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Everything posted by mojo413

  1. I’m sure my ideas for voter registration would hit obstacles. • Voter Registration Cards would expire every 5 years. • In order to reinstate a voter registration card a voter would be required to report to their local Elections Office with Voter Registration Card, Offical State ID and 1 current piece of mail where all information matches exactly, in hand. Once all the information was verified and the Social Secirity # verified, a new 5 year card would be issued and mailed to the applicant. • Each time the registered voter votes they must present a current & valid Voter Registration
  2. I’ve always said Sonny Purdue's campaign promise to let the people vote on the flag was the most brilliant political move ever. People thought he said “Vote for Roy’s flag or the old flag”. In fact he meant to say “Vote for Roy’s flag or Sonny’s new flag”. Ever once in a while I chuckle when I see a few left over “Punt Purdue” stickers on the back side of stop signs.
  3. Saying a certain people group were horny... Isn’t that now Politically Incorrect?
  4. We voted Monday morning. It appeared to me the turnout was good.
  5. Maybe your uncle is right and really there is a Russian conspericy to erase any proof of Indian ancestral DNA results, in an attempt to erase Democratic voting.
  6. I guess I’ll never understand the argument. I’ve been registered to vote and I’ve voted during every election for 45+ years, almost 30 of these past years in GA. My Voter Registration Card, Passport, SS Card, Bank Accounts, Utility Bills, Automobile Registrations, and Drivers License all match EXACTLY. I ALWAYS get my license out of my wallet before I go into my voting place. I’ve NEVER had a single problem voting in either state I’ve lived in. My 18 year old grandson turned 18 recently. On his 18th birthday he went to Drivers Services and got his underage license changed to the adult lic
  7. Actually it’s good news if you are a buyer. I was a seller at the end of September. Tomorrow I’ll be a buyer.
  8. I saw Candidate Trump at the Fox during the Prsidential Primary season. He talked a lot about making America Great for everyone who wanted to participate in making America Great Again. For about 35 to 40 years I worked for Republican Businessmen. When the man with the money made money, I made money. When the man with the money made REALLY good money, I made REALLY good money. When the man who used to make money made NO money (example during Jimmy Carters term), I made my salary and I knew when the man with money went back to making money again my raises and bonus’s would return. I’m
  9. I was in Washington DC about October 1997. I was there with some say a 1/2 million men, some say 1 million men. I saw someone throw a hamburger wrapper on the sidewalk. The more I think about it, maybe he looked like Kavanaugh. I didn’t report it then thinking someday this distorted image in my mind might pay off for me 20+ years later.
  10. I self identify as a Conserative, Right Wing, Gun Toating, Bible Clinging, Deplorable, Dreg Of Society, Senior Republican. Having passed retirement age by several years, I find myself wandering towards the center of the road occasionally, but I get hold of myself and jerk myself back to the right edge of the road as soon as I get hold of my senses. When visiting in Paulding County April 25, 2004 Jerry Falwell was heard saying “You Might Think You Are Right Wing, But You Will Never Be As Far To Right As I Am”.
  11. I’ve been watching these hearings some for the past couple of weeks. This past week there were only CNN stations on the cruise ship we were on, ironically 3 CNN stations and ZERO FOX stations. I’ve been asking myself “If He Did The Things They Say He Did LAST Week, and the ladies had since showered and washed their clothes and destroyed or contaminated the DNA evidence”... Would He Be Convicted In A Court now? I don’t think so, unless he were a candidate for the Supreme Court and the Jury were made up entirely of Democrats.
  12. I’m wondering if the trash pit is located on the land the county bought recently to build the new jail on? And if so is it trash from the construction of our court house and administative complex. If it is trash from the construction of the court house and administrative complex, then the original contractor should be liable for improperly disposing building debris. As far as the rock, I’m wondering if an engineering company was hired to do soil testing?
  13. Knowing you like to stay on top of things, Ive replied to President Trumps text message with your numbers.
  14. Samaritans Purse was here in Paulding County after our flooding a few years ago. I know from personal interactions they are the real deal.
  15. I’m all for it. “Silver Comet Field At The Paulding County Martin Luther King Northwest Georgia Regional Airport” has a nice ring to it.
  16. We were traveling through eastern Kentucky with friends several years ago and stopped in at a Huddle House for breakfast. As soon as we opened the door, was hit with the smell of cigarette smoke and the waitress yelled out “Yau’ll Want A Clean Ash Tray?”, I knew then we had stepped back in time a generation or two. I heard racial discussions around us that embarrassed me and made me want to crawl up under the booth. I realized then just how respectful our community is. Don’t think everything is equal everywhere.
  17. Briar Patch eating there tonight. Dallas Biscuit Company Joan’s Restaurant KFC recently greatly improved.
  18. I must admit I grumble and complain about all taxes... BUT I’m really appreciative of our reworked street entrance. Where we used to only have 1 lane out that cased a major backup when someone was turning left out onto Charles Hardy Parkway aka Dallas Highway aka 120. Now we’ve got a left turn lane, a straight lane towards WalMart and a right turn lane plus we’ve got left turn arrows in and out of our neighborhood. Every time I get a green left turn arrow I have to remind myself of all the times I had to wait for traffic to let up enough I could shoot across traffic.
  19. We drop clothes off to be altered at Dixie Cleaners across the street from Joan’s Restaurant and leather items we take down the street to Biker’s Gone Wild.
  20. 3 or 4 years ago I sent an email to the then head of the Marshalls office about several really rough looking propertys along the stretch of road mentioned. There was a junk yard that had started growing where a self service car wash had been, a junky tree service with several junk trucks stored and next to it a used tire establishment with what looked like a auto repair shop constructed out of tarps and pallets. She replied back she had forwarded my email to her counter part at the City of Dallas. Im guessing I brought up a few more examples, I dont remember for sure. I for one see improv
  21. Normally you and I agree. But not on this subject. I keep my ear to the rail, it’s amazing how accurate the discussions at Local Breakfast Places turn out to be. I NEVER heard any discussions about the video being discussed here or the mailers Pubby is said to be connected too, NEVER a word. I heard lots of discussion about the drama presented by 3 of 5 Commissioners during recent BOC meetings. Chairman Carmichael being accused of being a bully, did not go over well. The Ethics Complaint against Chairman Carmichael did not go over well AT ALL. The attack against Mr. Stover not gettin
  22. Ironic timing of this topic. Just recently I found out our church is getting involved serving in Clarkston GA. This area is considered by many to be the most ethiclty diverse square mile in the world. Our church will involve every available resource to help hurting people. There will be no test to determine who gets served. This will be put into motion without taking a penny from ongoing ministrys. There will be no agruement about who is illegal or who is a refuge or who lives with who or ones political choices... it will be simple, serve as many people as possible. If someone thinks conser
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