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Everything posted by kbush11

  1. Thanks to everyone for all of the advice. I've decided that I'm gonna go for it. It will be my b-day present to myself. Now I just need suggestions on where to go.
  2. I've been wanting to check them out but always forget. Do they sell guys jeans?
  3. I guess if I have to complain about something I bought it would be my house. my counter tops are uneven, the floors creak terribly, the garage floods everytime it rains hard & the lighting sucks. Not to mention the pink counter tops in the bathroom and white kitchen floors. White kitchen floors are always a bad idea. In my defense I was 23 when we bought it, Just a kid. Same for us. I got married at 18 and someone told us how inexpensive it would be to get a mobile home that would could own instead of renting an apt. Being young and stupid we went for it and found out how cheaply
  4. That is definately the look for me!
  5. Thanks for the advice. I know I want to do something with my boys initials or birthstone colors just haven't decided what.
  6. I saw your pic of it. It is really pretty. I told my husband that I think I'm having my midlife crisis (39 in August) but I have thought about getting one for awhile.
  7. I'm seriously considering getting my first tattoo but I'm a BIG CHICKEN. I just want to get something small so where's' the least painful area to get it?
  8. Thanks for all of the suggestions. We have decided to do the zipline at Banning Mills. All I've got to do is get over my fear of heights but it does look like fun and it will give my boys a good laugh getting me up there.
  9. I'll have to check out the zipline. That's something that we have never done that could be fun. I don't think ice skating would be to safe for me. I've been once about 20 years ago and it wasn't a pretty site I looked at the Andretti website but couldn't find anything about pricing. I might have to call and find out. I would probably have as much fun as the boys.
  10. I'm planning on taking a day off from work next month so I can spend a day with my boys but we can't decide what to do. I need some suggestions other that Six Flags or Stone Mountain. Preferably not more than an hour away. TIA
  11. We will soon fire AT&T permanently (DSL)...got a recent message that if you're rude to their Indian help people, you will be dropped!!! Husband has hearing aids and trouble understanding a heavily accented voice on the phone, and frequently (sad to say) has to say, "will you repeat that? I can't understand you". Now thinks we may be dropped, before WE get the chance to fire them! If that did happen I would probably end up being dropped from quite a few companies.I get so frustrated everytime a call somewhere with a problem and I can't understand them
  12. LOL I just might have to try that. I would love to get one of the feeders that spins and throws the squirrels off but a little too pricey for me. Although it would make for great entertainment.
  13. I finally decided to put up a bird feeder in my backyard so I can relax and enjoy the birds but unfortunately I didn't get a squirrel proof one. Any suggestions on how to keep the little critters away until I go get another feeder?
  14. What is scentsy? I love burning candles but I I also have several animals so I can't burn them often unless I am constantly watching them.
  15. Hey markdvd, Looks like we were on the same ship.We just got back from being on the Elation. This was our first cruise and we were really impressed how hard the employees worked to take care of us and keep everything clean. We had heard all the horror stories on how bad Carnival was so we were a little worried but we had a great time and will go again.
  16. We went to the Cartersville post office and they were $15. I wish I knew that I could get them done cheaper but It was our first passports so we had no idea.
  17. This is where he got the idea so I told him we would check it out. After reading everyone's responses I am starting to feel a little better about him doing it. Of course there is no way I would ever do it. I'm too chicken
  18. I agree! My son loves pancakes so when we went camping last year we decided to try a can of the batter blaster thinking it would be easier. Didn't work out so great.
  19. My son will turn 18 this year and has decided that he wants to go skydiving at the place in Rockmart for his birthday. Anyone know about this place? I'm scared to death for him to do it but it is something he really wants to try.
  20. I rarely post on here but this just struck a nerve and I feel the need to respond. My husband and I also work to be able to pay our bills and have insurance but sometimes stuff happens and we all get in a bind. Unless I missed it, the person needing help didn't say she was unemployed or her employer may not offer insurance.
  21. Hubby does and he was just able to get out of our subdivision.Go ahead and give them a call again.
  22. I would love a discount! My son is already asking me how much I can help him with his prom expenses.
  23. Hubby and son ended up walking to Scotts.I think they were just getting really bored . There was no way he was getting up the hill in our subdivision.
  24. I don't remember if it was 1988 or 1989 but I do remember some snow on Christmas. I don't think it was a lot but it was when I was dating hubby and he called to tell me there was snow.
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