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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Iran is now saying that more countries after France and England may have their Iranian oil supplies cut if they take action against Iran. My Link
  2. Print out a copy of your bank statement that shows the double entry. Go up to the Power Company in person. Show them the statement and explain the problem. That should be enough to get it handled.
  3. The article says that teens and kids are now more and more having sex change treatments. While I'm glad the medical community is talking about the issue more, I'm leary of someone so young going through a life altering treatment. My Link
  4. And how long ago was that because that is not my experience within the last 20 years of meeting Europeans visiting here.
  5. Ouch. The problem is that GA is a right to work state and you can be fired for looking for another job. The employer is your god in this case. I don't have any answers for you. I will light a candle for you next time I go to mass. Best of luck to you!
  6. The court is going to rule on it one way or the other.
  7. Can't we learn from others? Or are we the only reservoir of truth? I am just posting an opinion of another and think maybe we can at least consider it. A lot has happened in 250 years.
  8. Teens 12-19 in some CA counties can mail order condoms. Some officials are saying that teenage sexual activity is happening anyway, so the condoms and the accompanying information is helpful. Others say it is licensing teen sex. My Link
  9. The US Supreme Court is considering the case where a person says he is a war veteran but isn't. Is that free speech and the "consumer beware" or is it a criminal act? My Link
  10. Another example of the American verses European lifestyle. DO we need more balance in the US of A? My LInk
  11. Because the 2 nations have made harsh statements about Iran's nuclear program, Iran is cutting oil shipments to both England and France. The European Union has imposed sanctions against Iran, led by England and France, and Iran is retaliating. My LInk
  12. Boar's Head frankfurters with chips and chicken soup. Comfort food. Hubby is drinking the red wine since he doesn't have to work tomorrow, either. Simply Naked Merlot, unoaked. And it is so good!
  13. Rob Bell, Love Wins. Got it from a suggestion on here and LOVE IT. It basically recounts how modern Christianity has shoved the Biblical ideas of faith in the corner and just ignore history. When I read the "conservative" Christians and their view of history on here, it is so painfully obvious they have no clue. No clue whatsoever.
  14. That's cheap. I need to check out Hwy 278 Movies. The tickets we usually pay are $15 to $20 each. And by the time we've had dinner and drinks, we're at $200 for a night out with a movie.
  15. Where are you getting in the movies that cheaply?
  16. I guess The Devil Went Down to Georgia doesn't qualify.
  17. There is a science to the song lyric that the poets and singers have known forever. Sad songs elicit emotions and make us WANT to listen to them over and over. Same Old Lang Syne. Does it to me every time. My Link
  18. But the rule is it can't happen in the day care. Period. Doesn't matter if you were in the bathroom or in the front lobby. If anyone says it happened on the premises, there is a state investigation. Please be considerate of the people who have jobs there and can't risk losing them over your insistence in asserting your parental authority even if the rules say spanking cannot be done there. People's jobs are important too.
  19. In light of the recent topics here, I read this article and find it quite refreshing. Perhaps American parents could learn from the French and, in the end, have better behaved children an more refined adults? My Link
  20. Yes, really. Their site. Their rules. And the state rules forbid it on the premises by personnel and the day care certainly doesn't want word to be around that it happened, even by a parent since it could foster a state investigation.
  21. Taxes. That always gives me nausea.
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