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Everything posted by glassdogs

  1. And equally, the right to vote with our feet and our wallets to not support in any way the "entertainment" provided by football players or Hollywood.
  2. I have a couple of places that have been damaged by (probably) a weed-eater. And an outside corner molding that is broken. Any ideas of who might handle this?
  3. Well, actually, the Looney Left not only wants to give a free fish to the guy, they also want to regulate the real fisherman's techniques, and tax him into submission. to the point that he is willing to give up fishing because it takes too much effort. So the fisherman stops working, and the Left now has two people to bribe with free fish. And it works, and works, and works. Until they run out of fish to hand out.
  4. Yeah, all those commercial flights in and out of Paulding County International have certainly attracted a group of undesirables.
  5. Yep. Gonna bring LOTS of high-paying full-time jobs. NOT. And the traffic light at E.Paulding and 120 is already screwed up to beat Hell. I can't imagine how Kobb Kounty's DOT is gonna mess it up even worse, but I'm sure they will.
  6. If you need to finance raw land, why not just do a 2nd mortgage on your current house? The interest on a second would be less than the principal and interest on a first mortgage on just the land. Alternatively, find a property with acreage that has an existing house. Buy it, and call a bulldozer operator. You'd already have the utilities in and the septic permit.
  7. I don't recall the same comments from you when Ferguson, MO went up in flames a couple of years ago.
  8. The only message NKorea will ever understand is the same one that POTUS Truman sent to Japan aboard the Enola Gay.
  9. You best stick around and tell them the story first hand, given the state of Paulding schools. In another 10 years, they won't know what a book even is, muchless how to read it.
  10. The Chicken World 4 needs that $300,000 to put out all the fires they have started with their lawsuits against other County agencies.
  11. A judge has issued orders to produce computers and cellphones for forensic investigation.
  12. Yeah... the Chicken World 4. These 4 morons have cost the taxpayers more money than anybody can count with their lawsuits, stalling, and petty vindictiveness. I've heard that the hammer is about to drop on a couple of them for some pretty severe criminal charges.
  13. If only the BOC would spend as much time trying to attract new businesses, ergo jobs and tax revenue, as they do figuring out how to waste money on needless "improvements". Or resisting the use of ones we already have.
  14. Feel free to whine about it, IF, I'm ever hateful toward you. I'd guess you haven't been the recipient of any drunken tirade attacks from the OP?
  15. and what business is it of yours?
  16. Eh....knowing your political bent, I'd venture that the other person wasn't displaying animosity. Just that they have a low tolerance for ignorance.
  17. And I fully agree with you about the "anonymity" part of making a complaint. I've done the report and shown up in court. And, IMO, the main problem is that WORTHLESS A-HOLE Magistrate Valbuena. He's too lazy to even scratch where he itches. Rather than fine the offender or force them to clean the property, he scolds them and then the problem continues.
  18. On the NE corner of Dallas-Acworth Hwy (92) and Brenda Ct., there is a house that has grass (well, weeds) well up over your knees. Given that the property is facing one of the most heavily traveled roads in the County, please 'splain to me how our illustrious law enforcement agencies have missed this?
  19. Ah, no way. Both the washer and dryer together wasn't much more than $1000, if that. Ours are probably 8 or 9 years old now, and the price may have gone up some, but given the warranty and how they are made, I think they are the best product on the market.
  20. And if you want something that will work and last....Speed Queen. Same product (basically) that you see in laundromats. Best appliances we have ever bought.
  21. Need to find a locksmith that can program the keyfob remotes for my truck. It's a Dodge. and I absolutely refuse to do biz with those local crooks on Dallas Hwy.
  22. Other than collect salaries and benefits. Not long ago, I saw a Marshal stop his vehicle on E. Paulding near Mt. Tabor where the junky looking building is, get out and pick up a garage sale sign, and totally ignore all the rubbish and junk laying around the building.
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