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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The police chief of Waterbury, CT, has cancelled a gun show due to concerns a weapon purchased in the show may be used in a future crime event. My link
  2. Right. From public sector job loss, i.e., government jobs going away. <br style="border: 0px; font-size: 10pt; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"><br style="border: 0px; font-size: 10pt; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/economy/275569-economy-adds-155000-jobs-rate-ticks-up-to-78-percent#ixzz2H2mf1TgT
  3. With 34 consecutive months of positive job growth, 2013 begins on a good note. Sure, it can and will change, and there will be rough spots along the way, but 34 straight months is a good streak. This is slow, steady growth in the economy. My link
  4. Here's where I've lived and or visited and have been served baked beans for breakfast. England. Scotland Australia. Austria. South Africa. Bermuda. Canada. France. Belgium. Germany. Ireland. Northern Ireland. Pennsylvania, USA. Maine, USA. Massachusetts, USA. Connecticut, USA. Delaware, USA. New Hampshire, USA. Vermont, USA. British Virgin Islands. Azores. That's off the top of my head. And Spain. Can't forget that wonderful time in Barcelona!
  5. Yes. Not just at my house. Many places. And always Heinz beans. Always.
  6. A full breakfast always consists of baked beans, though it is certainly not just a British commonality. Eggs and baked beans are wonderful counterparts. Always Heinz beans, also.
  7. A hospital in the American state of Indiana has fired 8 workers who refused to accept the influenza vaccination. The hospital policy requires the influenza vaccination for its patient care employees and even vendors. My link
  8. You are so right! More people need to be involved in the support to help research into this awful disease.
  9. Finally genetic medication may have some promise. Cystic Fibrosis is not going to be cured immediately and there is a long way to go in the development, but it is possible that one day CF sufferers have some good news. My link
  10. My husband is taking the remainder of the week off so he prepared a meal consisting of a traditional breakfast, with eggs, tomato, bacon slices left over from the Holiday meal, baked beans, light toast, and the condiments. Wonderful!.
  11. Congratulations to your son! That is an accomplishment for which he (and you) should be proud. It was a nice gesture to send the emails, too. Well done!
  12. A Bronx woman posing as the aunt of one of the Sandy Hook shooting victims has been arrested for collecting money for a "funeral fund." Disgusting behaviour. My link
  13. In response to the new law in MD that allows gay marriage, the owner of Discover Annapolis Tours has decided to no longer offer wedding party tours because he didn't want to accept business from gay couples, something that would be against his faith. Critics say he is free to operate his business anyway he wants and as long as he offers no wedding tours at all instead of selective business based on sexual preference, then there is no problem. My link
  14. The expiry date on foods we purchase at market are more for the protection of the food company than consumers. The best way to tell if food has gone bad is to use the nose. While I doubt anyone would fill their shopping trolley with foods past the expiry date, the truth is that most are still viable products for consumption, particularly canned goods. My link My link 2
  15. I emjoy listening to Story Corps on the internet. The story this week was about a man who had to find his third grade teacher to say Thank You for the encouragement after his mother had passed during that school year. Very touching. All the Story Corps presentations are wonderful but this was exceptional. I just sent an email to some of my favorite instructors and my nanny, the latter of whom greatly shaped my life. My link
  16. Something that helps the environment and we are against it? The nature of the rule is to keep those bottles out of the landfills and encourage reusable systems of personal hydration. Let's think proactively here.
  17. That's not exactly the nature of the Federal Reserve, nor is it exactly how it operates. However, the Fed is independent of Congress and the Executive Branch precisely because it is too important than to let the economy be controlled by politics. Alexander Hamilton was correct on this one. The subsequent changes to the process over the years were from lessons learned. It is still a fluid process. I don't know much about Coast to Coast but from what little I was able to glean from a quick search, I would say it is not a reliable source of information and highly prone to inaccuracies. My
  18. The Federal program that had 25 nationwide "Task Force" groups designed to check immigration status of individuals during routine traffic stops is ending.There was one program in Georgia used only sparingly by the Georgia State Troopers. My link
  19. The State of Georgia's hospital provider fee is set to expire in 2013 but the consensus was reached to ask the legislature to renew it so the needy would have some resource of medical care. payments. Now, the legislature of Georgia must renew the tax. My link
  20. A gunman overpowered an officer, took her weapon, and wounded her and two additional officers before being killed by other police personnel. Best of hopes for all the officers and families involved. My link
  21. We deal with this issue daily. It is not an easy decision. The lawmakers need to begin looking at this issue immediately in order to properly allow the terminally ill and the family to face death with dignity. And jsut because you're overweight doesn't mean you're lazy, indigent or unattractive. Being healthy is something we all have to work at.
  22. Being vegan doesn't mean you have to miss out of nice Holiday meals! Most fine restaurants have a vegetarian/vegan option for the increasing number of people claiming to be lifestyle vegans. There was a nice interview on NPR about the Holiday meals this morning with the vegan option. My link My link 2
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