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Hello Sarah?

Mayberry Sheriff
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Everything posted by Hello Sarah?

  1. Yet the mods were accused of deleting a post. Mayberry should be a happy place. Let's go to the Sock Hop!
  2. Can't get the html to correct in some posts. If anyone wants to quote a post and the html doesn't format properly, just copy and paste the quote instead of using the REPLY button. HS
  3. There is a whole 'nuther world out there. You don't need Star Trek and Scotty to beam you over either. 1950 was a long time ago. Try something new. You might like it. Duvel. That will knock an elephant on it's ass. A PCOM Beer Summit would be cool.
  4. Have you seen his beer frig? It looks like a World Wide Beer Store! He's got stuff from EVERYWHERE in it! Have you seen his beer frig? It looks like a World Wide Beer Store! He's got stuff from EVERYWHERE in it!
  5. I prefer wine. Do like the Fat Tire on occasion. There you go with the St Bernardus crap again. Last time you served that at the mod meeting, Gomer and Goober ran off with those Bradley girls and we didn't see them for days. Just give me a Mich Ultra and I'm good.
  6. NO different than the election itself. It's news. People are talking about it. Comments will be political. After a few days, we'll move it. Until then, we ask posters put on their Big Person Underwear and treat the thread for what it is, and give some respect and courtesy to other members in the replies.
  7. We've treated this like every other news story that is going to have political overtones. If you don't like the way we've handled it, you don't have to read it.
  8. Yes, many comments are political but we are treating this as any news story, just as we did with the election. It is news and we are giving it some leeway right now. As the story becomes less news and more abut politics, we will move it to the political forum.
  9. This is not in the political forum because we are treating this as any other news story. While many of the comments are political, the story itself is news. After a while the news story becomes a non-story and we will move this to the political forum. This thread is treated as all other news threads. Hello Sarah
  10. It wasn't deleted. It was moved to Covert Condescension forum. The password is ON, all caps.
  11. Closed because I can't sort it all out and too many reports to even try. Sarah PS. I want my late night shift back! This daytime is killing me.
  12. Call out threads are not allowed. Thank you to the poster who finally reported this. Thread closed. Sarah
  13. If you received a bullet in the past, you would have also gotten a PM about it. The system requires you get the PM with the bullet. If you have 4 bullets, you would have been notified for each one. Hope this helps. Sarah
  14. Thank you, Rafe! I didn't see this until now since there was no report about it.
  15. Bogey sighted! Target locked! Splash one! Splash one! Stay with me, Goose. Permission to buzz the tower?
  16. If you want to discuss the topic, then discuss the topic. If you want to go in anotehr direction, the topic will be moved to the right forum. Attitudes do need to improve. Sarah
  17. The post was split because it was not on topic. This is a reminder that public complaints about moderation will result in bullets. Lock and load. Sarah
  18. Oh, Lawdy! What have I done! LOL!
  19. Andy, wontcha? Just three steps, Hun?
  20. You should love this one, Mr. Haney.
  21. Love this ad. How about it girls? Woot!
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