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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. All the more reason to not leave that much money in an account that has electronic privileges. Another option that we have available at our financial institution is that transfers between accounts require an additional password and every transfer generates an immediate text message and email.
  2. I particularly agree with the part I placed in bold. This is not against Christianity at all. It is against the extremists who want to put their religious idea into the legal system. Not all religions believe homosexuality is sinful; why, then, is one religious idea in the law over the other? No reasonable person can possibly conclude that homosexuals are not discriminated against in America. Homosexuals cannot marry. They cannot leave spousal benefits to their partner. They do not have employment protection. There is no equal protection. The pastor in the video is right: the same argument
  3. Capital One sent my "unusual purchase" text a few months ago. Unusual in that I put an auto text and auto email on the account for purchases over $100, outside my immediately vicinity and internet. Seems some chap purchased $300 of items over the internet from a sporting store in Luxembourg. The purchases were declined from my card within 20 minutes, the store notified of the fraud, and a new card was in my hands via post in 2 two days.
  4. So you are saying that segregation was not discriminatory? The pastor in the video disagrees with you, too.
  5. I realise this is off the topic at hand and I'm demonstrating my cursory knowledge only but I've heard those statements before. Would you give me a reference verse for that please? I'm not trying to debate those at all; I simply don't have the knowledge of the Holy Book to know of those.
  6. There is discrimination just like segregation was discrimination before it was struck down. The rest of the world scoffs at American hypocrisy since only Muslim nations and third world nations still discriminate against people based on sexual preference.
  7. No. You said the Supreme Court had ruled on this. That is not true. You told a falsehood. Your courts have begun ruling on this and the Ninth Circuit is just the first. The rest will follow and the 14th Amendment will finally be applied.
  8. It was good. Very, very good. It's not about the portions but about the flavor and an appropriate size portion. And Aria never disappoints. First, two of the husbands didn't show (out of town football thingy) and one of the lawyers only came in for the contract signing. That meant there were only 15 of us and we made it a great time. Cocktails: they didn't skimp on the alcohol, especially in the skinny drinks. Really. I suggested we do the Chef's Tasting instead of ordering off the menu. That way we would get the Chef's Best. He didn't disappoint in the least. Appetizer was a
  9. That's not true. But I'm sure you have SO MUCH more training in that area than anyone else. It is working its way through the system and it will be handled in the same way as segregation was handled. One day all Americans will be treated equally under the law.
  10. Not being truthful, are you? You know good and well that until something is challenged and the Supreme Court accepts the case there is no ruling. You know very well the US Supreme Court has not had such a case. Please don't spread falsehoods. And it is discrimination. Gay people are not treated equally as straight couples and are not allowed the same protections and benefits. Many faiths have completely different views than yours. I do find it off that the extreme Fundamentalist Christian and the Fundamentalist Muslims agree on homosexuality. The rest of the religious world hold very d
  11. But the use of "homo" is a very disrespectful term like "Jap" for "Japanese" or "Chincs" for "Chinese."
  12. We've all got our first cocktail and as soon as one more person gets here, we sign and then the fine dine begins!
  13. Please. I don't see you advocating laws that won't let cheaters marry or not have employment protection like you do for gay couples. Also, many Christians would say your view of the Bible is simply not true. I am very wary of anyone that claims to speak the mind of God that calls for discrimination. Even if it is sin, that is up to God to judge and not the government to discriminate. Not everyone that calls themselves Christian, are. Pharisees thought they spoke for God, as I recall.
  14. The limos will pick us all up around 5:00 from all over ATL and we should all arrive at Aria by 6:15 for pre-dinner cocktails and sign the finalized contract between our group and 2 senior partners of an anesthesiology group coming in. Good group and the dinner at Aria is ALWAYS superb. My link Can't wait.
  15. So you get called on your bigotry and decide to leave? Real manly.
  16. This is really an ignorant statement. Just because a man is gay doesn't make him "feminine." Ask Orlando Cruz about him being "feminine." My link Nor does it mean that women are "masculine" if we happen to be gay. Ask Chely Wright about that. My link You are mistaken again. I'm not liberal.
  17. If you would take your blinders off you would see that being born gay is not something to be afraid of.
  18. I never said anything about whether it was someone's right to own a firearm. I never said anything about the Court's rulings. I said it is giving away a gun for voting that makes people, well, look down on the people of Georgia for being rather backwards. It upholds every stereotype out there. In fact, giving away anything for people who vote is quite unsavory. What is your point in this topic? Quite humorous.
  19. There are many people who interpret the Bible quite differently than you in this regard.
  20. Are you really going there? You're not going to change a mind that is that out of touch with reality.
  21. Which part of "for a well regulated militia" do you not understand? You are assuming I want to ban guns. Not true. But that's not the topic, is it?
  22. That is wonderful Yank campaign rhetoric but when it comes to diplomacy, that is what makes the rest of the world not trust the Americans.
  23. Of course, you do realize the second quote you gave is spurious. My link
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