals for like $3.50 or so, not sure about refills but the meals are not too bad


    This is for a moms meal -- I paid $6 for my daughter to play and eat -- not bad -- but my food was a different story -- like I said it was $9.50 just for my food -- chicken fingers -- fries -- and a coke and she wanted to charge me full price for a refill -- next time I go I will get Emma the chicken fingers and just order an extra hot dog they are only $2.50 --


    I don't see why they want to gouge moms -- thats wrong!


    First off the is a VERY crude representative of a water distibution area,but it's simple and I hope it gets the point across.

    The big black square is the water plant.

    The black lines are water mains

    The blue dots are open valves

    The red dots are closed valves

    The yellow dot is a leak/break in the main

    The blue H's are houses


    As you can see the distribution system is one big circle with spokes radiating from the center,thus everyone is connected,the water is moving at all times.Just because noone is awake doesn't mean the water stops,it's constantly moving,searching for the easiest path of travel.


    Say someone hits a main causing a leak/break north of the plant.The county calls the water plant says we need someone to close the valve south of the leak.OK,but there is still water coming out of the leak,because since the distribution system is like a wheel and all are connected water can come in from the other side.

    So the county has to close the valve north of the leak,thus isolating all homes in between those valve with no water.

    This is basically what happened yesterday eve.And I amd assuming it was a small leak that the county could put a saddle on.Had it been a major break and the county had to replace the line,you would have been without water for at least 36 hours.Time to install the new line,disinfect and wait 24 hours to pass a BacT.test


    WOW that North Cobb Edumacation came in handy huh?

  6. Ready to prepare for the great family trip to beach of FL. We are looking for a beach house OR a condo on the beach for rent. Two adults and a child. Nothing fancy, just clean and on the beach. Need anyhere from Panama City to Pensecala.

    If you can provide a website or email address for us to view your beach house or condo that would be awesome. You can send to my private email or mlrgaz@aol.com please.




    I sent your request to a friend of mine -- Mr. Rose -- let me know if he emails you!

  7. You beat me to the translation Shangrila. That girl was working her ass of yesterday, and probably does the same every day. There are good things there, honestly. My mother and I went yesterday and I got about $400 worth of items for $12. As I said in my previous post, he will price the items based on your attitude. Cut the girl some slack, she is one person trying to organize a ton of stuff. Help her out and go buy something :)



    What all did you buy!??!

  8. Woke me and Hubby and the dogs (the sleep in crates in our room) up this morning here in Powder Springs. The dogs growled for 5 minutes after it had happened!


    It woke me up too -- We live in a new subd. and all I could think was the house next door to us (which just got framed Friday!) fell down!!!!!!!! That is what it sounded like!!!!!

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