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Status Updates posted by Gaileespaz

  1. Sorry again, that I had to bail. It was so nice to meet you.

  2. I'm hiding.. I'm hiding sick under the covers lately. :(

  3. Come out, come out.. where eva you are!

  4. Lady TASS!!

    Oh.. Lady TASS!!!

    Where o'where is our Lady Tass!

    We miss you.

  5. Happy B-day!

    Today is my son's b-day too!

  6. That's a really great avatar picture!


  7. Did you get it to work?

  8. Hey... saw April today and told her I sent you her way. Hope you're loving the new do!

  9. That's an awesome pic of you and your youngest there!


  10. Bumping 'da stars!



  11. Just wanted to say welcome to p.com!!!

    My mom just finished treatment.


  12. Bumped yer stars for ya!

  13. Happy Birthday, Stranger!!!

  14. You DID it!!

    I'm so proud of you!


  15. Do you have a website yet? If so, please PM the link.

  16. MIA - Lady Tass

    Where you be at?

  17. Just bumping your stars!!!

  18. Just stopped in to bump yer starts!

  19. Just checking on yout!

    How's your sweet lil' baby doing? :)

  20. I'm missing my Aunt Sugar!

    Where you be at, woman?

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