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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. My thoughts are with you, your family and your granddaughter!
  2. Just watched the re-runs again. Love it!
  3. Research is showing more and more that certain foods help with brain functioning and may slow down or prevent Alzheimer's. Problem is that those things are not what are most Americans eat. My Link
  4. This is strange. She lost the ring in the kitchen and then, 16 years later while pulling up carrots from her garden, she pulls one carrot that had grown through that wedding ring. My Link
  5. A second person has died in Louisiana after using a neti-pot with tap water, allowing a brain-eating amoeba to infect them. Doctors warn that tap water should never be used for cleaning out the sinus. My Link
  6. 2011 was a record year for deportation of illegals, mostly back to Latin America. My Link
  7. With fewer means of servicing these people due to state budget cuts, the valuable space in the ER is being taken by people the ER cannot really serve. The added cost of the ER only drives up the cost of care for everyone else. My Link
  8. New evidence suggests that the global market place has caused the Gen Y population to see the value of non-traditional work hours. The work place is changing. My Link
  9. The restaurant owner, a naturalized immigrant from France himself, has been fined $400,000 for knowingly hiring 91 illegals over the years. My Link
  10. Japan continues its whaling tradition despite the shrinking numbers of whales. My Link
  11. A soldier from CA was shot at his homecoming party after trying to break up a fight between his brother and another party goer. My Link
  12. Almost 1/3 of our population will have been arrested by age 23. My Link
  13. His business did really well earlier this year when some guy said Jesus was coming back. While business has slowed down, the owner says he expects it to really pick up toward the end of next year when 2012 draws to a close. My Link
  14. I don't undestand your hostility. I had not heard anything about Christie but that doesn't absolve us from the fact that is just rude to make fun of someone's size or looks. I hope I am just reading your post wrong but I do hope you don't think making fun of someone's appearance is acceptable.
  15. What you may not know about Santa. I didn't realize he is not that old of a tradition. My LInk
  16. Now South American health officials are trying to figure out what to do following the decision in France over the PIP implants. My Link
  17. Not a rosey picture and we have a long way to go, but there are plenty of positive signs to say things are continuing to improve slowly. It will take a while to get out of the mess after the worst thing we've seen since the Great Depression. My Link
  18. That is really uncalled for. Using derogatory names like "libtards" is not a way to have a constructive discussion. Fact is, it is down right rude. No one else is saying things like that in this thread. The Golden Rule is to treat others the way you would want to be treated. Let's at least try to be half-way cordial and show some respect instead of hostility.
  19. I didn't use an NPR link. You assumed I did. I had not heard about any criticisms of Christie's size. Had I heard of it, I would have posted how wrong that was too. Criticizing or making fun of someone's size is rude and boorish. I wouldn't want anyone doing that to me so I would certainly think it is wrong to do that to someone else. That's the Golden Rule. What's wrong with it is that it is just low class.
  20. Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin was overheard on two different occassions criticizing Michelle Obama's rear end as being "large." The Congressman has sent the First Lady a personal note of apology. My Link
  21. Just like in AZ, GA, AL and other states with "tough" immigration laws, a Federal judge has set aside the main component that would require law enforcement to check the immigration status of those suspected of being illegals. The US Supreme Court will eventually hear the case. My Link
  22. This poor baby! The cat somehow got stuck in the engine compartment and 4 hours later the driver found him. Thankfully the cat is going to be fine but OMG! My Link
  23. Let's hope the good news keeps getting better and we have more people working soon! My Link
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