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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The association says that while there is still a long way to go, the economy is improving with job growth, lower unemployment, more consumer spending, and even new construction. Slowly it is getting better. My link
  2. America's poor eating habits and lack of exercise is now showing up as a major health concern in our teens. My link
  3. Guess now we know how Iran felt prior to the 1954 Iranian Revolution that overthrew the puppet ruler the US had set up in order that American oil companies could take the Iranian oil and not pay them for it. Or how the rest of the world feels when American companies come into their markets. The point is that companies do this all the time. The domicile of the company is irrelevant since all companies operate for profit only. Politics is always a distant question. Money makes the companies do whatever it does. Just keeping it real and reminding everyone that other countries are now
  4. I'm still pissed that Boston Legal, Life On Mars, and Eli Stone got cancelled.
  5. Call an attorney ASAP. Check your PM box. I have referred several employees to the attorney I sent you the information on. She is GOOD.
  6. Good God. Let it alone. Zimmerman is a racist and did something stupid. The kid got the best of him, either in defending himself or just because he could. WHO CARES. Let the courts figure it out. I find it appalling that the political stripes determine which person is defended. Tea Party defends ZImmerman, and I don't know if that is because they like lenient gun laws or just glad a black kid is dead. Liberals say the kid was murdered, which may be true, but where is the proof Martin attacked Zimmerman? Granted, Zimmerman did somethign stupid to make all this happen but let's let t
  7. I bet he smokes and plays the lottery, too.
  8. The Great Recession ended in 2009 but we are still feeling the effects of it. SLOWLY things are getting better but it is going to take a long time to get out of the deep hole we fell into in 2007.
  9. Best jobs picture in 4 years for graduating college students. Things are slowly getting better. My link
  10. Not this year. The article discusses that.
  11. You are SO right! Jobs are hard to find and people don't realize how hard it is. I remember back before the Great Recession when people would complain about people on welfare being "lazy" and "just not looking for work." These people would say that they could get a job in a week if they wanted one simply by picking up the phone and calling a friend or even working fast food. What these people don't realize is that it is VERY HARD to get a job without some sort of connection. Now, all those fast food jobs are taken up by people who moved "down" because they just needed work. All those "friends"
  12. The NAACP says same-sex marriage is a civil rights issue and will begin working to support have same-sex marriage legal. My link
  13. Drawing benefits has nothing to do with the unemployment rate. If someone is unemployed, she may draw benefits. At certain levels, the states receive extra money from the Federal government. After the legal benefit period runs out, any extra benefits may be cut but that is all from the stimulus plan Bush and Obama got through and is not a permanent plan.
  14. Gas prices keep falling! Unfortunately, falling gas prices mean lower demand outside the US where the economy is starting to falter. That lower output means less worldwide demand and that drops our price for gas. So while we're happy about lower gas prices, it is not a good sign for the world economy. AAA said global economic concerns, especially in Europe, have cause crude oil prices to fall. Weaker economies overseas are expected to consume less crude oil, putting downward pressure on prices. My link
  15. Good news! The latest report is that one third of ATL area small businesses plan on hiring this year and another 51% plan on keeping staffing levels the same, and that means no more layoffs. My link
  16. Always stupid people out there. Companies do the same thing, too, when they make boneheaded decisions that leads to having to fire people and then those people are on Federal assistance. Come on. It's about stupid people and there are always stupid people out there.
  17. A California woman suffered burns after some beach rocks she placed in her pocket, somehow, spontaneously combusted. My link
  18. I pointed out the positive changes we could make to be better.
  19. That is NOT what I said. I said the president doesn't directly control the price of gas. My link I also said that the geo-political sitautions always affect the price of gas regardless of politics.. My link I'm consistent and don't let my politics change my tune, though it seems you may have a problem with that area. My link
  20. That's not very nice. You sound very elitist. Some people have an honest difference of opinion. Anger has gotten the best of you.
  21. I heard it on the radio this morning, too. It also came to me from the news compiler in my email.
  22. Needless to say, Atlanta is not on the list. How sad. We have such an opportunity to improve transportation with such small changes and help the environoment at the same time. If every municipality made the small and forward thinking changes, we could have a more healthy lifestyle and better transportation options. The full list of the "most bikeable" cities: Minneapolis Portland San Francisco Boston Madison Washington, D.C. Seattle Tucson New York City Chicago My link
  23. Thanks to job growth in Mexico and better enforcement along the border, the illegal flow into the US hasall but stopped. My link
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