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Everything posted by DallasRed

  1. DallasRed


    There is NO need for this...You do not touch what the VETS were promised. Is your DH not livid about this. Sitting back and doing nothing will let them get away with it. I kept saying last year that the Sequester was a BAD BAD idea....Now look what happened.
  2. DallasRed


    Yes they are taking away the COLA increases. It is supposed to match what SS is. That is up to 75K-80K my family is due to lose. Once you turn 62 it comes back in full. So yes that is taking money away from retired VETS.
  3. DallasRed


    WOW! Really RYAN? http://www.arizonadailyindependent.com/2013/12/24/veterans-facebook-post-to-paul-ryan-goes-viral/
  4. DallasRed


    Time to VOTE them all out! "Okay, maybe he didn't say this, but Americans took their eyes off DC and Veterans benefits were cut rather than hundreds of other cuts that are unnecessary spending. Here is article (sent to us by one of our own) that shows where the money could have been easily cut:" WASHINGTON – While the White House and Congress griped this year about the pain of automatic budget cuts, the federal government still managed to spend billions of dollars on seemingly frivolous projects – from a $384,989 grant for Yale University to study the duck penis to $1.9 mil
  5. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was leary of eating tuna and lunch meat...But I had no problem eating nuts. I think they get allergies more by introducing solids too early after they are born. I also stayed away from milk and watched my carbs towards the end of my pregnancy.
  6. YAY on the TV. The kids got a free one for Christmas due to using the credit card so much. Gotta love the reward credit cards.
  7. I may have spent a little less. It looked like less presents but the older the kids get the more expensive things are. Everything is put on credit cards but I pay them off each month. Now I just gotta watch my Target card ETA Same here. Only debt I have like everyone else, is my mortgage payment, except I'm paying on two houses. Even paid for my daughters braces in full..Just to save a couple hundred bucks.
  8. I asked about it on FaceBook and they said we would probably get a call. He is only in week 2 they usually get to call in week 4. I haven't talked to him since he landed or received a letter yet. I just want to hear his voice so bad!!!!!
  9. We cant just sit back and forget! Get the WORD out! Notice the retirement date of the author. "Paul Ryan says of military members, “[w]e owe them a benefit structure they can count on.” This is the most revealing sentence in his editorial. Benefit. No, you don’t owe them a benefit. This isn’t a social benefit. You owe them the compensation you already promised on behalf of their country. It’s not a benefit. It’s a vested pension. It’s earnings they already paid for. That they earned those benefits in intangible ways Paul Ryan doesn’t understand because he’s never served doesn’t ch
  10. I've never had anyone ask me for money like that. If they did I would just tell them to go inside and ask the manager of the gas station for the gas. That is what I did years ago when I ran out of money and couldn't make it home. He gave me $5.00 worth and I told him I needed the address to mail the money and he said don't worry about it.
  11. I don't know what is harder being without your husband or son at Christmas time. I know children grow up and move away, but my son is in Basic Training right now, so I think that is what's making it harder for me and him. Not to mention this will be our first Christmas ever apart...And add to the fact that I cant even call him or see his face makes it hard. Hoping they let them call home that day.
  12. Yes, that is what I thought. And he was trying to be our President http://educationvotes.nea.org/2011/12/02/newt-gingrich-on-poor-children-put-them-to-work/
  13. So sweet. Thanks for sharing. I will be missing my son this Christmas but looking forward to seeing him in February.
  14. HMMMMMM Laura Ingles Wilder Jesus Marylyn Monroe John Adams Einstein George Burns What a group should be a good Party.
  15. Having a bad day? Merry Christmas. Glad things worked out for you Laurie.
  16. DallasRed


    I never said that...Seriously if that is what you got out of what I wrote I cant help you there. Shaking my head at that one I said they aren't working the whole 24 hours they are there. Come on really what is your beef with me? This is ridiculous. He sure does. A friend of mine posted on Facebook about how the media is going on and on about the Dynasty Duck guy where is the outrage about the retired vets? I didn't see a thing on TV today about it. I even had a couple of guys on PCOM trying to say it was OK for them to take money away from the VETS. I couldn't believe
  17. When I was looking to join a gym a few months ago. I went with the Y...Best value for everything you get and you aren't stuck in a contract. I don't think Paulding has one though, you would have to go out to Cobb.
  18. I thought most people who did stuff like that were drunk I rode the train into DC a few times...No where to park.......................
  19. Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful little girl
  20. Love it! Very nice looking family you have
  21. DallasRed


    Couldn't have said it better myself. BABETTE MAXWELL, HUSBAND SERVING IN NAVY: All right. Thank you, Megyn. KELLY: And so, Paul Ryan, the Republican on the end of this, you know, and Patty Murray, U.S. senator, got together and came up with this deal. And he says, the reason they have to have this hit is because it's going to save the military overall. That this whole deal is going to prevent devastating cuts to the greater military. And so, you know, your husband and your family needs to take this hit. MAXWELL: Well, that's ridiculous. I think we have already taken the hit as the
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