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Posts posted by thewebsterfamily

  1. I read somewhere that a major player gets killed off -- hmmmmmm -- Also the pregnant lady is suppose to be on there for a while!


    EDITED to show what I found!


    Question: You were right: The first part of the Grey's three-episode arc was fantastic. Do you have any spoilers for the next two episodes?— Ashley

    Ausiello: If you put two and two together, you already figured out that that was Elizabeth Reaser playing the pregnant woman with the crushed face that Alex saved. In the coming weeks and months (Reaser's on board for at least nine eps), Alex's attachment to her will intensify. And if you thought Reaser's character had it rough last week, just wait. Another tragedy is about to befall poor Jane Doe.

  2. I also heard that a home the one at the corner of HArmony Grove Church Rd and Cedercreat, the white house on the corner was burgularized. My friend who cleans houses in Bentwater told me this.



    my 9 yo said "what could be in there a couple rats and roaches?" That house has been empty for a long time -- we have been out here since May and it's been empty that long!!!!!

  3. We use Dr Saade at Pediatrics@ The Avenue (Wellstar building behind Dairy Queen). He is awesomee. There are only 3 physicians and very hands on.



    We use Dr. Saade too -- I WON'T see Dr. Corley -- the Nurse Practioner is good too --


    Dr. Wyatt was in this practice until Sept. 2004 -- He was MY ped. and I have HIGH standards for my peds.


    Try them -- they are GREAT!!!!!!!

  4. me three! I do mine to!


    If you make $52,000 or less you can efile Federal for FREE -- You just pay for State -- It cost us $29.95 to file -- we didn't do direct deposit this year so our check will be here in a couple weeks


    We we direct deposited it would be in our acct. in 7-10 days --


    No reason to pay anyone to do it

  5. My 2 yo nursed until she was 13 months old -- She weaned herself -- she wasn't a boob baby -- she didn't care how she got something to drink -- just wanted something -- My sister in law used vinegar on her nipples and her daughter weaned in two days! Just make sure you wash it off before hubby gets ahold of ya!!! LOL!!!

  6. See if there is a dad or mom that is a cop that might want to do it as a volunteer -- I know lots of parents that are cops that do stuff like this for their kids school --


    Shelton's car rider/drop off line works GREAT -- Have Abney contact Shelton to get pointers!!!

  7. Thank you Sorry :( WedsterMom........ I hope you are not sitting there saying "this girl has lost her mind :angry: "!! I did hear it, but the last anoucement they didn't say it.


    It's ok -- they said "we have some conflicting reports about Paulding -- Could an offical with Paulding please call in" That's funny!!!

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