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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. By edict, all accounts that were suspended have been unsuspended.


    One of the reasons is that suspension seemed extreme given that a user may not access PMs nor may they even view the board.


    Fewer than four active members were involved and members such as adultfilms (bestboyfilms.org), Tail of a spammer and spam bitch of the world were not included in the amnesty.



    You just take the fun out of it pubby. :lol:

  2. oh, are we boring you??? Why dont you give us your take on...hmmmmm...lets see...








    the Nativity!?!?!?!?!?! :p


    :::AGG ducks head and runs for cover:::

    I wish they had one where everyone was dressed in leather and patches and had motorcycles instead of camels. Maybe we can stage one like that on the courthouse square next year. If anyone complains we can just keep moving it around to different government facilities. Drive them nuts.

  3. He knows me and STILL loves me. I know him and still love him.


    I am always ME with him, and vice-versa. There's nothing fake in our relationship.


    I love his Mom as much as he does (well, almost).


    He's my best friend, and a match (and then some!) for my wit.


    I can call him a smarta$$, and he'll say, "Well aren't you glad you didn't marry a dumba$$?"


    He makes me laugh EVERY DAY.


    Oh, and the $eX is HAWT. :blush:



    TMI :lol:

  4. I've been married 25 years. My only marriage. There is no magic formula, but I think some people expect too much from marriage, and when they don't get out of it what they want they toss in the towel, only to go out and do it again. I know people on their third and forth, never realizing they might be a part of the problem.

  5. Relax and Enjoy


    The world will wind you up into a tight little ball if you let it. Don't let it.

    Relax and enjoy the ever-changing flow of being alive. There's no point in working yourself into a frenzy about anything.


    The more uptight you are, the more mistakes you make. Relax, stop taking everything so seriously, and you'll find that you're vastly more effective.


    Put a big, authentic and friendly smile on your face. Put some delightful positive thoughts in your mind.


    The worst that could happen will almost certainly not happen. And even if it does, you'll find a way to handle it.


    Live with passion and purpose while letting go of the tension and anxiety. Relax and enjoy every moment as it comes, and you'll be giving the world your very best.


    -- Ralph Marston

    Actually, all I need is Walmart for that to happen. I made the stupid mistake of going there after work for a few things yesterday. After about the 5th rude arse person shoved pasted me like I was invisible I almost lost it. People in there act like they have been locked up since birth and it is the first time they have been in public, much less a store. Get some freking manners you rednecks!

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