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Everything posted by glassdogs

  1. You wouldn't believe it anyway. If the punk was dirty (and he was) and the cop was innocent (he is), it won't fit your scenario. You'd be way ahead to not be asking for the truth and stay wrapped up in your little feel-good liberal world.
  2. True. As long as you can hide behind Pubby's skirt, you can pretty much get away with anything around here.
  3. Why, sure. Just like tougher gun laws have reduced crime. What legislatures have never learned is one simple fact. You can't legislate morality or fix stupid.
  4. As a point of reference, 5000K is the color temp of high noon daylight. (Photo film was balanced to that temperature.) The higher the Kelvin temperature, the more blue the light is. Our brains compensate for the various colors of light and we "see" things rendered in what we perceive as the correct color, but film or digital media doesn't compensate, hence the "white balance" settings on your camera.
  5. I can think of 3 serial violators. They need Breathalyzers on their keyboards.
  6. And it will keep on happening as long as those sweet Democrats keep those welfare checks rolling in.
  7. Firemen DO NOT HAVE TO BE AT THE AIRPORT UNLESS THERE IS A SCHEDULED PASSENGER FLIGHT. Your ridiculous scenario of having personnel sitting there 24/7/365 and projecting $ million payrolls is getting really old. The personnel at HJIA are paid for, in a large part, by the landing/take-off fees paid by the airlines, and ticket taxes/fees.
  8. I'm sorry, Lurker....that scenario doesn't fit Whitey's tall tales about facts not in evidence.
  9. First you say you can live with 3,258 votes making the decision. In the next sentence, you want to see an opposing candidate in November. Which is it? It's obvious. You don't like the outcome, and you are banging your spoon on your high chair tray.
  10. Nobody has ever said your whiny little scheme was against the law. Other than against the "law" of common sense. The underlying erroneous assumption in your stupid idea is that somehow the outcome would have been different if the turnout had been 40% instead of 4%.
  11. Uhhh...NO. I'm more than happy to have a distinguished Marine Colonel veteran with an education from a quality SEC university with a history of leadership sitting as Chairman of this County. But, you go ahead and see if you can find somebody with the skills, background, integrity, energy, and intelligence to go along with your petulant little scheme.
  12. That drum has been broken for a long time, yet, you keep beating it. So, how's your search for a "write-in" Chairman coming along? You might want to read this article. It sorta blows the cover off of your hero, Todd Pownall. http://www.mdjonline.com/neighbor_newspapers/west_georgia/
  13. They've been too busy running around playing like there's no airport and telling everybody the sky is falling.
  14. They spent that money financing lawsuits here in Paulding?
  15. So, does this dismissal now untie the FAA's hands? I was under the impression that the FAA had put the Part 139 Certificate on hold, pending the decision on whether Blake was actually authorized to sign the application. Apparently everybody now knows he was, given the dismissal of the lawsuit. The FAA is required, by their own regulations, to issue certification of landing strips and terminals upon favorable inspection of the facility. . Given that the FAA granted huge amounts of money to build SCF, you can rest assured they inspected the plans, know what the concrete core streng
  16. Gotta watch every move you make....
  17. I don't understand the use of the word "demising" in the original post?
  18. Sounds exactly like what Rush Limbaugh was saying today.
  19. You sure you aren't a script writer for a soap opera? "As Paulding County Turns"? Only thing that would make this more complete would be The Postman tossing his hat in the ring.
  20. Your obsession has blinded you or impaired your reading comprehension. Your movement about a write-in candidate is not viable. In ANY sense of the word. Oh, you can TRY it. Nobody can stop you from that. You would come closer to winning PowerBall than you would being successful in such a campaign. The numbers and logistics tell anyone with any common sense at all that you will fail, and badly. You have neither the skills, the organization, the money, the candidate, nor the platform to present a candidate to the County. "No Commercial Airport" is a dead issue, in case you ha
  21. You are banging on your high chair with your spoon, having a tantrum over the election outcome. Grow up, already. The Nov 8 election is going to be a very high voter turnout. Lines are going to be out the doors at the polling places. And you think you are going to get 15-20,000 Paulding Countians to take the extra time to do a write-in, and remember the exact correct spelling and punctuation of the candidate's name? You've never let common sense, good judgement, or the facts get in the way of your other political causes over the years, I don't expect this to be much differ
  22. So, are you planning on getting the ChickenWorld 4 to file suit against the Elections office to permit your write-in campaign for an unknown candidate with unknown credentials and unknown residency? When will you be crying out for martial law in Paulding County?
  23. Fsssssssssssssssssssst. You just let all the air out of Whitey's balloon. Lurker, you big meanie!
  24. In this county, unfortunately, there is no reasonably efficient method of advertising to the masses. No newspaper to speak of, no affordable way to get advertising on cable channels, and a community message board that reaches darn few. It becomes a pound the pavement type campaign and that's a tough way to get votes. And signage? If that worked, some candidates would have won 90-10. Last weekend, I walked our neighborhood campaigning a bit for Dave. 3 of the first 4 houses I went to didn't even know there was an election coming up on this past Tuesday. (Despite signs in my
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