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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Everyone is condemning this act, including the military. The people that seem to be OK with it are here. How far from mainstream is this place? My Link
  2. +100 I know the last line was a joke but some people don't understand humor.
  3. What a riddle. How come all these birds are inside sharks? My Link
  4. We already do this for tobacco and alcohol. A new study has concluded that a 1 cent per ounce tax on sodas would: prevent about 240,000 cases of diabetes, 8,000 strokes, and 26,000 premature deaths per year. My Link
  5. What they did is beyond reprehensible. But taking another life, even this one, is still a saddening event. I would prefer life imprison. Staying locked up forever and having to suffer at the hands of other inmates is a far worse punishment in my mind.
  6. But it is our place. That's why the rules are in place that says this sort of stuff is wrong. We had this problem in WW II and these regulations have been in place a long time. It doesn't matter what they do because we are supposed to be better than that. The law does not allow us to violate the rules just because the enemy does. We can't claim to be morally superior when we don't actively condemn, punish and take steps to eliminate such disgusting actions.
  7. I am not ES but I will ask you a few questions on his behalf. First, why is this a "Marxist" issue when Marxism is about economics, not desecration of corpses? I'm sure you know that but I just wanted to point that out as a reference. Second, this looks like a lot of anger on your part. Why are you attacking someone on a personal level like this? Third, I think we should all follow the Golden Rule. That is an ethical teaching that is good 24/7, 365 days a year, and is meant for all people, even our enemies. Fourth, the entire world has condemned this. Every country. Every politica
  8. And who are you to decide what is honorable? We are a nation of laws and are better than that. Why do you want us to act like the uncivilized we are fighting against? I notice you didn't answer my point that peeing on corpses is not allowed and everyone knows that. Why didn't you address that? You're trying to change the subject about mistreatment of corpses to talk about reinstating the draft. Isn't that what the Democrats called for and the Right Wing Republicans fought against that? Maybe you should taken some classes on recent American history to get your story straight. You can't
  9. There is no excuse for what they did. Lt. Calley already tried that excuse and lost.
  10. You know that the sense of honor is held in high regard and excusing this disgusting action is very much dishonorable. There is no excuse for mistreating a corpse and the military doesn't allow it. I'm surprised that you would excuse a soldier violating the honor code. Never mind. I'm not surprised. Not at all. I would like to see your battles plans that would have completed the war in Afghanistan in a few months and the evidence that you have that you know more than the educated leaders. I'm sure you know more about these things than I do but I do question your credentials to make su
  11. It would make a good movie, along with the Norsemen getting all the way to Rhode Island, Minnesota and Oklahoma just so they could plant Rune Stones.
  12. OMG! I just woke up the kiddies! They came out wanting to know why Mommie is laughing so hard when she is not watching TV!
  13. But according to her, just barely better. I would hope she wouldn't discriminate but with that sort of thought process, it would always be in the back of the mind, seems like.
  14. I saw this and was just about to post it! So sad that she was resorting to prostitution for whatever reason. At least the police realize the reason the husband didn't tell it all is because of the embarrassment. Prayers for the family.
  15. I've not heard of this. Is it where people can visit?
  16. BTW...anytime a poster throws out NPR, etc as insults; it only demonstrates that they frequent propaganda sites, and any credibility they have is instantly gone. Congrats on losing yours.
  17. There is an interesting fight between some researchers over a site near Blairsville over the conjecture that it was built by the Mayans. My Link
  18. Totally shocked that this would be someone's thinking in 2012, especially a state lawmaker in our state. My Link
  19. With an improving economy and easier credit, Americans bought 10% more cars than in 2010. Things are getting better. My Link
  20. In an effort to stop overuse of anti-biotics, the FDA has moving to stop some from being used at all. My Link
  21. The fact remains that kids are overweight, that the typical American diet is not healthy. and that kids don't exercise nearly enough. Other indistrialized nations don't have this problem AND they have better access to health care than we do. Europe is far ahead of us on this. We are teaching our kids to eat themselves to death while sitting on the sofa.
  22. Some bank are partnering with debt collectors to create another revenue stream and hook people into paying more than they should. The debt collector buys old debts from the bank. The debt collector gets the person to agree to pay something on the debt and in turn the person gets a new credit card from the bank at a high interest rate. The problem is these are already subprime and the people are not told that most of these debts will fall off soon anyway. Some banks and debt collectors have already been accused of failing to disclose the pertinent information and for taking advantage of people
  23. A seismologist has blamed a serious of Ohio earthquakes on a company's wastewater from "fracking" and the process, along with the wastewater, can contaminate ground water. My Link
  24. I hadn't heard that! Good news!
  25. There are some really sick people in this world.
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