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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That's the point. He didn't know if she was a citizen or not. Would an Anglo have been treated the same in having to prove citizenship?
  2. I'm sure you were just in a hurry and didn't read my post. I said that the banks were growing only slowly. While the FDIC said fewer banks are in trouble and the industry as a whole is getting better, many banks are still struggling and only growing slowly. They are getting better but it will take a while.
  3. It's only up 5000 points since March 2009, only three months after Obama took office. That's almost 80%. You blamed the market going down on Obama.My Link1 My Link 2 So when it goes up, do you give him credit? Can't have it both ways.
  4. OMG. You didn't just say that, did you? So an Anglo without a license wouldn't be suspected of being an illegal? Sorry, but that is a VERY racist statement.
  5. You know the drill to beat high cholesterol but a new study says that by adding more soy and nuts to your diet, a person can reduce bad cholesterol by as much as 14%. My Link
  6. While the FDIC said fewer banks are in trouble and the industry as a whole is getting better, many banks are still struggling and only growing slowly. They are getting better but it will take a while. My Link
  7. Conditions at CA prisons are being reviewed after a long line of budget cuts, more overcrowding and hunger-strikes by inmates. Weighing the humane treatment of prisoners with the realities of less and less money, the state is having to reconsider how it handles all prisoners. My Link
  8. This group of religious leaders say the new AL law goes against their ideas about god so they want to sue to stop the law similar to AZ law from going into effect. My Link
  9. Things just keep getting worse and worse. If things keep going down like this, we will all be bankrupt soon. It is the failure of this administration as proven by the disaster we've seen the last few days. Just a disaster.
  10. But we do get along better than they do. In the last 245 years, we haven't killed each other over ideas about god as a normal thing, though people still argue over it. Not many places can say that.
  11. An illegal alien has won a lawsuit in TN against the Sheriff's Department that arrested her. She was awarded $200,000. Now she is asking for a special Visa to stay in the US. My Link
  12. The new 30 foot tall sculpture in front of the Jefferson Memorial has been unveiled. The dedication will be this Sunday. My Link
  13. Don't take this the wrong way but there is nothing "feel good" about some Christians either, AKA Westboro Baptists and some of others that are LOCAL I've met in the years we've lived down here. The point is that those two groups were cooperating and getting along. Can't we learn from those?
  14. I thought this would have been a "feel good" conversation where we could talk about seeing the good in things. Guess not. I don't like it when people on here decide what the Muslims believe when I bet there are as many Muslim views as there are Christian ideas. Christians can't agree on many things as what the Bible says (just look at the number of churches) but how someone can decide what the Koran says for all Muslims is beyond me. Still, here are two groups cooperating together and here is paulding.com arguing over what the Muslims do in OTHER countries and what MUSLIM interpretatio
  15. In TN a Christian Church let a Muslim group use their church building while the Muslim Center was being built. The two groups still cooperate on community projects and seem to have a good working relationship. Maybe if more religions worked together instead of fighting each other the world would actually be a better place. Imagine. My Link
  16. Here is your post 14 when you said. Show of hands.....Who here was surprised by the S&P Downgrade? Obama wasn't either. Just because the investigation started before the deed was completely done doesn't mean that it wasn't politically motivated. One has to ask why Moody's, a friend of Obama's, wasn't included in this witch hunt. They rated as many if not more securities in the exact same manner as S&P. Your post would indicate that neither Moodys nor the other one (can't remember its name) is under investigation. I'm sure you just missed the part in the link that said there
  17. I don't think many people would define the excess of what we had as normal and a recvery happens neither over a short period nor anywhere close to where we were. According to everyone out there, recoveries don't go in a straight line and because of how bad it was in 2008, it will take a long time to come out of this.
  18. A few days ago, DH came home with what we thought was a cold. It got worse over the last couple of days so I took him to the ER this afternoon. After 4 hours in the ER and another 2 hours getting medications filled and lots of soup and stuff, he is now sleeping. Dr said he should be over the pneumonia in about a week but will need to stay out of work another 5-10 days after that to make sure he doesn't relapse. And to top it all off, my two boys have some birthday parties this weekend to attend. Looks like I may be calling in some favors of some other moms to haul the yard apes around
  19. I will do just that. I had hoped you would retract your unverified assertion after it was pointed out.
  20. Maybe you have been told something that wasn't quite accurate because, unless I've missed the news, there hasn't been any effort to tax yard sale items. Could you give us some details on the bill being considered or what GA representative is sponsoring the legislation? I'm not saying you're mistaken but maybe we've just not gotten the information yet. Maybe a link so we can read about the law you believe is being considered?
  21. I would have to say your being a tad misleading in your statement. There has been no confirmation NOR denial that the other two major rating agencies are or are not under investigation. Your post would indicate they are not being investigated. That is not something we know to be true right now. I realize this was probably just an error on your part because you weren't aware that there was not a firm yes or no about the investigation into the other two groups. This gives you a chance to correct your post. My Link A source familiar with the probe told NPR on Thursday that the Department
  22. You know, I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something that you had found, so I went back and re-read the NPR article a few times. Would you be so kind as to point out to me what NPR said everyone should believe? I couldn't find it in there anywhere since it reported on the investigation and didn't say one way or the other. And it is the same story that was on Fox News. My Link Is Fox News telling people what to think, too?
  23. That wasn't an insult or at least a smart alec remark? Riiiiiiiight. Would you be so kind as to state what my opinion is on the matter? I don't recall giving it. You said I gave an opinion so I would like to know what my opinion was that I gave.
  24. Notice who threw an insult right off the bat.
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