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Everything posted by audioslave

  1. I like to beat the total hell out of them with whatever I can get my hands on. I leave no chance of survival. I put a pair of jeans on once and was stung on the thigh. It scarred me for life. I discovered one in the shower with me a few years back and I literally took the shower curtain and rod down as I bailed. I hate those things.
  2. You ain't cheezetin. I don't know who screams louder...me or my daughters.
  3. I have an exterminator, however, last year was difficult to keep them under control (the Scorpions). I don't know if I need to find a new exterminator or if I am just doomed to deal with the problem. I do NOT want to deal with it--I can handle maybe one here...another there--per year. But last year I killed as many as three in one day/evening.
  4. Scorpions. I hate them. I abhor them. They creep me out and I don't want to deal with them this year. Any success stories with keeping them hell out of your house?
  5. For me, it depends. All of the desktops in my house I built myself and they are all running Win7. I also have a MacBook Air that I use 75% of the time. I run Linux in a virtual machine on my desktop and my Mac--usually Arch Linux http://www.archlinux.org. It is pretty much super-nerd linux. Unless you are familiar with Linux, I would suggest trying Ubuntu or Mint: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop http://www.linuxmint.com The cool thing about both Ubuntu and Mint is you can burn it to a CD-R and boot directly from the disc to try it out--it will not harm or make any changes to your
  6. I had some of the best miso soup and sushi of my life at Tao in Vegas. Cab drivers are nuts in Vegas. I have ridden cabs in Manhattan--Vegas is much worse. Have fun!
  7. Am I the only one who laughed like hell at the irony of the typo in the second sentence?
  8. TIE = Telx Internet Exchange GNAX = Global Net Access
  9. I help manage TIE. For the record, this was not an issue on our side. Further, GNAX was just as responsible for the outage as was the other peer leaking full routes to their peers. If GNAX had been configured correctly, they would have shut routing updates from that particular peer until the routing tables were configured properly. Their 'fix' is actually a best practice they should have had configured to begin with. Just sayin'.
  10. This is probably my favorite. The lyrics are epic--I get a different meaning every time I listen to it.
  11. Here is a good link to document and correlate a CME with its earthly effects: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/news/News090412-filament.html
  12. You do know that airlines routinely divert flights around either of the poles when X class flare CME's are directed toward the earth, right?
  13. EMP's are very real and are a natural phenomena we have been aware of for quite a while. Heck, cave men who saw a lightning bolt were witnessing an EMP. Gamma ray bursts, coronal mass ejections (CME's), and the like are real. They aren't hypotheses, they are observable and measurable. In fact, we stumbled upon gamma ray bursts by accident while trying to monitor covert nuclear testing by the Russians in the 1960's. The strongest one observed ever was just last year in 2013. We have even weaponized EMP's--in both nuclear and non-nuclear forms. The EMP weapons effectively fry electr
  14. It works. Don't ask me how I know, but it works.
  15. I read the other day that if all critical transformers in the US grid were fried tomorrow: Given the current small inventory of spares and the time it takes to produce new ones, it would be 10 years before the grid was fully repaired.
  16. Where I work, the migration from XP was completed about 6-7 months ago. After that point, anyone who exposes any element of our infrastructure to an XP machine is immediately terminated with cause.
  17. Kaspersky is a third party program. It will not guard against underlying flaws in an operating system. Anyone who updates regularly, as they should, received security updates to Windows XP as recently as March 10th of this month. The fact that Microsoft will never release another patch, security or otherwise, after April 8th, means that ANY exploitable flaw will be there until the end of time. Period. Further, this means that 'black hats' are sitting on a cache of exploits. It will be open season for anyone who is running Windows XP and is exposed to a wide area network like the
  18. They actually have extended it a few times--April 8th is the drop dead last date, however.
  19. You do realize I didn't mention anything about shooting anyone? Hell, I didn't even say I would point it at anyone. I said 'greet.' To me, the implication should simply be that if you are in the vicinity of my house, in the wee hours, I have the forethought to arm myself (and will) while I ascertain who you are and/or why you are 'lurking.' Please keep in mind that I live on 3 heavily wooded acres, therefore, if someone is in my yard and/or knocking on my door in the middle of the night they aren't looking to borrow sugar. I have owned guns for 28 years of my life. As for being a 'res
  20. I have posted this in the past, however, I don't feel it can be over-stated: Windows XP will no longer be supported or updated by Microsoft after April 8th, 2014. Please know that no amount of anti-virus, malware, or other third party security software will protect you from any vulnerabilities that exist in Windows XP as of April 8th. Your options: Use Linux Buy a Mac Upgrade to at least Windows 7 Use Walkie Talkies Pony Express All joking aside: Please, please, please heed this reminder seriously. Microsoft can only fix or patch the vulnerabilities they actually know abo
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