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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Prayers for understanding and comfort for the family and friends of Zane. RIP
  2. 11Alive News refused to play the tape out of respect for the family...
  3. More like avoiding the question. I am curious as well...
  4. I didn't find her comment heartless at all. He even spoke of his wife...
  5. Unfortunately, the only option we have IS the death penalty...
  6. Bashing and reasoning are two different things...
  7. If this does not call for the death penalty, I don't know what does...
  8. Unless you've been there, how could you ever know??
  9. Wow that is great. Congrats. Where are you going to school?
  10. What are you going to school for?
  11. You just have to pay to listen to the archives...
  12. The best thing I ever did was get rid of AOL. It tried to take over my whole computer...
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