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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I found this to be quite informative whilst entertaining.
  2. Yea. Constables are the same way. Law enforcement is such a joke.
  3. I simply quoted the AMA headline. It is up to everyone to read it and see what it is.
  4. Congratulations to the ascendency as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury! My link The Telegraph reported on the elaborate ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral. My link Here is a paragraph from his inaugural sermon. My link
  5. The American Medical Association has adopted a resolution calling for the ban of handguns and repeating weapons. My link
  6. A new book due out next week argues that human morality is the product of long, evolutionary process built into the human societal structures. My link
  7. She is 83 and full of energy. She makes a good point. My link
  8. The four week moving average for unemployment claims in America is at its lowest since February 2008. That's a 15% decline since November and signals that employers are terminating fewer employees. That's exceptional news. My link My link
  9. Here's more news on this. My link
  10. A house painted in the colors of the gay pride rainbow across from Westboro Baptist Church? This is the American church that is an example of Fundamentalism and leads protests at military funerals and other locations. The house was purchased and painted to protest the message of the Baptists. My link
  11. "Are you free, Mr. Humphries?" Rest in peace, Captain Peacock. We loved you. My link
  12. As the Baby Boomer population ages in the United States, more families will begin facing the reality of caring for older loved ones with some form of dementia. This is a serious problem for not only its physical toll on the patient, but the vastly expensive circumstance the disease places on the family. I've seen first hand the strain it takes on the family, not just in medical costs but stress. My link
  13. In New York City, the policy of "stop and frisk" by law enforcement has been challenged, claiming that minorities, particularly black and Latino young males, are being targeted more so than other demographics. The mayor of New York, Bloomberg, claims the policy has helped reduce crime. The hearing is on going. My link
  14. A new report from an engineering society in the United States says the national infrastructure is in poor condition and that a lack of investment in keeping infrastructure up to date may cost much more in the future. My link
  15. I don't know of any physician groups doing this personally, but I've been at conferences where it was mentioned in both Canada and Europe, and at one conference in the United States. Perhaps it is a possibility to help alleviate some time constraints on the physician. Certainly some patients would not mind, but others would. My link
  16. That's called an anecdotal. The links I've given are overall in the entire United States economy. That doesn't mean everyone is participating. Remember full employment will mean 5% - 10% will still be unemployed in a capitalistic marketplace. The links I've given show the sales are up; corporate profits are up; unemployment is falling. All the reports show positive information. All of this while hours worked are increasing and production figures are expanding, meaning someone is buying all that stuff and people are working longer. That will result in more hires.
  17. Except retails sales are up significantly despite the rise in petrol prices and have been increasing since 2009. Kinda puts a damper on your essay. And what was that being said about the payroll holiday expiration would cause problems in the US economy? My link 1 My link 2 My link 3 My link 4
  18. Pardon my ignorance on this but does this mean there is currently no sales of alcohol on certain days in this location?
  19. And yet it hasn't affected consumer demand. That is the point the point of which the article I posted made.
  20. The rise in petrol prices has not affected the American consumer demand, the major factor in the economy for the United States. My link
  21. The nations of Brazil, China and India will have GDP that exceeds that of North America (including America), France, Italy, Britain, and Germany put together by 2020. The world should have already been preparing for the dramatic shift in the power structures that are coming. My link
  22. You were of no problem! The thread was a celebration for myself but if it needs to go in a direction to help others, that is fine! Hope it works for you! BTW, dentists are not my favorite physician but they are certainly necessary!
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