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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Scam or not, a claim like this will affect us all in some way. Higher premiums for the future. Doesn't he travel with an entourage? Maybe one could have stayed behind and guarded the SUV. What is so important in an AT&T store when you have a mil in your vehicle? Dumb butt...
  2. Common sense would tell me not to leave these items in my car without and armed guard...
  3. The title of the article which didn't come over in the cut and paste said he stopped by Lenox on the way home from the airport. These items were already in the vehicle...
  4. http://www.accessatlanta.com/AccessAtlanta-sharing_/items-stolen-from-usher-273022.html How stupid can you be?
  5. MeWhoElse


    LOL I watch it too. I love the funny parts...
  6. Thanks I can't wait to see the puppy pictures...
  7. Thanks, I figured it was time to stop running around here nekkid...
  8. it is really no big deal. Just one of my many weird hangups, LOL...
  9. She is a doll. Love the name, too...
  10. Nah I can't stand to see all these sexy avatars, then you meet the person and well...
  11. Yup, LOL. I guess I will put the disclaimer back in my siggy that it looks nothing like me...
  12. Until then you could use NC's suggestion...
  13. Do any of them have Diamond's markings so far?
  14. I hope there will be one that looks just like Diamond. She is beautiful and I love her markings...
  15. Snakes just love kudzu and ivy. Maybe a few snake donations would be beneficial...
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