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Posts posted by carrie2675

  1. Wow!!! My name is Dondra also!!! I had no idea there would be another one on P.Com--we are few and far between!!! :p


    I am 33. I graduated from EPHS in 1993 (God I'm getting old) I am single, have no children--except for my spoiled 3 year old cat--I was born and raised in Paulding County.



    I know who you are!!!! :ninja: Ah yes, the big class of 83 people with our graduation in the gym......the good ol days :lol:

  2. Tabby - born & raised in Milwaukee area. Baraboo is BEAUTIFUL in the fall - hope the leaves are still on the trees. Should be wonderful traveling weather. Unfortunately, Indiana (or middle Illinois) will be kind of boring - not much there but empty fields.


    The nights will be chilly, so better bring a jacket. As for snow - very possible you could see a little bit (little by WI standards).


    Have a great time.


    Hi. I am originally from Wisconsin just south of Milwaukee. Racine, Wi.


    I am 33 years old


    Graduated from EPHS 1993 (went to PCHS 89-91)


    I have been married 14 years (just not all to the same person :lol: :lol: )


    I have 3 girls ages 13, 8, and 3 and one furry child, Mr. Kitty.


    I work for a local bank and work with Snow White, so I know Mr. Dis :o

  3. My husband was recently treated by Dr. Knautz with Marietta Dermatology. They are off Dallas Highway in the office complex near Lost Mountain Park.



    This is who I take my youngest daughter to. I have been pleased with her treatment of her eczema.

  4. Ok its officially been said that Dylan is the father.



    Hmmm, I saw that too. But I did wonder if maybe that is what they want you to think and it really is someone else.....

  5. Chicken Bruchetta:


    1 can of undrained diced tomatoes (8 oz)


    6 oz. of chicken stove top


    1 lb of chicken cut up into pieces


    1/2 cup of water


    1 tsp of garlic


    2 tsp of basil leaves


    1 package of mozzerella shredded cheese



    Preheat oven to 400


    Mix all the ingredients into a bowl (except the cheese, unless you want to add come cheese to mixture). Pour into baking dish and top with cheese. Bake for about 30 minutes.

  6. Well, the one with Johnny Depp scared the you know what out of me he is so creepy-I dont get it why people think he's so cute,but then again Ive always had a think for christina ricci and she's a good kind of creepy:)


    I think that one is Edward Scissorhands. As for me, I never got Halloween 3 or When a Stranger Calls (the original with Carol Kane). I know neither one is really scary, but they were when I was only 8 years old. :lol:

  7. "J", I hear ya. Mr. NoPics has had the same thing since this past weekend. Hopefully, you will feel better before you leave for the Magical Kingdom!!!! BTW, I meant to ask you, will you bring me back a "handsome prince".....LOL!!!!

  8. My daughter had severe eczema from about 6 months old. We tried everything. We finally found out that she was allergic to eggs and peanuts. When we started keeping those items out of her diet, in addition to the prescribed lotions from the dermatologist. It slowly improved. One thing we did find, she seemd to do better in the summer when we would let her get in the pool. I think it may have been the sunlight and chlorine, it got a lot better. She is 3 1/2 now and only has small flare ups.

  9. Snow White she should also respect you and ultimately she should respect Mr. Dis by not "confronting" you. If she has an "issue" she should take it up with Mr. Dis. Maybe this isn't the case with your mil but some feel they can achieve what they desire by going through the dil because they know their own son will tell them no or to mind their own business. I think your MIL should realize that YOU care for this child's well being even more than she and that you are co-decision making with his best interest at heart with Mr. Dis. Being a mil doesn't give one the right to meddle. Making a statement once, nicely, is fine but more than once is meddling and can be manipulative at the least.



    Maybe that is my problem ;) German, Welsh, and Jewish is me through and through(well and then whatever my dad is)


    Hmmmm, I know that it my problem too :D


  10. True, but the thing is My son doesn't ask for milk at all he would rather have something else. I respect my MIL and love her, I don't

    think it gives her the right to wait until Mr.Dis is not around to attack me or feel she has. This is not the first time something like this

    has happened. I understand she cares about his well being maybe I am taking it personaly.


    Darn Germans :ninja: Gotta watch them, they are bossy :lol:

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